abnormal development Flashcards
what are the 4 developmental domains?
gross motor
fine motor and vision
language and hearing
social and play
what is a specific delay?
delay in one of the 4 areas
global delay?
delay in 2 or more of the 4 developmental areas
what is a deviation?
not a true delay
what is regression?
normal progression followed by loss of skills previously attained (rett syndrome, metabolic disorders)
red flag for speech?
10 months
low set ears, small jaw, rocker bottom feet, webbing of second and third toes?
edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)
short little finger, single palmar crease, duodenal atresia?
downs syndrome
small head, extra fingers?
trisomy 13 patau
cru di chat
deletion of chromosome 5 - moon space with wide set eyes
hyper mobility of joints, long face, high arched palate
fragile x syndrome
di george ?
22q11 tetralogy