ABG’s Flashcards
Normal range for pH
7.35 - 7.45
Normal Range for CO2
35 - 45
Normal HCO3
22 - 26
Normal Base (Deficit/Excess)
-2 / 2
Formula: Bicarbonate replacement
0.1 x (BE) x pt weight in kg = mL bicarbonate needed
Normal PaO2
80 - 100
PaO2 40 mmHg = _______ % SaO2
PaO2 50 mmHg = _______ % SaO2
PaO2 60 mmHg = _______ % SaO2
Metabolic Alkalosis
pH > 7.45 Bicarb > 26
Vomiting, NG suctioning, diuretics, corticosteroids, antacid poisoning, Diamox.
H+, K+, Na+, Cl- loss
Metabolic Acidosis
pH < 7.35 Bicarb < 22
1 Lactic acidosis > 4
ketoacidosis, hyperthermia/fever, seizures, rhabdomyolysis
Respiratory Alkalosis
pH > 7.45 CO2 < 35
Alveolar hyperventilation, ASA poisoning, hyperthermia, hypermetabolic states, fever, anxiety, pain, pregnancy, high altitude.
Respiratory Acidosis
pH < 7.35 CO2 > 45
Failure to remove CO2
Any causes of breathing too slow
pH and ETCO2 relationship
Every 10 mmHg change n ETCO2, pH will change 0.08 in the opposite direction.
pH and HCO3 relationship
For every change of 0.15 in pH, expect HCO3 to change 10 mmol/L in SAME direction.
pH and K+ relationship
For each change of 0.10 in pH, K+ will shift 0.6 opposite direction
CO2 and K+ relationship
For each change of 0.10 in pH, K will shift 0.5 mEq in same direction