A2 - Equal Employment Opportunity Flashcards
(3) factors that influenced the growth of EEO legislation
- chg’g attitudes toward employment discrim.
- published rpts highlighting economic probs. and injustices experience by minority workers
- a growing body of laws/regs at different levels of gov’t that legislators believed s/b standardized
- this act makes it illegal to discrimintate against ppl in terms of pay, EE benef., and pension based on gender when they do equal work
- amendment to FLSA
- all ERs covered under FLSA and others
- ERs cannot lower wages of the higher paid gender to comply with law; must increase wages of lower paid gender
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Equal Pay Act of 1963 is NOT violated when paying male more than female in the same type of job if:
- differences in wages are based on seniority systems, merit considerations, or quantity or quality of production
- exceptions must not be based on EE’s gender or serve to discrim. against one particular gender
- this title of the act specifically bars employment discrimination in all HR conditions of employment
- prohibited on basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
- created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- also prohibits national origin and pregnancy discrim.
- protects hrly EEs, supers, prof. EEs, mgrs, exec
- there are exemptions to this Act
Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
definition of “national origin group”
- EEOC guideline
- group of ppl sharing a common language, culture, ancestry, and/or similar social characteristics
- includes ppl born in the US who are not racial or ethnic minorities
Exemptions to Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
- mgrs are permitted to apply employment conditions differently as long as they are on objective factors such as merit, seniority, or incentive pmts
- don’t have to hire, promote, retain workers who are NOT qualified to perform their jobs
- can still reward those EEs differently if provided they are based on the protected class
- permits exemptions for bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) - age, religion, sex, or nat’l origin is an actual requirement for perfoming a job due to bus. necessity
Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
Covered Orgs
- all private ERs in interstate commerce w/ 15 or more EEs for 20 or more weeks/yr
- state/local gov’t
- private/public employment agencies
- joint labor/mgmt committees that govern apprenticeship or training programs
- labor unions having 15 or more members or EEs
- public and private educational institutions
- foreign subsidiaries of U.S. orgs employing U.S. citizens
Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
Exempt Orgs
- U.S. gov’t-owned corps
- tax-exempt private clubs
- religious orgs employing ppl of a specific religion
- orgs hiring Native Americans on or near a reservation
Amendments to Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972
- Civil Rights Act of 1991
- Glass Ceiling Act of 1991
- Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)
- Amendment to Civil Rights Act of 1964
- allowed the EEOC itself to sue ERs in court to enforce the provisions of the act
- broadened to included state and local gov’t and public and private educational instit.
Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972
- Amendment to Civil Rights Act of 1964
- provides for compensatory and punitve damages and jury trials in employment cases involving intentional discrim. or unlawful harassment
- EEs who can prove they were intentionally discriminated against can seek compensatory monetary damages for emotional pain, suffering, mental anguish, etc…
- can also sue for punitive damages if ER engaged in discrimination w/ malice or reckless indifference to the law
- also broadened to include EEs employed by U.S. companies in foreign countries
- ERs must demonstrate job practices are job related and consistent w/ bus. necessity
Civil Rights Act of 1991
- Amendment to Civil Rights Act of 1964
- this was created to study the invisible barrier that prohibits protected class members from reaching top org. positions
Glass Ceiling Act of 1991
- Amendment to Civil Rights Act of 1964
- the 180-day statute of limitations for filing an equal-pay lawsuit w/ EEOC resets w/ each new discriminatory paycheck an EE receives - not the date the EE received the 1st paycheck.
Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)
- prohibits ERs from discriminating against EEs and applicants age 40 or older in any employment area
- ERs affected = 20 or more EEs, unions w/ 25 or more members, employment agencies, and all levels of gov’t
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967
discrimination factors
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
- exclude older wkrs from important work activities
- make negative changes in the perf. evaluations of older EEs
- deny older EEs job-related education, career development, or promotional opportunities
- select younger job applicants over older, better-qualified candidates
- pressure older EEs into taking early retirement or term. them
- reduce job duties and responsibilities of older EEs
- amendment of Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
- prohibits ERs from denying benefits to older EEs except in limited circumstances
- allows ER to ask older EEs to waive their legal rights in exchg for compensation such as severance packages or court settlements
Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990
- amendment to Civil Rights Act of 1964
- prohibits discrimination in the hiring, promotion, transfer, or term. of women becasue of pregnancy
- pregn. is a disability and that pregnant EEs in covered orgs must be treated on an equal basis
- equal basis of EE benefit programs and leave
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
- This act prohibits ERs from discrim. against indiv. w/ physical and mental disabilities and the chronically ill in all matters of employment
- requires ERs to make ‘reasonable accomodations’ to disabled persons who are otherwise qualified to work, unless doing this would be an undue hardship
- made the disabled part of the protected class
- covers ERs with 15 or more EEs
- enforced by EEOC
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
definition of disability
one of the following:
- a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activites
- a record of such impariment
- being regarded as having such an impairment
Not covered by ADA
mental impairments described as “adjustment disorders” or attributed to stress (over marital probs, financial hardships, demands of work, job duties, or harsh treatment from super)