Deviation from the normal heartbeat pattern
Cardiac Arrhythmia
Cardiac Arrhythmia includes abnormalities of
- Impulse formation
- Heart rate
- Rhythm
- Site of impulse origin
- Conduction disturbances
- These disrupts the normal sequence of atrial and ventricular activation
This refers to a slow heartbeat
A resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute
This refers to a fast heartbeat
A resting heart rate greater than 100 beats a minute
A transient voltage change (membrane potential) across the membranes of the heart
Myocardial Action Potential
Myocardial Action Potential Phases
a.)Phase 0 (rapid depolarization)
b.) Phase 1 (early rapid depolarization)
c.) Phase 2 ( Plateau)
d.) Phase 3 (final rapid repolarization)
e.) Phase 4 (Slow depolarization)
Two electrical sequences that cause heart chambers to fill with blood and contract are initiated by __ of the heart
Conduction System
1st sequence, takes place when an electrical impulse is generated automatically
Impulse Formation
2nd sequence, occurs once the impulse has been generated, signaling the heart to contract
Impulse Transmission
It serves as the heart’s natural pacemaker, regulating the heartbeat by generating electrical impulses that coordinate the heart’s contractions
Sinoatrial Node
Sinoatrial Node is initiated in
60-100 BPM (Beats Per Minute)
Impulses are delayed briefly to permit completion of atrial contraction
Atrioventricular Node
Atrioventricular Node
Atrioventricular Node
Transmission of impulses along left to right
Bundle of His
Composed of bundle of his and Purkinje fibers
Latent Pacemakers
They contain cells capable of generating impulses
Latent Pacemakers
P Wave
Represents the spread of impulse from atria to the Purkinje fibers
PR Interval
Ventricular Depolarization
QRS Complex
Represents phase 2
ST Segment
Ventricular Repolarization
T Wave
An irregularly fast or erratic heartbeat (arrhythmia) that affects the heart’s upper chambers
Supraventricular Arrhythmias
From enhances automaticity of the SA node or another pacemaker region
Supraventricular Arrhythmias
Occurs below bundle of his, when a ectopic (abnormal) pacemaker triggers a ventricular contraction
Ventricular Arrhythmias
What is the French word for twisting of points
Torsades de pointes
Prolonged QT interval
Torsades de pointes
Precipitating Causes
*Heart Disease
*Myocardial Infarction
*Systemic Hypertension
*Thyroid Disorders
*Drug Therapy
*Toxic Doses of Cardioactive Drugs
*Increase Sympathetic Tone
*Decrease Parasympathetic Tone
*Vagal Stimulation
*Increase Oxygen
*Metabolic Disturbances
*Cor Pulmonale
COPD stands for
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPD compose of
Emphysema and Bronchitis
escape beats and bradycardia
Depressed Automaticity
Premature beats, tachycardia and extrasystole
Increased Automaticity