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> A2.04.05: Tradable Permits > Flashcards
A2.04.05: Tradable Permits Flashcards
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(62 decks)
Formulas and Key Terms
B2.01.01: Perfect and Imperfect Competition
B2.01.02: Revenue
B2.01.03: Production
B2.01.04: Average, Total and Marginal Costs
B2.01.05: Economic costs and Types of Cost
B2.01.06: Profits and Losses
B2.01.07: Rational Producer Behaviour
B2.01.08: Perfect Competition in the Short run
B2.01.09: Perfect Competition in the Long Run
B2.01.11: Intro to Monopoly
B2.01.13: Natural Monopoly
B2.01.12: Allocative Efficiency under conditions of Monopoly
B2.01.14: Intro to Oligopoly
B2.01.15: Collusion (Game Theory)
B2.01.18: Intro to Monopolistic Competition
Types of Product Differentiation in Monop. Comp.
B2.01.19: Issues with Market Power
B2.02.01: The Free Market and Equity
B2.02.02: Illustrating Inequity with the CFI model
B2.02.03: Assumption of Consumer Rationality
The Rational Producer
B2.02.04: Cognitive Biases
B2.02.05: Nudge Theory
B2.02.06: Choice Architecture
A2.01.01: The Law of Demand
A2.01.02: The Assumptions Underlying the Demand Curve
A2.01.03: The Non-Price Determinants of Demand
A2.01.04: Changes in Demand
A2.01.05: The Law of Supply
A2.01.07: The Non-Price Determinants of Supply
A2.01.10: Market Equlibrium + Price Mechanism
A2.01.12: Consumer, Producer and Society Surplus
A2.01.14: Allocative Efficiency
A2.02.02: PED
A2.02.03: Determinants of PED
A2.02.04: PED and TR
A2.02.05: Importance of PED
A2.02.06: YED
A2.02.07: Illustrating YED
A2.02.08: PES
A2.02.09: Determinants of PES
A2.03.02: Merit and Demerit Goods
A2.03.03: Positive Externalities
A2.03.04: Negative Externalities
A2.03.05: Common Pool Resources
A2.03.06: The Nature of Public Goods
A2.03.07: Government Provision of Public Goods
A2.03.08: Forms of Asymmetric Information
A2.03.09: Government Responses to Imperfect Info
A2.04.01: The reasons for gov. intervent. in markets
A2.04.02: Indirect Taxes
Indirect taxes and elasticity
Indirect taxes and deadweight loss
A2.04.03: Carbon Taxes
A2.04.04: Subsidies
A2.04.05: Tradable Permits
A2.04.06: Price Floors
A2.04.07: Price Ceilings
A2.04.08: Legislation, Regulation and Education
A2.04.09: Other forms of gov. interven.
A2.04.10: Evaluation of gov. interven.