Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
Mental retardation - IQ
IQ 70 or below
Mild retardation - IQ
Moderate retardation - IQ
Severe retardation - IQ
Profound retardation - IQ
IQ < 25
disturbed consciousness and cognition
Huntington’s disease
form of dementia; genetically inherited progressive degenerations of thought, emotion, and movement
Pick’s disease
form of dementia; disease of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain characterized by a change in personality
Who coined term schizophrenia
Eugene Bleuler
Eugene Bleuler
coined term schizophrenia
What was schizophrenia called before it got this name?
dementia praecox
What does schizophrenia mean?
split mind - mind is split from reality
Positive symptoms
behaviors, thoughts, or affects added to normal behavior
Delusions: false beliefs, discordant with reality, that are maintained in spite of strong evidence to the contrary
- Delusions of reference: belief that others are talking about him/her
- Delusions of prosecution: belief that a person is deliberately plotted against
- Delusions of gradeur: belief that he/she is a remarkable person
Hallucinations: perceptions that are not due to external stimuli but have a compelling sense of reality
Disorganized thought: loosening of associations
- May invent new words: neologism
Disturbance of affect: blunting, flat affect, inappropriate affect
Catatonic motor behavior: both extremes – paralysis and useless and bizarre movements not caused by external stimuli
Symptom of schizophrenia
Delusions: false beliefs, discordant with reality, that are maintained in spite of strong evidence to the contrary
a. Delusions of reference: belief that others are talking about him/her
b. Delusions of prosecution: belief that a person is deliberately plotted against
c. Delusions of gradeur: belief that he/she is a remarkable person
perceptions that are not due to external stimuli but have a compelling sense of reality
Disorganized thought
loosening of associations
May invent new words: neologism
Disturbance of affect
blunting, flat affect, inappropriate affect
Catatonic motor behavior
both extremes – paralysis and useless and bizarre movements not caused by external stimuli
Negative symptoms
those symptoms that involve the absence of normal or desired behavior
Flat affect, where the individual’s emotional expression is blunted
prodromal phase
Before schizophrenia diagnosed, a patient often goes through a phase characterized by poor adjustment (distinct from active phase)
process schizophrenia
onset of symptoms slow
reactive schizophrenia
onset of symptoms sudden
Catatonic schizophrenia
disturbance in motor behavior
i. Catalepsy: motor immobility
ii. Echolalia: parroting
iii. Echopraxia: imitating the gestures of others
Paranoid schizophrenia
preoccupation with one or more delusions or frequent hallucinations
Disorganized schizophrenia
flat or inappropriate affect and disorganized speech and behavior (also called hebephrenic schizophrenia)
hebephrenic schizophrenia
Another name for disorganized schizophrenia
Shared psychotic disorder
also known as a folie a deux; when two people have shared delusions
folie a deux
another name for shared psychotic disorder