A6 - Training and Talent Development Flashcards
(4) Steps to ensure Training and Development
has the max impact possible
- Conducting the Needs Assessment
- Designing the Training Program
- Implementing the Training Program
- Evaluating the Training Program
Parts of a Needs Assessment
- organization analysis
- task analysis
- person analysis
a high-ranking mgr directly responsible for fostering EE L/D w/in the firm
chief learning officer
- 1st part of a Needs Assessment
- exam. of the environ., strats, and resources of the org. to determine where training emphasis s/b placed
- ID’g the broad forces that can influence a firm’s training needs
- closely examining a firm’s resources - tech., fin., human - available to meet the company’s training obs.
organization analysis
- 2nd part of a Needs Assessment
- the process of determining what the content of a training program s/b on the basis of a study of the tasks and duties involved in the job
- reviewing the job descript. and specifics to ID KSOAs needed to perform them
task analysis
steps in task analysis
- list all the tasks or duties included in the job
- list the steps performed by the EE to compete each task
- ID type of performer needed and skills/knowledge need to do it
**info helps trainers select program content and choose the most effective training methods
- analysis of the sets of skills and knowledge needed for decision-oriented and knowledge-intensive jobs
- for EEs that need more flexible sets of competencies in order to perform in a superior way
- captures elements on how those traits s/b used w/in an org’s context and culture - including motivation level, personality traits, interpersonal skills, etc…
competency assessment
as part 2 of a training needs assessment
- 3rd part of a Needs Assessment
- study of specific indivs. to determine who needs training and who does not
person analysis
importance of person analysis
- helps orgs avoid the mistake of sending all EEs into training when some do not need it
- helps mgrs determine what prospective trainees are able to do when they enter training so that the progs. can be designed to emphasize the areas in which they are deficient
The use of perf. appraisals during person analysis
- even if they reveal who is meeting expectations, they don’t reveal why
- only work if it is based on ‘ability to do the work’ and if there is a prob w/ that
- if the prob is with motivation, factors outside EEs control - training may not be the answer
**mgrs need to have a sit down w/ EE to talk about areas for improvement to jointly determine the best approaches w/ max benefs.
(4) parts of Designing the Training Program
- Instructional Objs.
- Trainee Readiness and Motivation
- Principles of Learning
- Characteristics of Instructors
- part of Designing the Training Program
- desired outcomes of a training prog.
- describes the skills or knowledge to be acquired and/or the attitudes to be changed
instructional objectives
- most important instructional objective of Designing the Training Program
- used b/c it lends itself to an unbiased eval. of the results
- typically include precise terms such as “to calculate”, “to repair”, “to adjust”, “to construct”, “to assemble”, and “to classify”
performance-centered objectives
- part of Designing the Training Program
- these 2 preconditions for learning affect the success of those who are to receive training
- maturity and experience factors of the trainee’s background
- must have a desire to learn in order for a prog. to succeed
readiness and motivation
- the maturity and experience factors of the trainee’s background
- whether or not the experience of trainees has made them receptive to the training they will receive
- must have background knowledge and skills necessary to absorb training info.
trainee readiness
- help EEs understand the link b/w the effort they put into training and the payoff
- have training opps. that allow EEs to develop their skills and advance their careers
- these differ per employee at any given time
Trainee Motivation
- part of Designing the Training Program
- bridging together assessing org’s needs and objs. to EE readiness and motivation
- characteristics of training progs. that help EEs grasp new material, make sense of it in their own lives, and transfer it back to their jobs
principles of learning
types of Principles of Effective Learning
- goal setting
- meaningfulness of presentation
- modeling
- indiv. differences
- active practice and repetition
- whole-vs-part learning
- massed-vs-distributed learning
- feedback and reinforcement
forms of modeling
- real-life demos
- DVDs
- visual aids, pics, and drawings
- showing the wrong behavior and then clarifying what the right behavior is
The principle of spacing out training in order to produce results of faster learning and longer retention
distributed learning
Feedback = Motivation
- plotting an EE’s training progress in terms of mistakes or successs on a “learning curve”
- if progress doesn’t occur, it will create a flat line on chart = plateau
- plateaus can occur b/c of reduced motivation or b/c person gets discouraged when he/she doesn’t always perform a new task as well as hoped (natural phenomenon)
- a technique that ops on the princ. that behavior that is rewarded, or positively reinforced, will be exhibited more frequently in the future, whereas behavior that is penalized or unrewarded will decrease in frequency
behavior modification
- programs that award EEs “on the spot” when they do something particularly well during training or on the job
spot rewards
desirable Characteristics of Instructors
- knowledge of subj.
- adaptability
- sincerity
- sense of humor
- interest
- clear instructions
- indiv. assistance
- enthusiasm
Training Methods for Nonmanagerial EEs
- apprenticeship training
- cooperative training
- internships
- gov’tal training
- classroom instruction
- programmed instruction
- audiovisual methods
- simulation method
- e-Learning
- just-in-time training
- type of Training Methods for Nonmanagerial EEs
- method by which EEs are given hands-on experience w/ instructions from their super or other trainer
on-the-job training (OJT)
adv of OTJ training
- hands-on experience under normal working conditions
- opp. for trainer (mgr or senior EE) to build good relationships w/ new EEs
- most believe that this is the most effective means of facilitating learning in the workplace
drawbacks of OTJ training
- lack of a well-structured training environ.
- poor training skills on the part of mgrs
- absence of well-defined job perf. standards
PROPER way to do OTJ training
- Prepare
- Reassure
- Orient
- Perform
- Evaluate
- _R_einforce and _R_eview
- type of Training Methods for Nonmanagerial EEs
- thorough instruction and experience, both on and off the job, in the practical and theoretical aspects of work in a skilled trade.
- based on cooperative efforts of labor, mgmt, and gov’t
- an extension of OJT
apprenticeship training
- type of Training Methods for Nonmanagerial EEs
- combines practical OTJ experience w/ formal ed. classes
- mostly used in connection w/ HS and college programs that incorporate PT or FT experiences
cooperative training
- type of Training Methods for Nonmanagerial EEs
- type of prog. sponsored by colleges and outside orgs to offer students the chance to gain real-world experience
- ORGs benefits - student-EEs have new ideas, eneryg, and eagerness to accomplish their assignments
internship programs
types of Off-the-Job EE training methods
- classroom training methods
- programmed instruction methods (self-directed learning)
- audiovisual methods
- simulation methods
- e-learning
- learning mgmt systmes (LMS)
- type of off-the-job EE training method (nonmgr’l EEs)
- even w/ the rise of other learning types such as electronic, this is still the #1 training method
- advs relate to motivation and attendance
- If a trainee experiences probs, a live instructor is generally in the best position to help the trainee
- use blended learning
classroom instruction
- type of classroom learning
- the use of multiple training methods to achieve optimal learning on the part of trainees
blended learning
- type of off-the-job EE training method (nonmgr’l EEs)
- utilizes books, manuals, or computers to break down content into sequences for EEs to learn at their own pace
- also known as self-directed learning
- trainees are actively involved in the instructional process w/ feedback/reinforcement being immediate
programmed instruction
types of audiovisual methods
- CDs/DVDs
- recordings to listen to
- teleconference
- videoconference
- web conference
- webinars
- podcasts
- type of off-the-job EE training method (nonmgr’l EEs)
- online system that provides a variety of assessment, comm., teaching, and learning opps.
learning mgmt systems (LMS)
types of training methods for management development
(above and beyond those used for nonmgmt)
- OTJ experiences
- seminars/conferences
- case studies
- mgmt games and simulations
- role-playing
- behavior modeling