Abdominal Mesentaries and Vasculatures Flashcards
What structures do the foregut include?
the stomach, the first half of the duodenum, liver, gall bladder and pancreas
what structures do the midgut include?
the second half of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon and transverse colon
the hindgut which includes which three structures?
the descending and sigmoid colons and the rectum
what supplies the foregut?
the celiac trunk
what supplies the midgut?
the superior mesenteric artery
what supplies the hindgut?
inferior mesenteric artery
what is it called when there are two layers of serous membrane which enclose blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves traveling beteween the gut tube and body walls?
the ventral mesentary of the foregut is called?
the ventral mesogastrium
what connects the stomach/duodenum to the liver
lesser omentum
what connects the liver to the ventral body wall
falciform ligament
what attaches, anchors and supports the gut tube to the posterior wall?
dorsal mesentery
what attaches the liver and gut tubes to the anterior wall
ventral mesentery
What are the two ventral mesentery derivatives?
the lesser omentum
falciform ligament
the lesser omentum has. two ligements, what are they? what do they connect?
hepatogastric ligament
- connects the liver to the superior (lesser) curvature of the stomach
hepatoduodenal ligament
-connects the liver to the duodenum
-contains vessels and structures associated with the liver
the falciform ligament does what? what does it contain?
anchors liver to the anterior abdominal wall
the falciform ligament
contains the obliterated umbilical vein- the round ligament of the liver
What are the four dorsal mesentery derivatives?
greater omentum
mesentery proper
transverse mesocolon
sigmoid mesocolon
the greater omentum connects what? how many layers does it have?
the greater omentum connects the inferior (greater) curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon
-it has 4 layers of visceral peritoneum because it folds back on its self.
the mesentery proper is associated with what? what does it enclose? how many layers does it have?
associated with the small intestine.
it encloses fat, vessels, lymphatics and nerves to the small intestine
2 layers
what mesentery is associated with the transverse and sigmoid parts of the colon
transverse and sigmoid mesocolon
why don’t the ascending and descending colon not have a mesentery
they became secondarily retroperitoneal as their dorsal mesenteries fused with the parietal peritoneum
The spleen develops within and subdivides?
the dorsal mesentery
what structures are in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen?
gallbladder, liver, duodenum
what structures are in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen
stomach and spleen
what structure is in the right lower lower quadrant
what structures are in the left lower quadrant?
sigmoid colon
the stomach to the 1st half of the duodenum is the
the 2nd half of the duodenum to the transverse colon is the
descending colon to the anus is the
what are the three large unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta that supply the gut tube?
The celiac trunk
superior mesenteric artery
inferior mesenteric artery
what are the three branches from the celiac trunk?
the common hepatic artery
left gastric artery
splenic arteries
The common hepatic branches to what side? what does it branch into? what does it supply?
the common hepatic artery branches to the right and bifurcates in to the proper hepatic artery and duodenal
the proper hepatic goes to the liver
gastroduodenal goes to the stomach and duodenum
the proper hepatic artery branches into? what does it supply?
the left and right hepatic arteries that supply the left and right lobes of the liver
what is a variable branch of the common hepatic artery? why is it variable
right gastric artery
variable because it can branch off the common hepatic or the proper hepatic artery
what is a branch of the right hepatic artery before it enters the hilum of the liver?
cystic artery
where does the right gastric artery travel along therefore supplying this area?
it travels along the lesser (superior) curvature of the stomach
The gastroduodenal artery bifurcates into? what do they supply
the right gastroepiploic artery which supplies the right side inferior (greater) curvature of the stomach
and the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery that supply the pancreas and duodenum
the left gastric artery will travel along what? therefore supplying?
what is it a branch of?
travels along the left side of the superior (lesser) curvature of the stomach
this is a branch of the left celiac trunk
the left and right gastric artery will anastomose along?
the lesser curvature of the stomach
the right gastoepiploic artery is a branch of? what does it supply
the gastroduodenal artery
the right side of the greater curvature of the stomach
the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of? what does it supply?
branch of the gastroduodenal artery and it supplies the pancreas and the duodenum
the splenic artery travels? what does it look like?
posterior to the stomach along the superior surface of the pancreas to reach the spleen
looks like a pigs tail
What branches of the splenic artery
- branches to the fundus of the stomach
- branches to the pancreas
- left gastroepiploic artery to the greater (inferior) curvature of the stomach
the greater (inferior) curvature of the stomach is supplied by?
the right and left gastroepiploic arteries
esophageal branches of the left gastric artery supply?
the abdominal portion of the esophagus
the left gastroepiploic artery travels along? what does it supply
greater (inferior) curvature of the stomach
what is the second of the three unpaired vessels to the gut from the aorta
Superior mesenteric artery
what does the superior mesenteric artery supply when it branches to the left?
the small intestine
what does the superior mesenteric artery supply when it branches to the right
the colon
the first branch of the SMA on the right is? what does it immediately branch into? what does it supply?
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery immediately branches into the anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries
-these ascend and supply the pancreas and duodenum
what is the second branch of the SMA? What does it supply
middle colic artery
supplies the transverse colon
what is the third branch of the SMA? what does it supply?
right colic artery
supplies the ascending colon