Abdomen: Testis disorders Flashcards
It occurs in 3% of full term infants and 30% of premature infants. 95% of undescended testes occur unilaterally. If a testis has not descended or is not retractable (capable of being drawn down), the condition is _____. The undescended testis usually lies somewhere along the normal path of its prenatal descent, commonly in the inguinal canal. The importance of ____ is that it greatly increases risk for developing malignancy in the undescended testis, it’s paticularly problematic b/c it’s not palpable and is not usually detected until cancer has progressed.
What is the disorder?
Cryptorchid (undescended) ttestes
It’s contraction of the cremaster muscle. It’s elicited by lightly stroking the skin on the medial aspect of the superior part of the thigh w/ an applicator stick or tongue depressor.The ilioinguinal n. supplies this area of the skin. The rapid elevation of the testis on the same side is this reflex. This reflex is extremely active in children. In a child, a hypractive ______ can simulate undescended testes. Hyperactive _____ can be abolished by having the child sit in a cross legged, squatting position. If the testes are descended they can then be palpated in the scrotum while the child is in this position.
What is the reflex?
Cremasteric reflex
What nerve causes the cremasteric reflex?
A. Genitofemoral n.
B. Ilioinguinal n.
C. Pubic n.
A. genitofemoral n.
It’s the presence of excess fluid in a patent processus vaginalis. This congenital anomaly may be associated with an indirect inguinal hernia. The fluid accumulation results from secretion of an abnormal amount of serous fluid from the visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis, a derivative of the processus vaginalis. The size of the hydrocele depends on how much of the processus vaginalis persists.
It can be confined to the testis or it can encompass the spermatic cord.
If you shine a light into the side of the scrotal enlargement a reddish glow is seen.
What is the disorder?