Abdominal and Pelvic Muscles Flashcards
External Oblique
O: External surface of ribs 5-12
I: linea alba, pubic tubercle, and anterior half of iliac crest
Inn: Thoracoabdominal (T7-T11) and subcostal nerve T12
A: compresses and supports abdominal viscera, flex, and rotate trunk, depression of ribs
Internal Oblique
O: Thoracolumbar fascia, anterior 2/3 of iliac crest, and connective tissue deep to lateral 1/3 of inguinal ligament
I: inferior border of ribs 10-12, aponeurosis linea alba, and pecten pubis via the conjoint tendon
Inn: Thoracoabdominal nerves (anterior rami T7-T12 spinal nerves) and L1
A: compress and support abdominal viscera, flex and rotate trunk, depress ribs
Transversus abdominis
O: thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lateral 1/3 inguinal ligament
I: linea alba with aponeurosis of internal oblique, pubic crest, and pecten pubis via conjoint tendon
Inn: Thoracoabdominal nerve (anterior rami T7-T12 spinal nerve) and L1
A: compress and support abdominal viscera
Rectus abdominis
O: pubic symphysis and pubic crest, pubic tubercle
I: Xiphoid process and costal cartilages 5-7
Inn: Thoracoabdominal nerves (anterior rami T7-T12 spinal nerves)
A: flexes trunk (lumbar vertebra) and compress abdominal viscera; stabilize and controls tilt of pelvis (antilordosis), tense abdominal wall, depress ribs
O: front of the pubis and pubic symphysis, pubic crest
I: linea alba
Inn: anterior rami T12
A: tenses linea alba
Psoas Major
O: transverse process of lumbar vertebra, lateral surface of bodies T12-L5 vertebra and intervening intervertebral discs
I: tendon to lesser trochanter of femur (iliopsoas tendon)
Inn: anterior rami of L1-L4
A: acting inferiorly with iliacus, flexes thigh; acting superiorly flexes vertebral column laterally; used to balance trunk; when sitting it acts inferiorly with iliacus to flex trunk
Psoas Minor
O: lateral surface of bodies of T12 and L1 vertebra and intervening intervertebral disc
I: pectineal line, pectin pubis, iliopubic eminence, arcuate line
Inn: Anterior rami L1-L2
A: weak flexion of lumbar vertebral column
O: superior 2/3 of iliac fossa, ala of sacrum, anterior sacroiliac ligament
I: lesser trochanter of femur and shaft inferior to it and to psoas major tendon
Inn: femoral nerve L2-L4
A: flex thigh and stabilize hip joint; acts with psoas major
Quadratus Lumborum
O: Rib 12 and transverse process (L1-L4)
I: iliac crest
Inn: anterior branch of T12, L1-L4
A: extend and laterally flex vertebra fixes rib 12 during inspiration
Obturator Internus
O: pelvic surface of ilium and ischium, obturator membrane
I: greater trochanter of femur
Inn: nerve to obturator internus L5-S2
A: rotate hip joint laterally, assist in holding the head of the femur in acetabulum, abduction
O: pelvic surface of S2-S4, superior margin of greater sciatic notch and sacrotuberous ligament
I: Greater trochanter of femur
Inn: anterior rami S1 and S2
A: rotate hip joint laterally and abduct it, assist in holding head of the femur in acetabulum
Levator ani (puborectalis, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus)
O: body of pubis, tendinous arch of obturator fascia, ischial spine
I: perineal body, coccyx, anococcygeal ligament, walls of prostate or vagina, rectum, and anal canal
Inn: S4, inferior anal nerve, inferior anal nerve, and coccygeal plexus
A: forms pelvic diaphragm that help support pelvic viscera and resist increases in intra-abdominal pressure
O: inferior pubic symphysis and superior fascial layer of urogenital diaphragm
I: makes sling behind rectum and attaches to same origin
Inn: S4 nerve to levator ani, inferior anal nerve
A: forms sling around rectum, critical in fecal continence
O: posterior inferior rami of pubis, anterior obturator fascia
I: anococcygeal ligament, coccyx
Women: vagina as pubovaginalis
Men: prostate as puboprostaticus
Inn: S4 and inferior rectal branch of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
A: supports pelvic viscera and assists in urinary and fecal continence
O: Tendinous arch of internal obturator fascia, ischial spine
I: Anococcygeal ligament, coccyx
Inn: S4 nerve to levator ani
A: contributes to pelvic floor’s structural integrity
O: ischial spine
I: inferior end of sacrum and coccyx
Inn: S4 and S5 spinal nerves
A: forms small part of pelvic diaphragm that supports pelvic viscera, flexes coccyx
External urethral sphincter
O: compressor urethra portion only
I: surround urethra superior to perineal membrane
M: ascends anterior aspect of prostate
F: enclose vagina
Inn: dorsal nerve of penis or clit, terminal branch of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
A: compress urethra to maintain urinary continence
F: urethrovaginal sphincter portion also compress vagina
Deep Transverse Perineal
O: ischial tuberosity
I: Perineal body
Inn: muscular (deep) of perineal nerve, pudendal S2-S4
A: support and fix perineal body/pelvic floor to support abdominopelvic viscera
External Anal Sphincter
O: skin and fascia surrounding anus, coccyx via anococcygeal ligament
I: lateral anal canal, perineal body
Inn: inferior anal nerve, pudendal nerve S2-S4
A: constricts anal canal during peristalsis, resisting defecation, supports and fixes perineal body and pelvic floor
O: ischial tuberosity and ischiopubic ramus
I: crus of clitoris or penis
Inn: deep branch of perineal, pudendal nerve S2-S4
A: maintain erection of penis or clit by compressing outflow veins and pushing blood from root to body
Bulbospongiosus (Male)
O: median raphe of penis and perineal body
I: perineal body
Inn: deep branch of perineal, pudendal (S2-S4)
A: support and fixes perineal body/pelvic floor, compress bulb of penis expel last drop of urine/semen, assist erection
Bulbospongiosus (Women)
O: perineal body
I: perineal membrane and corpora cavernosa of clitoris
Inn: Deep branch of perineal (S2-S4)
A: compress bulb of the clitoris
Superficial Transverse Perineal
O: ischial tuberosity
I: perineal body
Inn: muscular perineal, pudendal (S2-S4)
A: supports and fixes perineal body/pelvic floor to support abdominopelvic viscera
Internal Urethral Sphincter