Abnormal part 2 Flashcards
Who is Philippe Pinel (1745-1826)?
Father of modern psychiatry
What did Dorthea Dix do in the 19th century?
Reform the U.S system and introduced kindly care
What happened to psychiatric care in the 20th Century?
Deinstiutionalization, care began to become more humane, people were integrated back into the community instead of being in asylums
What is the history of psychiatry care in NZ?
Most mentally ill people were kept in prison (1840s), seen as incurable, by 1990s most psychiatric hospitals were closed.
What are some current places of treatment?
Public or private mental hospitals, general hospitals, nursing homes, community health centres
Who are some of the providers of treatment?
Psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists, counsellors, social workers, nurses, self-help groups.
What is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is a systematic interaction between a client and a therapist that incorporates psychological principles to help bring about changes a client.
What sort of changes is psychotherapy aiming to help a client achieve?
Changes in behaviours, thoughts and feeling.
What does Psychotherapy result in?
Client overcomes abnormal behaviour, solve problems in living, develop as an individual
What are the common features in therapy?
Attentive listening, empathy, nonverbal behaviours, instilling hope, positive expectancies.
What is the concept called when someone improves without treatment?
Natural improvement
What is a placebo?
An inert substance or procedure that has been applied with expectation that a healing response will be produced
What is Reconstructive memory?
People receiving treatment retrospectively recall they were worse before treatment.
Does psychotherapy help?
Yes, but no single type of therapy stands out clearly better than other types
What therapies are available?
Psychodynamic, humanistic and existential, cognitive behavioural (CBT), group, biological.
What did Sigmund Feud (1856-1939) do?
Founded psychoanalysis
What is psychoanalysis?
The process of revealing the unconscious
What is Free association?
When the client reports every thought that enters the mind, without censoring or filtering.
What is Replicability?
A measure should yield the same results regardless of who administers the test
What is Validity?
When results consistently map onto the attribute that the test is designed to measure
What are the steps in psychoanalysis?
Confrontation, Clarification, Interpretation and working through
What is Transference?
When the patient’s unconscious feelings about a person in their life experienced as feelings toward the therapist
What is Countertransference?
Therapists own reactions transferred to the patient
What does modern psychodynamic theory focus on?
is an approach to psychology that emphasizes systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behavior, feelings, and emotions