Outline the AAAA framework
- Assess - what type of healthcare question or study
- Access - Find the best evidence
- Appraise - evaluate the quality of the evidence
- Act - is the evidence relevant to clinical practice
What type of study design is used for questions of frequency e.g frequency of disease or frequency of who is affected?
- Ecological
- Cross - sectional
What type of study design is used for questions concerning aetiology and risk factors?
- Case-control
- Cohort
What type of study design is used for questions concerning the effectiveness of something e.g benefits and harms?
What is the framework used to assess a study?
Population - those who are eligible for treatment with the intervention or comparator
Intervention - The new treatment
Comparator - Existing treatment or no treatment
Outcome - Mortality/ morbidity/ physiological measure e.g BP
What is forming a PICO important for?
- Efficient searching for evidence in electronic databases like MEDLINE
- Can be used to assess the applicability of research to your patients
What two things does ‘access’ achieve
- Finding studies with the best study design
- Finding studies that are clinically relevant to your question
Where to look for RCTs?
- Cochrane library
- Bibliographic databases - MEDLINE, PUBMED, EMBASE
What does appraisal ask?
- Does the study address a research question which is relevant to my clinical problem (is there a match between the PICO and study question?)
- Did researchers use the study design that would be most likely to provide a valid answer to a clinical question
If the study addresses the right type of question, what does appraisal then ask?
- Was the study done well and were there steps to reduce bias
- If the study was valid, what were the results
What are the two key features of an RCT?
- Randomisation
- Having a comparator group
Why have a control or comparator group? (3)
- It increases sample size
- Gives patient a choice about which treatment they receive
- Can evaluate which option is better between two treatments or a treatment and a control
Why randomise patients to intervention and groups? (3)
- Stops a drug manufacturer from deciding which treatment a patient gets
- Patients don’t get to decide
- Dr input is minimised
- All of these can result in some form of bias