Abnormal Psych Flashcards
DSM 5-
Catergorical approach that divides the mental disorders into types that are defined by diagnostic criteria and whether client meets minimum criteria for diagnosis
Polythetic Criteria
allows for individual differences, requires client to present with only a subset of characteristics from a larger list , two clients can have somewhat different symptoms but receive same diagnossi
Diagnostic Uncertainty
indicated by either
Other Specified Disorder: coded when clinician wants to specify why clients symptoms do not meet criteria for a specific diagnosis
Unspecified Disorder: coded when the clinician does want to indicate the reasons why the clients symptoms do not meet criteria for a specific diagnosis
Outline for Cultural Formulation:
guidelines for assessing four factors: clients cultural identity, the clients cultural conceptualization of distress, psychosocial stressors, and cultural factors that impact clients vulnerablity and resilence, and cultural factors relevant to relationship between client and therapist
Cultural Formation Interview:
CFI semi structured interview consisting of 16 questions designed to obtain information on clients view of social cultural context of problems,
Four domains: cultural perceptions of cause, context, support,
Cultural Syndromes:
Cultural Idioms:
Cultural syndromes- clusters of symptoms and attributions that co occur among individuals from a particular culture
Cultural Idioms of distress: members of different cultures to express distress and provide shared ways of talking about personal and social concerns
Intellectual Disability :
deficits in intelluctual functioning
Deficits in adaptive functioning
Onset during developmental period
Severity based on conceptual, social and practical domains
Intellectual Disability Etiology
5% due to hererdity( Tay sachs, Fragile X syndrome, PKU)
30% chromosomal changes and exposure to toxins 10% to pregnancy and prenatal problems, 5% to acquired medical conditions, and unknown in 30% -low birth weight strongest predictor of severity in unknown cases
Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder( Stuttering)
begins around 2-7 and symptoms become worse when pressure to communicate
65 to 85% of children recover, with severity of dysfluency at age 8 being a good predictor of prognosis
Childhood Onset Fluency Treatment:
reducing psychological stress at home in young children,
Habit reversal treatment for adults and adolescents - awareness, relaxation, motivation, competing, and generalization training
competing response is regulated breathing, deep diaphragmatic breath
Autism Spectrum Disorder Criteria:
Persistent deficits in social communication and interaction across mutiple contexts as manifested in nonverbal communication, social emotional reciprocity, and development of relationships
Restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, manifeted by repepitive motor movements, use of objects or speech, insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized by behavior,
Symptoms during developmental period
Autism Spectrum prognosis
Generally poor. Best outcome is associated with an ability to communicate verbally by age 5 or 6 an IQ over 7, later onset of symptoms
Autism Spectrum Etiology:
unusually rapid head growth during first year of life abornormalities in amygdala and cerebellum, higher among biological siblings of individuals with this disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment:
parent management training, social interaction skills, shaping and discrimination training
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Criteria;
characterized by pattern of inattention and hyperactivity that has lasted at least 6 months has an onset prior to age 12 and occurs in at least 2 settings and requires at least 6 symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity
Inattention- fails to give close attention to detail, sustaining attention to tasks, doesnt listen to when spoken to directly, fails to finish schoolwork or chores, is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, often forgetful in daily activities
Hyperactivity- impulsivity- frequently fidgets or squirms in seats, often leaves seat at inappropriate times, frequently runs or climes in inappropriate situations, talks excessively, difficulty waiting his or her turn
ADHD associated features:
test lower on IQ tests than other children although their intelligence is average or above average,
Social adjustment, peer rejection, low self esteem, poorer health outcomes,
Adults with ADHD elevated risk for Bipolar disorder, anxiety, antisocial behavior and substance abuse
Prevalence and Gender of ADHD
5% for children and 2.5% for adults,
Gender: overall more prevalent in males than females, inattentive more common for females
ADHD course prognosis:
65 to 80% of children with ADHD continue to meet criteria in adolescence.
In adults impulsivity takes the form of impatience and irritability, problems related to management of time and money, reckless driving, and impulsive sexuality
ADHD treatment
Methyphenidate( Ritalin) and other CNS stimulants have benefical effects on core symptoms of ADHD in 75% of cases,
Parent training, and teacher training,
*studies indicate that medication management alone and and combined treatment of medication and behavioral management produce similar reduction in core symptoms of ADHD, however follow up in 3 and 8 years showed that the superior benefits of medication alone or combined did not persist and outcomes were comparable to those for children who only had behavioral management
Specific Learning Disorder:
diagnosed when a person exhibits difficulties related to academic skills indicated by presence of at least one characteristic symptom that persists for at least 6 months despite the provision of interventions targeting those difficulties , also require individual academic skills are below those expected, began during the school age years and impair functioning
Comorbid ADHD in 20 to 35% of children with SLD
More common in males than females
Etiology: cerebellar vestibular dysfunction, incomplete dominance and other hemisphere abnormalities, and exposure to toxins.
