A Cute Kidney Injury. Flashcards
Risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI)
Age >75 DM Chronic kidney dz CHF Liver failure Sepsis IV contrast Cardiac surgery
AKI definition
Abrupt (within 48 hrs) decline in kidney fxn as manifested by:
Increase in serum creatinine >.3 mg/Dl
Decrease in urine output <.5mL/kg/hr x 6 hr
Need for dialysis
Elevated BUN and/or Creatinine
BUild up of abnormally large waste products in the blood
Urine output <400 mL/day
Urine output <100 mL/day
What can lead to elevated BUN
Decrease in GFR
Burns, steroids, fever, GI bleed
Prerenal AKI
Decreased renal perfusion
Post-renal AKI
Inadequate drainage of urine distal to the kidney
What would urine osmolality and sodium by in pre-renal failure?
Low sodium, low specific gravity.
Na and Water are being retained in the vasculature.
What will the BUN/Crea ratio be in pre-renal failure?
Prerenal tx
Treat underlying cause
Maintain euvolemia
Avoid nephrotoxic drugs
Postrenal AKI
Least common cause of AKi
Obstruction somewhere in kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra
Most common cause is prostatic obstruction
Postrenal AKI etiologies
BPH Anticholinergenic drugs Cancers Neurogenic bladder Urethral stones or strictures
What will the BUN/Crea ratio be in postrenal failure?
10 - 20:1. Normal
Intrinsic AKI
Injury within the kidney
Half of all cases
Acute Glomerulonephritis
Immunologic mechanism triggers inflammation and proliferation of glomerular tissue that results in damage to the BASEMENT MEMBRANE, mesangium or capillary endothelium.
Causes of Acute Glomerulonephritis
Post streptococcal Systemic illness (SLE, wegeners)
What will be seen in the urine in Acute Glomerulonephritis?
Red cell casts and significant proteinuria
Acute interstitial Nephritis
Most cases related to medication use
Also caused by kidney infxn
Eosinophils in urine
What is the most common cause of acute interstitial renal injury?
Acute tubular necrosis
3 main causes of acute tubular necrosis
Ischemia, Sepsis, nephrotoxic drugs
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Occurs when tubules fail to function
What will the urine show in acute tubular necrosis?
Low BUN/Crea ratio.
Elevated urine sodium, low osmolality
Muddy brown casts
Sediment in urine
Contrast Nephropathy
Form of ATN
Occurs 24 - 48 hrs post-exposure
Chronic illness is a risk factor