Abdominal Exam 1 Flashcards
What is Courvoisier’s Sign?
Enlarged non-
tender gallbladder. Indicates
pancreatic disease/cancer
If someone is tender in the RLQ, where should you start palpating?
LUQ, farthest away from tenderness.
What is the Obturator Muscle Test?
Flex the patient’s
right thigh at the hip, with the knee bent, and
rotate the leg internally at the hip. Right
hypogastric pain is a positive test. Indicates
irritation of the obturator muscle from
inflammation of the appendix.
Another stupid historical test.
What are these, and what do they mean?

Where is the liver percussed?
Percuss the liver at the midclavicular line on the right (noting that it should span 6-12cm)
What are normal bowel sounds, and absent bowel sounds?
Normal 5-34 / min
Absent must be gone for 2 min.
What is the Iliopsoas Muscle Test?
Have the patient flex
their hip against your resistance. Increased
abdominal pain is a positive test. Indicates
irritation of the psoas muscle from
inflammation of the appendix
Stupid test that isn’t specific, but we have to know it for the test.
What is the correct order for an abdominal exam?
(Look listen tap pat)
What is Murphy’s Sign?
Test for biliary colic.
Push up under the right costal margin. Ask the patient to breathe deeply, and palpate farther. Positie test is a sharp stop in inspiratory effort. Pt also may go AUGGH!
What is Rovsing’s Sign?
Pain in the RLQ during left-
sided pressure. Indicates possible
appendicitis (referred rebound tenderness)
What are the specialty tests for ascites?
Where is the spleen percussed?
Percuss the spleen at the mid-axillary line on the left (noting that it should span from ribs 6-10)
What does a positive heel strike indicate?
+test = abdominal pain -
indicates possible appendicitis/periotnitis
How wide should a normal abdominal aorta be?
2-3 cm
>3cm is abnormal
What are the best two tests for appendicitis?
McBurney’s point tenderness. (best)
Rovsing’s sign. (second best)
How deep should you press on the abdomen for “deep palpation?”
3-4 cm