Tourettes Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
Presence of at least one one vocal tic and multiple motor tics that appear together or at different times, persist for more than 1 year and began prior to age 18.
*linked to elevated levels of dopamine in the caudate nucleus
common features related are obsessions and compulsions and the rate of OCD is not only higher for individuals with Tourettes Disorder but also biological relatives, also hyperactivity, impulsivity, and distractibility
Tourette’s Disorder Treatment
pharmacotherapy of antipsychotic drugs including haloperidol and pimozide have been effective in 80% of cases.
*drawback is negative side effects,
SSRI can be helpful for alleviating the obsessive compulsive symptoms, clonidine or desipramine
CBIT- evidence based treatment for tics and incorporates habit reversal, relaxation training, and psychoeducation
Behavioral Pediatrics Hospitalization
hospitalized children are at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems that range from mildly disruptive behaviors to anxiety, depression, or severe withdrawn
Children 1-4 have most negative reactions to hospitalization due to child’s seperation
Behavioral Pediatrics Compliance
lack of compliance with medical regimens includes lack of knowledge or skill, parent child conflict, and developmental issues, studies have shown that compliance in adolescent is due to concerns about peer acceptance, reduced conformity to rules and reduced parental supervision
Delusional Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
presence of one or more delusions that least at least 1 month
Delusional Disorder Types:
Erotomanic- person believes someone is in love with him or her
Grandiose: person believes he or she has great but unrecognized talent
Jealous: person believes spouse is unfaithful
Persecutory: person believes that he or she is being conspired against
Somatic: person believes that he or she has an abnormal bodily function or sensation
Also, mixed and unspecified
Schizophrenia Diagnostic Criteria
Presence of at least 2 active phase symptoms:delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized behavior or negative symptoms for at least 1 month with continuos signs of the disorder for at least 6 months and significant impairment in functioning
*prevelance is .3 to .7% for population, and slightly lower for females than males
common comorbid disorders are Substance Use Disorder, and Tobacco Use disorder
Schizophrenia Prognosis
onset is usually between late teens and early 30s with the peak being between early to mid 20s for males and late 20s for females.
*better prognosis is associated with good premorbid adjustment, an acute and late onset, female gender, presence of a precipitating event, brief duration of active phase symptoms, family history of mood disorder, and no family history of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia concordance rates
Risk for Schizophrenia Biological Sibling 10% Fraternal Twin 17% Identical twin ( 48% Children of two parents with schizophrenia 46%
Schizophrenia Etiology/Dopmaine Hypothesis
Enlarged ventricles is the most common structural brain abornmality , hypofrontality has been linked to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia
*dopamine hypothesis- attributes it to elevated dopamine levels
Schizophrenia Treatment:
traditional antipsychotics- haloperidol and fluphenazine, most useful for eliminating positive symptoms ( hallucinations, delusions and disordered thoughts)
side effects- tardive dyskinesia
Atypical antipsychotics: clozapine, and risperidone, less likely to cause tardive dyskinesia, and may be affective for both positive and negative symptoms
effctiveness of antipsychotic is enhanced with CBT, psychoeducation, social skills, training,
Schizophrenia Expressed emotion
expressed emotion is open criticism, hostility toward the patient, over involvement, and high levels of expressed emotions in families have bee linked to high relapse and rehospitilization
Schizophreniform Diagnostic Criteria
- same symptoms as schizophrenia, but present for at least 1 month but less than 6 months
Brief Psychotic Disorder Diagnostic Criteria:
presence of one or more of four symptoms( delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, with one symptoms being delusions, hallucinations or disorganized speech.
