AANP EXAM NOTES 6 Flashcards
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is an episode of dysfuntion of what system?
A PT who had a TIA is at high/low risk for severe stroke in the future
TX for TIA?
Refer to ED, Schedule CT/MRI within 24 hrs
TIA ABCD2 Score is a tool to help predict who is at high risk for subsequent stroke after a TIA within next 7 days. What is next step if PT has ABCD2 score of 3 or greater?
Refer to ED for hospitalization
What does ABCD represent for a PT with a possible TIA?
Age (greater than 65)
BP (140/90 or higher)
Clinical features of TIA (unilateral weakness)
Duration (> 60 mins)
72-year-old patient with a hx of coronary artery disease and hypertension reports an episode of slurred speech and right sided facial droop that started yesterday while at home. It lasted for about an hour. She denies pain or headache. What is likely cause?
An 80-year-old pt. comes with c/o ataxic gait, new onset headache & slurred speech that began 2 hours ago. What is likely Etiology?
Name 2 risk factors of CVA (stroke)
A fib, prolonged immobilization.
Name 1 risk factor for Homorrhagic CVA
- Poorly controlled HTN
Name 3 s/s the describes how hemorrhagic CVA presents
- abrupt onset severe HA
- N&V
- Photophobia
- Nuchal rigidity
Intracerebral/ Sub arachnoid hemorrhage presents with sudden onset of severe “thunderclap”/ “the worst HA of my life” or “sentinel HA. T/F
CVA has high prevalence in blacks, hispanics, american indians, and women of what age?
PTs preparing to undergo heart catheterization should/should not stop Losartan
Should not stop Losartan
Naproxen should be stopped for 24 hours prior to heart cath due to the impact on renal prostaglandin production. T/F
The TIMI score evaluates patients for what 2 condx?
angina & possible MI
Splinter hemorrhages on nail, new onset murmur fever, chills, tender violet-colored (red to purple) nodules on fingers & toes are some symptoms presented by what bacterial condition?
bacterial endocarditis
Osler Nodes are what color?
What part of body do you find Osler Nodes?
These nodules are found on distal fingers/ toes
Lesions that are irregular, non-tender, erythematous macules/papules on the hands and soles are called?
Janeway lesions
What condx includes a color change in hands from white, blue, and red in a symmetric pattern.
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
What is TX for Raynaud’s Phenomenon
CCB (nifedipine, amlodipine)
Insulin resistance syndrome is AKA
Metabolic Syndrome, Syndrome X
What labs would you order for Metabolic Syndrome?
Labs: Fasting (9 to 12 hrs) lipid profile (esp. triglycerides & HDL), Fasting blood glucose
What type of HTN Medication should be avoided when treating a PT with Metabolic syndrome?
A butterfly rash is associated with what dz?
When may children with chickenpox return to school?
After lesions have crusted.
What OTC medication should be avoided in children with chickenpox? why?
ASPRIN - May cause Reye’s syndrome
What condx presents with Lip/ oral cavity symptoms that may present as painful vesicles on the soft palate & mouth
What condx presents with honey colored crusts, fragile bullae (that easily ruptures), pruritic.
What labs are drawn for PT with Impetigo?
C&S of crusts/wound
What is the TX for PT with severe case of Impetigo but NKDA?
Cephalexin (Keflex) QID, dicloxacillin QID x 10 days.
What is the TX for PT with severe case of Impetigo who has penicillin allergy?
Azithromycin 250mg x 5 days (Macrolide), Clindamycin x 10 days.
What is the TX for PT with Impetigo with few lesions and no bullae (NDKA)?
Topical 2% mupirocin ointment (Bactroban)
What acute bacterial infection is caused by Staph/Strep that ruptures easily and becomes superficial, bright red, weeping with honey crusted exudate on face, arms or legs.
Bullous Impetigo
What medication is used to treat Bullous Impetigo
What highly contagious virus presents small spots with White centers (Koplik’s spots), round spots on a red base of the buccal mucosa by the rear lower molars & appears 2-3 days before onset of symptoms?
Measles is AKA
What infectious dz of the skin is caused by poxvirus?
Molluscum contagiosum
What infection dz of the skin presents smooth papules that arfe dome shaped with central umbiligation (belly button white plug)?
Molluscum contagiosum
What condition presents with a Christmas Tree pattern rash (on cleavage lines); Herald patch lesion appears initially
Pityriasis rosacea