ABCP Flashcards
What does ABCP stand for?
Army Body Composition Program
What is the only authorized method of estimating body fat?
Circumference-based tape method
When are you able to measure body fat composition of a new recruit?
They will have 6 months from entry to active service to meet the retention body fat
How often does a Soldier need to be weighed-in and have a body fat assessment?
All Soldiers will be weighed every 6 months, at a minimum
What Army Regulation covers the Army Body Composition Program (ABCP)
Army Regulation 600-9
What DA Form is used to annotate height, weight and body fat assessment?
DA Form 5500 (Male) and/or DA Form 5501 (Female)
What actions are required when a Soldier is determined to be exceeding the body fat
- Notification Counseling
- Soldier Action Plan
- Nutrition Counseling
How many days does a Soldier have to respond to the commander with a Soldier
Action Plan?
Within 14 days of the notification counseling.
How many days does a Soldier have to meet with a dietitian?
The Soldier has 30 days after enrollment in the ABCP
How often must a Soldier be assessed while enrolled in the ABCP?
Approximately every 30 days
What goals are considered to be making satisfactory progress in the ABCP?
A monthly loss of either 3 to 8 pounds or 1 percent body fat.
When would a Medical Evaluation be required?
- When requested by the unit commander
- Requested by Soldier
- When Soldier is being considered for Separation
- Within 6 months of expiration term of service after the initiation of a bar to continued service for failure to make satisfactory progress in the ABCP.
What form is used to initiate a FLAG and timeline if a Soldier exceeds the Body Fat
DA Form 268 within 3 working days.
When is a Soldier enrolled in the ABCP considered to be failing the program?
Exhibits less than satisfactory progress on two consecutive monthly ABCP assessments;
or after 6 months still exceeding body fat standards, and exhibiting less than satisfactory
progress for three or more (nonconsecutive) monthly ABCP assessments.
What must be done if a Soldier again exceeds the body fat standard within 12 months
after release from the ABCP?
A DA Form 268 is initiated and the Soldier will undergo a medical evaluation.