Symptoms present for 1 day but less than 1 month - may develop following exposure to overwhelming stressor
Bipolar 1 Diagnostic Criteria
Requires at least one manic episode which is a period of abnomally expansive and irritable mood and increased goal directed behavior or energy , for at least 1 week and present most of the day, with three symptoms such as inflated self esteem, decreased need for sleep, flight of idea, excessive talkiveness
- most common comorbid disorder is anxiety, and substance abuse,
- lifetime risk for completed suicide for bipolar disorder is 15 times the risk for general population
Bipolar 1 Etiology
genetic factors have been linked to bipolar disorders, twin studies have found concordance rates ranging for .67 to 1.0 for monozygotic twins and about .20 for dizygotic twins,
Family studies have found that first degree relatives for individuals with bipolar disorder are at elevated risk for bipolar and depression
Bipolar 1 treatment:
includes pharmacotherapy, Lithium has reported effective in 60 to 90 % of cases with classic bipolar 1 disorder,
*lithium compliance is a problem, pts discontinue because they think they feel better, dont want to give up the highs of mania,
Patients who do not respond to lithium or have rapid cycling , anti seizure drug such as carbamezepine, or divalproex sodium may be effective,
Psychophamacotherapy is enhanced when combined with CBT, family focused therapy or interpersonal therapy
Bipolar II Diagnostic Criteria
requires at least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode,
Hypomanic episode is a distinct period of abnormally and elevelated, irritable mood that lasts for at least 4 consecutive days and is presently most of the days nearly everyday
Major depressive disorder- lasts at least two weeks with at least 5 symptoms with one being depressed mood, or lost of interest in all activities
Cyclothymic Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria
numerous periods of hypomanic sysmptoms and numerous periods with depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for hypomanic or depressive epidosde
*last at least 2 years in adults and 1 year in and adolescents, present at least half the time with individual not being symptom free for more than two months at a time
Major Depressive Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
presence of five symptoms of MDD nearly every day for at least two weeks with one symptom being depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, *depressed mood *diminished interest in activities * weight loss or weight gain *decrease or increase in appetitie *insomnia or hypersonmia Fatigue or loss of energy Feelings of worthlesssness or guilt recurrent suicidal ideation or attempt
- EEG abnormalities during sleep are experienced by 40 to 60% of ppl experiencing MDD, include sleep contuinity disturbances, reduced stage 3 and 4 sleep, decreased rem latency, and increased duration of REM sleep
- comborbid disorder include 60% of people experience anxiety who have MDD
12 month prevelance is 7%, 18-29 year olds is 3x the prevelance of 60 years and older.,
Early adolescent the rates for females are 1.5 to 3 times the rates for males
Major Depressive Disorder: specifiers: peripartum and seasonal pattern
Peripartum onset- applied to MDD, Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 disorder when the onset is during pregancy or wihin four weeks postpartum, include anxiety, preoccupation with infants well being, 10 to 20% excperience depression during pregnancy or few months after
Seasonal pattern: relationship btween mood disorder and time of the year, seasonal affective disorder, include hypersonmia, increased appetitie, and weight gain. linked to season related changes increase melatonin levels, phase delay in circadiam rhythms, and seterogenic dysfunction
*phototherapy involves exposure to bright light and is an effective treatment
Major Depressive Disorder Etiology
strong genetic component , concordance rate for unipolar depression is about .50 in identical twins and .20 in fraternal twins,
MDD is 1.5 to 3 times more common among first degree relatives of individuals with this disorder,
* link between MDD and neuroticism
Catecholamine hypothesis- due to a defiencency in norephinephrine,
Major Depressive Disorder Treatments
three classes of antidepressants
Tricyclics: (TCAS) most effective for classic depression that involves vegatative symptoms, worsening of symptoms in the morning, and short duration
SSRI- first line drug for moderate to sever depression and fewer side effects
MAOI’s- benefical for individuasls who do not respond to other classes and have atypical symptoms
combination of CBT and medication is better, CBT is associated with a lower risk for relaspe
Persistent Depressive Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
depressed mood for most days for at least 2 years in adults and 1 year in children and adolescents
Suicide Risk Factors:
Age- highest rates combined are ages 45-54
Highest rate for female is 45 to 54 and males 75 and older
Gender: 4x as many males as females commit suicide but females attempt two to three more times than males
Race: Suicide rates highest for whites, exception is American Indians/Alaskan Natives age 15 to 34 which are 2.5 times higher than national average
Marital Status: divorced, separated and widowed have the highest rates
Suicidal behaviors: 60 to 80% of people who commit suicide have had at least one previous attempt and 80% give a warning
Psychiatric Disorders: MDD and bipolar are most common, mood disorder being about 15 to 20% more likely than the rest of the population,
Adolescents the risk for suicide increases when depression co occurs with conduct disorder, substance abuse, or ADHD
Biological: low levels of serotonin and 5 HIAA
Separation Anxiety Disorder
developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear and anxiety related to separation from home or attachment figures evidenced by three symptom, recurrent excessive distress when experiencing separation from home or major attachment figures, repeated complaints of physical symptoms, persistent fear of being alone,
*must last 4 weeks in children and adolescents, or six months in adults
*manifests as school refusal and manifests at three ages 5 to 7, 10 to 11, and 14 to 16
Treatment: Systematic desentisatizion cognitive approaches, and for school refusal is immediate return to school
Specific Phobia Diagnostic Criteria
characterized by intense fear of a specific object or situation and individual avoiding it, or enduring it with marked distress
*lasts at least 6 months,
linked to several biological factors abnormal levels of serotonin, norephineprhine, and GABA
Mowers two factor theory- attributes phobias to avoidance conditioning ,which involves classical and operant conditioning.