A18: Breeding (pure- and cross breeding) methods in sheep and goat production. Flashcards
What are the basic mating systems
Flock/ mass mating
Harem mating
Stud mating / hand mating
Artificial insemination
Sex ratio in natural breeding vs AI
-> sex ratio in natural breeding: 1:50 (60-70)
-> in AI from a single ejaculate with fresh diluted semen: 10-15 (20-30).
What is Breeding Value Estimate Based On
-> Own/ individual performance: daily gain up to a 120 day of age.
-> Progeny testing of bucks: used to estimate meat production.
-> Conformation: muscling, wool quality, testicle circumference.
-> prolificacy and milk production also considered.
Is pedigree important?
less attention is placed on pedigree
What are the main breeding goals and selection criteria of sheep?
Depends on breeding objective.
-> LAMB and MUTTON PRODUCTION: (weight gain performance): excellent muscling (muscular hypertrophy in sheep, CLPG) and less fat depositions (lamb production with poor fat deposits, body weight: 40-45 kg, under 6 month of age).
-> PROLIFICACY: higher twinning rate is desired.
-> WOOL PRODUCITON: wool quality is the main selective criterion.
-> MILK PRODUCTION: progeny testing of rams and group selection of best ewes are the most common methods.
-FUR PRODUCTION: only few breed are appropriate (Karakul).
What are the Selection Criteria in Dairy & Meat Goats?
-> For MILK production: the primary objective in goat breeding; fertility, form and shape of udder, conformation in dairy goats are important.
-> For MEATproduction: daily gain of kids, muscling, prolificacy of nanny goats (twinning), conformation.
-> For WOOL production: prolificacy and conformation, wool quality in Angora, Cashmere and Mohair goats.
What is pure breeding?
when the lineage of a purebred animal is recorded; exclusively to a specific breed.
What is inbreeding?
mating of the same breed which are more closely related than the average of the breed
What is line breeding?
-> one or more ancestors occur more than once in the pedigree of an animal.
-> the same ancestor occurs in the pedigree of both the sire and the dam.
Forms of pure breeding
Line breeding,
How can genetic improvement be obtained?
genetic improvement can be obtained more efficiently by intense individual selection rather than by forming inbred lines.
Give 2 benefits of cross breeding:
1) Heterosis Effect: Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring ( reproduction rate, prolificacy, wool, meat, milk production).
2) Recombination: process by which pieces of DNA are broken and recombined to produce new combinations of alleles. This recombination process creates genetic diversity at the level of genes that reflects differences in the DNA sequences of different organisms.
What are reasons for cross-breeding?
-> Grading up: replacement of local breeds by productive ones, mating by purebred, high yielding sires of another breed generation after generation.
-> Breed improvement (gene immigration): preserving valuable breed characters, and only a single crossing to introduce new gene into a breed, also called gene immigration.
-> New breed formations: synthetic breeds, crossbreds.
example: Marino ewes + Leicester rams
-> 2-Breed: (e.g southdown rams x Romney ewes or Suffolk, Texel, Il de France x local native breeds).
-> 3-Breed: (superior sire or terminal sire mated to first-cross ewe of 2 breeds).
-> 4-Breed: (offers twice the opportunity for recombination effects).
What is Terminal crossing, breed hybridisation?
Give exmaples
A x B –> AB
A is dam (do not say terminal dam line)
B is ‘terminal’ (paternal) bull
AB is slaughtered so B is terminal bull line.
Combination of breeds to optimise use of meat production.
-> 2-Breed: (e.g southdown rams x Romney ewes or Suffolk, Texel, Il de France x local native breeds).
-> 3-Breed: (superior sire or terminal sire mated to first-cross ewe of 2 breeds).
-> 4-Breed: (offers twice the opportunity for recombination effects).
what is rotational crossing?
males of 2 or more breeds used in sequence on crossbred female population, in sheep breeding it’s rarely used, results in loss of breed uniformity.
conclusion to crossbreeding?
Conclusion: Differences btw breeds can be quite large (even in the absence of heterosis) a crossing can give substantial gain or breeds can complement each other in different traits.