abdo Flashcards
subtotal colectomy stoma?
removal of whole colon and part of sigmoid–> end ileostomy and rectal stump closed up
purpose of loop ileostomy?
defunctioning of colon post rectal cancer surgery
does not decompress colon (if ileocaecal valves competent)
spigelian hernia?
intra parietal - rare. between the muscles of the abdo wall–>usually between the internal and external oblique
lateral to the rectus abdominis
open repair IF strangulated
Richter’s hernia?
anti mesenteric border of the small bowel goes into the hernia
therefore luminal patency maintianed–> can still strangulat e
usually at laparoscopic port sites
lumbar hernia?
iliac crest inf
latissimus medially
external oblique laterally
usually following renal surgery
littres hernia
hernia contianing meckels diverticulum
bochdalek hernia
left sided diaphragmatic hernia -
commoner in males and
associated hypoplasia,
contains stomach and
requires repair due to high mortality
Morgagni hernia
R sided (usually) herniation through foramen of morgagni.
direct anatomical repair
can contain transverese colon
less severe usually than bochdalek
umbilical hernia
herniation thorugh weak umbilicus
repair after 3rd birthday as usually will resolve by 2 years old
paraumbilical hernia
defect in linea alba
commoner in females
multiparity and obesity
repaired using Mayo’s technique
best abdominal access incision for kids?
transverse supra umbilical
mesenteric cyst?
smooth and mobile
nil pain nless torsion etc
usually an incidental finding
–> USS and CT
when do you perform a loop colostomy?
obstructing rectal cancer below the peritneal refelction (ie likley going to be a lower anterior resection)
loop ileostomy?
following a right hemi
-to protect the anastomosis
in in the context of rectal cancer…to protect a primary anastomosis
recurrent RIF abdo pain and iron deficiiency anaemia. negative gastroscopy and colonoscopy?
Meckels’s - ectopic gastric mucousa is secreting acid and causing ulceration
psoas abscess causes?
primary - immunocompromised, haematogenous spread
secondary -to ibd like Crohn’s.
back pain +/- mass in inguinal/femoral area
a burst abdomen is most common X days after surgery?
best incision for pancreas resection?
(NOT Kochers)
features of microscopic colitiis?
normal endoscopic appearance
inflammation (lymphocytes) in the subepithelial collagen layer
no granulomas
possibly a preceding bout of infective diarrhoea
spleic vein causes and treatement?
causes:pacreatitits, panc ca, trauma, hypecoaguability
–> gastric varices (oesophageal rare)
tx: splenectomy