Aashto T 176 - Sand Equivalent Flashcards
Determine the reported SE- 3.6” sand and 9.9” clay?
After finishing the irrigation procedure, the cylinder and contents should stand undisturbed for _________.
20 min. +- 15 sec.
If clay or sand readings fall between 0.1” graduations, record the level of the nearest graduation as the reading.
Discard working solutions more than __________ old.
30 days
The temperature of the working solution should be maintained at ____________ during the performance of this test.
72+-5 deg F, 22 +-3 deg C
The mechanical shaker should operate at ___________ cpm.
Prepare the working calcium chloride solution by diluting ___________ of stock calcium chloride solution with water until it reaches a total volume of ____________.
85+-5 mL, 1 gallon.
After adding the sample to the plastic cylinder, tap the bottom of the cylinder sharply on the heel of the hand several times, then allow the wetted sampe to stand for __________.
10 mins
Which sieve size should be used prior to preparing test samples?
No. 4 sieves
How much material passing the No. 4 do you need from your bulk sample?
1000g to 1500g
What is the next step after obtaining 1000 to 1500 g of material?
Split or quarter enough material for a test sample
What is the required amount of material for each test sample?
Sufficient material to fill the tin measure so it is slightly rounded above the brim
How should a measuring tin be filled?
While filling the tin, tap the bottom edge on the hard surface to cause consolidation of the material. Strike off the tin with the spatula or straightedge so that material is level with the top of the tin.
How long must the cylinder containing the wetted material stand before agitating?
10 mins. +- 1 min.
After sample irrigation, how long must the cylinder remain undisturbed before the clay reading is taken?
20 min +- 15 sec.