Abdominal Cavity and Contents Part 2 Flashcards
Greek word of stomach
Stomach is?
Sac-shaped enlargement of alimentary canal between esophagus and duodenum
Stomach location
Left cranial quadrant, caudal to liver
Empty stomach
- Intrathoracic part of abdominal cavity
2. Separated from abdominal wall
Can you palpate empty stomach?
Moderately full stomach location
T9 → 12
Contact with abdominal wall
Can you palpate moderately full stomach?
Greatly distended stomach location
T9 → L2 or 3
Extends into caudal abdominal quadrants
Extensive contact with abdominal wall
Can you palpate greatly distended stomach?
Parietal surface of stomach contacts?
- Liver
- Diaphragm
- Not covered by greater omentum
Visceral surface of stomach contacts?
- Intestine
- Pancrease
- Covered by greater omentum
Greater omentum covers which surface of stomach?
4 regions of stomach
- Cardiac
- Fundus
- Body
- Pylorus
Cardiac portion of stomach surrounds?
Cardiac opening
Fundal region of stomach
Blind sac dorsal to cardia
Body of stomach
Middle portion between fundus and pyloric portion
2 parts of pyloric portion of stomach
- Pyloric antrum
2. Pyloric canal
Pyloric antrum characteristics
- Thin-walled
2. Wider proximal part
Pyloric canal characteristics
- Thick-walled
2. Narrower distal part
Greater curvature of the stomach is what type of border?
Convex ventral border
Curvatures of stomach extend from ? to ?
Cardia → pylorus
Lesser curvature of the stomach is what type of border?
Concave dorsal border
Cardiac ostium aka?
Pyloric ostium aka?
2 openings of stomach
- Cardiac ostium (cardi)
2. Pyloric ostium (pylorus)
Cardiac ostium is?
Inlet to stomach
Cardiac ostium is controled by?
Cardiac sphincter
Pyloric ostium is?
Outlet of stomach
Pyloric ostium is controlled by?
Pyloric sphincter
2 notches of stomach
- Cardiac notch
2. Angular notch
Location of cardiac notch
Between cardia and fundus
Location of angular notch
Lower part of lesser curvature
Hepatogastric lig. connects?
Liver to lesser curvature
Gastrosplenic lig. connects?
Greater curvature to spleen
Gastrosplenic lig. located on?
Greater omentum
Hepatogastric lig. located?
Divides lesser omentum
Gastrophrenic lig. located?
Between diaphragm and stomach
Gastrophrenic lig. connects?
Esophageal hiatus to cardia