A4 - HR Planning and Recruitment Flashcards
- set of procedures for making decisions about the org’s L/T goals and strats.
- have a strong external orientation that covers major portions of the org.
- how will org position itself relative to its competitors in order to ensure its L/T survival, create value, and grow
strategic planning
- process of anticipating and providing for the movement of ppl into, w/in and out of an org.
- contrast to strat. planning
- help mgrs deploy HRs as effectively as possible, where and when they are needed, to accomplish the org’s goals
human resources planning (HRP)
- pattern of HRs deployments and activities that enable an org to achieve its start. goals
- combo of strat planning and HRP
strategic human resources mgmt (SHRM)
linking HRP to strat. planning
- HRP provides a set of inputs into the strategy formulation process in terms of what is possible, that is, whether a firm has the types and #s of ppl available to pursue a given strat.
- strategy implementation - exec’s then must make resource allocation decisions to implement that strat., including decisions related to firm’s structure, processes and human cap.
(6) steps of strategic planning
- Mission, Vision, and Values
- Environmental Analysis
- Internal Analysis
- Formulating Strategy
- Strategy Implementation
- Evaluation and Assessment
- basic purpose of the org. as well as its scope of ops
- stmt of the org’s reason for existing
- written in terms of general clients and services
- may be broad or narrow
- stmt about where the company is going and what it can become in the future
- clarifies the L/T direction of the company and its strategc intent
strategic vision
- strong and enduring beliefs and principles that the company uses as a foundation for its decisions
- essence of its corp. culture and an expression of its personality
- underlying parameters for out a company intends to act towards its customers, EEs, and the public in general
core values
- driven by the mission, vision, and values
- chgs in environ. that may represent both opps. and threats for company
environmental analysis
- systematic monitoring of the major external forces influencing the org.
environmental scanning
(6) most frequently used factors
for environmental scanning
- econ. factors and development info. - general, regional, and global conditions
- industry and competitive trends - new processes, services, and innovations
- tech. changes - info tech, innovations, and automation
- gov’t and legislative issues - laws and admin. rulings
- social concerns - child care, elder care, the environ. and educ. priorities
- demographic and labor mkt trends - age, composition, and literacy of labor mkt and immigration
Competitive Environment
- includes specific orgs. w/ which the firm interacts
- firms need to analyze this in order to adapt to or influence the nature of competition
(5) forces affecting the
competitive environ.
- customers
- rival firms
- new entrants
- substitutes
- suppliers
- one of the forces affecting the competitive environ.
- one of the most important assessments a firm can make is ID’g the needs of cust’s.
- fundamental level - create cust. value
- this influences the kind of skills and behaviors needed from EEs
Rival Firms
- one of the forces affecting the competitive environ.
- examining the nature of competition
- 1st question - “Who?”
New Entrants
- one of the forces affecting the competitive environ.
- to protect their positions, companies tend to create entry barriers to keep new firms out of their industries
- new entrants can chg the “rules of the game” for an industry
- one of the forces affecting the competitive environ.
- biggest opp or threat in an industry doesn’t come from direct competition but from substitution
- one of the forces affecting the competitive environ.
- orgs. rarely can create everyting on its own, but instead rely on suppliers that can provide them w/ key inputs (such as raw materials for prod., $$, info, and ppl)
- ppl or labor - key part of strat. planning and HRP
External Analysis combined with Internal Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Internal Analysis
(Step 3)
- analyzing internal strengths and weaknesses
- this will provide strat. decision makers w/ an inventory of org. skills and resources as well as their perf. levels
- focuses on the (3) C’s: Capabilities, Composition, and Culture
- component of Internal Analysis
- integrated knowledge sets (bundles of ppl, processes, and systems) w/in an org. that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers
- limited in #, but provide a L/T basis for tech. innovation, prod. development, and service delivery
- People - usually key resource
core Capabilities
Companies can sustain competitive adv. through ppl if the following (4) criteria is met:
- must be valuable
- must be rare
- must be difficult to imitate
- must be organized
- component of Internal Analysis
- Human Capital Architecture
- mgrs need to decide whether ppl are available, internally or externally, to execute an org’s strat.
- weigh costs and benefits of outsourcing or not
Composition of the workforce
- component of Internal Analysis
- source of competitive advantage
- need to understand that their EEs are critical to org’s success
- must examine EEs values, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations (VABEs)
- leaders that focus on EEs’ VABEs, are more effective than those who simply focus on workers’ behaviors or though processes
corporate Culture
Step Three: Internal Analysis
Human Capital Architecture
(4) typical types of EE segments
- Strat. Knowledge Workers
- Core EEs
- Supporting Workers
- Partners/Complementary Skills
- EEs who have unique skills that are directly linked to the company’s strat.
- difficult to replace
- given considerable autonomy and discretion to perform job
- companies make L/T commitments
Strat Knowledge Workers
- EEs hired to perform a predefined job but are not unique or difficult to replace.
- mgrs’ commitment to them is S/T
Core EEs
- EEs that have skills that are less central to creating cust. value and are generally available to all firms
- little commitment to company
- scope of duties is limited
- relationship w/ company is ‘transaction-based’ - focused on rules and procedures w/ less inv. in development
supporting workers
- EEs have skills that are unique and specialized, but NOT directly related to a company’s core strat. and are not readily available to all firms
- usually establ. L/T alliances an dpartnerships w/ indiv.
- ongoing relationship focused on mutual learning
Partners/Complementary Skills
- audits of the culture and quality of work life in an org.
- can consist of surveys and interviews to measure how EEs feel on a # of critical issues
cultural audits
- process of outlining the behaviors that exemplify a firm’s corp. culture and then hiring ppl who are a fit for them
- knowing that comp’s corp. cuture is a source of competitive adv.
values-based hiring
- mgrs must continually forecast both the needs and the capabilities of the firm for the future in order to do an effective job at strat. planning
- mgrs should focus on at least 3 key elements:
- demand for labor
- supply of labor
- balancing supply and demand considerations
Forecasting Firm’s Demand for EEs
- key: predicting the # and types of ppl an org. needs to meet its objs.
- factors that affect this: competitive strat, tech, struct, and productivity and business cycles
- should not be ignored - even in small businesses
- should include both qualitative and quanitative forecasting approaches
(2) approaches to HR forecasting
- quantitative
- qualitative
- approach to HR forecasting
- involves the use of statistical or mathematical techniques (such as trend analysis and modeling/multiple predictive techniques)
quantitative approach to HR forecasting
- a quantitative approach to forecasting labor demand based on an organizational index such as sales
- one of the most common approaches for projecting HR demand
trend analysis
stages of trend analysis
- select an appropriate business factor - s/b the best available predictor of HR needs
- plot a historical trend of the bus. factor in relation to the # of EEs - this will provide labor prod. ratio
- compute the producitvity ratio for as least the past 5 years
- calc. HRs demand by multiplying the bus. factor by the productivity ratio
- project the firm’s HRs demand out to the target year
- approach to HR forecasting
- less statistical (more of an art)
- use of mgmt forecasts judgments made by supers, dept mgrs, experts or other knowledgeable about the org’s future employment needs
- also - Delphi technique
qualitative approach to HR forecasting
- type of qualitative forecasting
- the opinions (judgments) of supers, dept mgrs, experts, or others knowledgeable about the org’s future employment needs
management forecasts
- type of qualitative forecasting
- attempts to decrease the subjectivity of forecasts by soliciting and summarizing the judgments of a preselected group of indivs.
- results in a collective, or group, judgment
Delphi technique