A-Procedures Flashcards
What is the difference between the Flight Duty Period (FDP) and the Duty Period (DP)?
FDP: Check in - Block on
DP: Check in - Check out or free of all duties
FDP is only relevant when acting as operating crew. DP is always relevant (operating crew, dead head crew, etc.)
Concerning FTL limitations, what is the difference between an “accommodation” and a “suitable accommodation”
A suitable accommodation provides a separate room for each crew member with a bed, in example an hotel room
Which duties are considered night duties?
Duties encroaching any period between 02:00 -04:59 in the time the crew is acclimatized to.
What is considered a local day / local night?
A local day means a 24 hours period commencing at 00:00 LT.
A local night means a period of 8 hours falling between 22:00 and 08:00 local time.
May the standard reporting time of 60 minutes be reduced?
Yes, it can.
It can be reduced to 45 minutes:
- For exceptional circumstances (e.g ferry flight)
- For positioning flights prior to an operating flight
What are the requirements for the use of extension of the maximum daily FDP
- Not more than twice in any 7 consecutive days
a) the minimum pre-flight and post-flight rest periods shall be increased by 2 hours; or
b) the post-flight rest period shall be increased by 4 hours.
Extensions shall be planned in advance and shall be limited to 5 sectors
When is a delayed reporting (Official delay of CI time) possible:
- Always, if the notification is acknowledged by the crew member 90 minutes before reporting time.
- Between 90 minutes and 60 minutes, only if the crew member acknowledges from his place of rest
-Notification has to be performed earliest, when the minimum rest time preceding the duty, latest one hour prior to the last planned and acknowledged reporting time
When a delayed reporting is applied, how is the maximum FDP calculated?
When the delay is less than 4 hours, the maximum FDP is calculated based on the original reporting time and the FDP starts counting at the delayed reporting time.
When the delay is 4 hours or more, the maximum FDP is calculated based on the more limiting of the original or the delayed reporting time and the FDP starts counting at the delayed reporting time.
When the crew member is informed of a delay of 10 hours or more in reporting time and the crew member is not further disturbed, such delay of 10 hours or more counts as a rest period.
In case a delayed reporting is further amended, how is the FDP calculated?
If the reporting time is further amended, the FDP starts counting 1 hour after the second notification or at the original delayed reporting time if this is earlier;
What are the key elements of a “Split Duty”?
- The break has a minimum duration of 3 hours.
- The minimum time for post- and preflight duties is 1 hour (minimum ground time 4 hours)
- Maximum FDP may be extended by 50% of x the break
- Accommodation or in some cases suitable accommodation is provided
The concept of “Awake Time” is to avoid that a a combination from standby and FDP supersedes 18 hours. From which time is the “Awake time” calculated
During 23:00 and 07:00 of the crew members reference time a crew member is considered awake at the time of the call from standby. During all other times the crew member is considered awake with the planned start of standby, however earliest from 07:00.
Standby ceases when the crew member reports at the designated reporting point. How does the standby time count according max FDP?
If standby ceases within the first 6 hours, the maximum FDP counts from reporting.If standby ceases after the first 6 hours, the maximum FDP is reduced by the amount of standby time exceeding 6 hours. if standby starts between 23:00 and 07:00, the time between 23:00 and 07:00 does not count towards the reduction of the FDP.
When accepting a Duty out of Standby, there are two additional facts that have to be taken into account for correct calculation of max FDP. Which facts are those?
1) Awake Time
2) Hours of standby preceding the reporting time
How long is the minimum rest period at home base?
The minimum rest period provided before undertaking an FDP starting at home base shall be at least as long as the preceding duty period, or 12 hours, whichever is greater.
How long is the minimum rest period away from home base?
The minimum rest period provided before undertaking an FDP starting away from home base shall be at least as long as the preceding duty period, or 10 hours, whichever is greater. This period shall include an 8-hour sleep opportunity in addition to the time for travelling and physiological needs.
Note: The time allowed for physiological needs is 1 hour. Consequently, if the travelling time to the suitable accommodation is more than 30 minutes, the rest period is increased by twice the amount of difference of travelling time above 30 minutes.
For how long may the commander extend the maximum daily FDP under unforeseen circumstances?
If not applying extended FDP 2 hours. If applying extended FDP 1 hour.
If on the final sector within an FDP the allowed increase is exceeded because of unforeseen circumstances after take-off, the flight may continue to the planned destination or alternate aerodrome; and the rest period following the FDP may be reduced but can never be less than 10 hours.
The commander shall consult all crew members on their alertness levels before deciding the modifications.
When has an aircraft to be sealed?
Aircraft parked at airports outside of the EU member states (except Switzerland, Norway and Iceland): For longer periods of time (e.g. night stops) and without staff at or in the aeroplane must be sealed and access aids removed.
If an aircraft has to be sealed, to rule out any manipulation, the commander will hand over the sealing list to responsible handling agent. Which doors have to be sealed?
- Passenger Door 1L
- Passenger Door 3L and service door 1R / 3R only if equipment is left at the aeroplane which make doors accessible
- fwd. avionic compartment
- lateral RH avionic compartment
- lateral LH avionic compartment (Z812)
- aft. Avionic compartment (Z824)
- Cargo Holds / Bulk Cargo Hold
Per door two seals: One on frame, one on door handle
Per avionics door: Two in flight direction (door handle has not to be sealed)
If the operating crew founds a broken seal what is the correct tasksharing?
- Inform OCC
- Perform a Security Check
When has a security check to be performed?
- Before a flight departs from a non EU country (exception Norway, Switzerland, Iceland) including UK
- Flights arriving from non EU country
- If there is a reason to believe that unauthorized persons may have had access to the aeroplane
- When an aircraft has been in deep storage
The search can begin once all service providers (e.g. caterers, maintenance staff, cleaners) have left the respective area(s).
Only within the EU, the search can begin even if service providers are still present in respective area(s).
May a bag be transported without the respective passenger onboard?
Passenger baggage (except rush baggage) may only be transported if the respective passenger is on board as well. Exceptions are allowed according to the European legislation. The OCC in consultation with EW Group Security is entitled to decide whether these exceptions can be applied.
May a sporting weapon be transported with EWE?
Sporting weapons shall be stowed in the aeroplane, in case of firearms unloaded, in a place, which inaccessible to passengers during flight. Weapons and ammunition may be loaded in the same compartment, provided the PIC is informed.