A & P of Pregnancy Recorded (Chapter 13) Flashcards
does maternal physiologic adaptations affect all body systems
what stimulates growth in the first semester
estrogen and progesterone
what cellular change occurs in pregnancy
- size and increase
hyperplasia and hypertrophy
base of the placenta
when and where does show occur
after 14 weeks uterus at symphysis pubis
show depends on
height and weight
lightening weeks and what does it mean
38-40 weeks
baby drops
when does lightening occur in primp
2 weeks before labor
when does lightening occur in multipip
start of labor
what happens to the fundal height during lightening
hegar sign
softening of lower uterine segment
when does hegar sign occur
6wks gestation
7 weeks uterus size
large hens egg
10 week uterus size
12 weeks uterus size
after third month uterine enlargement is primarily result of
mechanical pressure of growing fetus
uterus size before and then after pregnancy
pear shape
1st tri uterus is a what organ
when does the uterus rises out of pelvis into abdomen
12 weeks
when is abdominal enlargement less apparent in who
primp with muscular tone, and posture
abdominal enlargement contributes
altered center of gravity
when do Braxton hicks occur
4th month
do Braxton hicks go away with walking or exercise
how to differentiate Braxton hicks and true labor
don’t increase intensity/duration or cause cervival changes
ballottement time frame
16-18 weeks
ballottement what is ti
passive movement of the unengaged fetus, palpating by bouncing finger on cervix and feeling rebound
first recognition of fetal movements, feeling life, kicks
quickening nuliparis
18th or later
quickening time frame for non nulparis
Goodell sign
softening of the cervix
due to increase vascularity, slight hypertrophy, hyperplasia
Goodell sign time frame
6 weeks
tissue is easily damaged
can result in slight bleeding after sex or exam
mucus plug
- barrier against bacteria
when does implantation bleeding start
6-12 days after conception
the first 6-10 weeks what secretes estrogen and progesterone
corpus lutetium
after 10 weeks the corpus lutetium stops secreting and what does
Chadwick sign
violet blue color of vaginal mucosa and cervix due to increase vascularity
- 6-8wks
vaginal flora changes which causes the pH to
what does vaginal flora do
helps prevent ascending bacterial infection that can contribute to preterm labor
vaginal flora changes
increase in 4 or more lactobacilli
decrease in anaerobic
Montgomery tubercles
hypertrophy around areola
striae gravidarum
stretch marks
estrogen stimulates what in the breasts
growth/proliferation of milk ducts
progesterone causes what of the breasts
growth/development of mammary lobes
lactogenesis stage 1
blood volume increases by
cardiac output increases by
what is supine hypotensive syndrome
don’t want laying on back to alleviate pressure on major vessels
what happens to the heart and diaphragm
what is physiologic anemia
increase in plasma more than RBC = dilution
what is the classification of anemia
hbg <11
hct <33
what state is pregnancy
pregnancy related dyspnea
begin 1-2 tri occurs with mild exertion or rest
later pregnancy: mechanical pressure increase dyspnea
what replaces abdominal breathing
chest since the diagphram is less possible to descend
what is normal in pregnancy for respiration
mild hyperventilation
pregnancy is a state of ABG
respiratory alkalosis
n/v past 1st trimester with fever is
possible illness
when does N/V peak
by 9 weeksw
when does n/v subside
end of first tri
- growth of gums
can be inflamed
soft tooth brush
excessive salivation
heart burn
why does excessive salivation and heart burn occur
due to pressure of GI, smooth muscles relaxation, and decrease peristalsis
why does constipation occur
due to increase water absorption or other causes
gallbladder and the liver leads to thickening of the bile which paired with slight increase in cholesterol leads to
why does abdominal discomfort occur
normally due to normal maternal alterations
why is appendicitis hard to diagnosis
displaced upward and laterally
urine flow rate is slowed which leads to
urine stasis = UTI
common s/s of UTI
bladder irritability, frequency, nocuturia, urgency
tubular reabsorption of glucose is impaired causing
glycosuria to occur at varying times and degrees
large amount of water loss in early pregnancy leading to
increase thirst
edema in later pregnancy leads to
decrease renal blood flow
hyperpigmentation is stimulated by the anterior pituitary hormone
which is increased during pregnancy
- what is it and time
blocky brown, hyperpigmentation over cheeks, nose, forehead,
16 weeks
linea nigra
pigmented line
vascular spiders
palmar erythema
increase estrogen levee
pelvic instability increases
fall risk
what happens to the spine
tension headaches can be due to
hormonal changes
eye strain
emotional tension
nasal congestion
is headache not relieved with Tylenol a red flag
yes preeclamp
what glands enlarge
- insulin needs do what during pregnancy
what is the earliest biochemical marker for pregnancy
subjective, changes experienced by the woman
objective, changes, observed/pervived by examiner
strongly suggest pregnancy
objective, changes observed/percived by examiner
indicative proof of pregnancy
presumptive ex:
breast changes
probable ex
hegar sign, ballottment, pregnancy tests
positive ex:
fetal heart tones, ultrasound