ABCD: Scoring Flashcards
List the types of scores the ABCD provides (4).
- Raw
- Summary
- Construct
- Total Overall
The average of the summary scores of those tests related to each of the five constructs measured by the ABCD.
Construct Score
The total correct on each test: the preferred score unless making interest or interconstruct comparisons.
Raw Score
A standardized score that permits interest comparisons.
Summary Score
The sum of the average of the construct scores.
Total Overall Score
Which individual subtests can an examinee’s score be considered separately or grouped with other subtest scores to provide the examiner with a construct score (5)?
- Mental Status
- Episodic Memory
- Linguistic Memory
- Linguistic Comprehension
- Visuospatial Construction
How have the performances of subjects been standardized for the ABCD standardization tables/figures?
The performances of age-matched normal, mild AD, and moderate AD subjects have been standardized to a 5-point summary scale (Figure 2-1).
What do the upper values of the standardization performance subject scales discriminate?
The upper values of the scale discriminate performances by normal elderly.
What do the lower values of the standardization performance subject scales discriminate?
The lower values of the scale discriminate performances by patients with dementia.
What table does the examiner refer to if she desires to compare the examinee’s raw score to the average obtained by subjects in the standardization sample?
Table 2-1
What table can a clinician reference for raw scores to be converted to summary scores?
Table 2-2
What does table 2-2 contain?
The range of raw scores for ABCD subtests at each summary scale level.
For each subtest, the exact numbers of normal and AD subjects obtaining each summary score are reported in what table?
Table 4-3
What table are the average summary scores for various tests reported for young and old normal control, mild, moderate AD, and NPD subjects?
Table 2-1