A Private Pilot Practice Test Flashcards
If an aircraft is loaded 90 pounds over maximum certified gross weight and fuel (gasoline) us drained to bring the aircraft weight within limits, how much fuel should be drained?
15 gallons
What is true altitude?
The vertical distance of the aircraft above sea level
Detonation occurs in a reciprocating aircraft engine when…
The unburned charge in the cylinders explodes instead of burning normally
During a might ugh gypsy observe a steady red light and a flashing light ahead and at the same altitude. What is the general direction if movement of the other aircraft?
The other aircraft is crossing to the left
Each pilot of an aircraft approaching to land on a runway served by a visual approach slope indicator (VASI) shall
Maintain an altitude at or above the glide slope
Prior to entering an Airport Advisory Area, a pilot should
Contact the local FAS for airport and traffic advisories
What ATC facility should the pilot contact to receive a special VFR departure clearance in Class D airspace?
1,500 feet
Which condition would cause the altimeter to indicate a lower altitude than true altitude?
Air temperature warmer than standard
Which condition is most favorable to the development of carburetor icing?
Temperature between 20•F and 70•F and high humidity
Prior to starting each maneuver, pilots should…
Visually scan the entire area for collision avoidance
What determines the longitudinal stability of an airplane?
The location of the CG with respect to the center of lift
In the northern hemisphere the magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the south when
The aircraft is decelerated while on a west heading
VFR approaches to land at night should be accomplished
The same as during day time
When are the four forces that act upon an airplane in equilibrium?
During I accelerated flight
What is an important airspeed limitation that is not color coded on airspeed indicators?
Maneuvering speed
Which in flight advisory would contain information on severe icing not associated with thunderstorms?
The prescience of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that there
is a temperature inversion with freezing rain at a higher altitude.
Which statement best defines hypoxia?
A state of oxygen deficiency in the body
If the pitot tube and outside static vents become clogged. Which instruments would be affected?
The altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical speed indicator
What action can a pilot take to aid in cooling an engine that is overheating during a climb?
Reduce rate of climb and increase airspeed
What information is provided by the Radar Summary Chart that is not shown on other weather charts?
Lines and cells of hazardous thunderstorms
Which incident requires an immediate notification be made to the nearest NTSB
An overdue aircraft that is believed to be involved in an accident.
With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a category if aircraft?
Aircraft, rotorcraft, glider, lighter than air
A 100 hour inspection was due at 3302.5 hours. The 100 hour inspection was actually done at 33905.5. When us the next 100 hour inspection due?
3402.5 hours
Prior to takeoff, the altimeter should’ve set to which altitude or altimeter setting?
The current local altimeter setting, if available, or the departure airport elevation.
When must a current pilot certificate be in the pilots personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft?
Anytime when acting as pilot in command or as a required crew member.
An airplane and an airship are converging. If the airship is left on the airplane position, which air raft has the right if way?
The airship
Unless each occupant is provided with supplemental oxygen, no person may operate a civil aircraft of US registry above a maximum cabin pressure altitude of
15,000 feet MSL
The three takeoffs and landings that are required to act as pilot in command at night must be done I the period from
1 hour After sunset to 1 hour before sunrise
In regard to privileges and limitations a private pilot may
Not pay less than the pro rats share of the operating expenses of a flight with passengers provided the expenses involve only fuel oil airport expenditures or rental fees
Under what condition if any may a pilot allow a person who is obviously under the influence of drugs to be carried aboard an aircraft?
In an emergency or if the person is a medical patient under proper care
What is one purpose if wing flaps?
To enable the pilot to make steeper approaches to a landing without increasing the airspeed
Thunderstorms reach their greatest intensity during the…
Mature stage
A stable air mass us most liky to have which?
Poor surface visibility
Every physical process if weather is accompanied by or is a result if a
Heat exchange
Convective circulation patterns associated with sea breezes are caused by
Cool, dense air moving inland from over water
Where does wind shear occur?
At all altitude sin all directions