Abdomen VI Flashcards
What are the main anatomical differences between the jeunum and ileum?

Identify the caecum in this image and explain what it is

- Blind intestinal pouch by the right iliac fossa
- Supplied by Ileocolic artery (branch of SMA)

Describe the appendix and mesoappendix

The appendix: narrow tube attached to the posteromedial end of the cecum
The mesoappendix, a fold of mesentery, suspends the appendix from the terminal ileum.
The position of the free-end of the appendix is highly varied, but most common is retrocecal
Appendicular artery –> branch of ileocolic artery

What is appendicitis?
Inflammation of appendix stretching visceral peritoneum
Pain is referred to peri-umbilical region (T10)
Later pain in right lower quadrant: irritant of parietal peritoneum lining posterior abdominal wall
McBurney’s point: Lateral 1/3 of line from Asis to umbilicus is the origin of the appendix- incision to find the appendix here

Describe the ascending colon
The colon begins as the ascending colon, a retroperitoneal structure which ascends superiorly from the cecum.
When it meets the right lobe of the liver, it turns 90 degrees to move horizontally. This turn is known as the Ileocolic junction to hepatic flexure, and marks the start of the transverse colon.
Describe and label the tranverse colon

Runs from hepatic flexure to splenic flexure
Intraperitoneal, connected by a mesentery called the Transverse mesocolon

What is the tranverse mesocolon?
Double fold of peritoneum that connects transverse colon to the posterior abdominal wall.
Anterior layer of transverse mesocolon is attached to the posterior layer of greater omentum.
Divides abdominal cavity into supracolic and infracolic compartments.