A/16-21 HEMODYNAMIC DISORDERS (Leiel) Flashcards
What is shock?
Is the final common pathway of a number of potentially lethal clinical events
- At any case, shock leads to a systemic hypoperfusion, which is caused by:
- reduced cardiac output
- reduced effective circulating blood volume
What is the end result of shock?
The end result of a shock:
- Hypotension
- Impaired tissue perfusion
- Hypoxia
What are the consequences of shock?
Consequences of a shock- 2 stages:
- Reversible cell injury: tissue hadn’t reached yet the point of no return.
- Irreversible cell injury: necrosis. Can culminate in the death of the patient.
List the types of shock
- Cardiogenic shock
- Hypovolemic shock
- Anaphylactic shock
- Neurogenic shock
- Septic shock
What are the reasons for cardiogenic shock
Systolic failure
- AMI: the necrosis in the tissue impaires the pumping function
- Arrhythmia: the conductive system impaired the pumping effect
Diastolic (filling) failure
- MI: rupture of myocardium → cardiac tampnade
Outflow failure:
- Pulmonary embolism → blood cannot be ejected from the right side
- Thrombus in the left atrium → it is “hard” for the blood to enter the ventricle
What are the reasons for hypovolemic shock
- Loss of blood
- Loss of plasma volume
Caused by hemorrhage, severe burns or trauma
What are the main events that occur in anaphylactic shock?
- Vasodilation
- Increased vascular permeability: caused by an IgE hypersensitivity reaction
- The severe vasodilation might lead to tissue hypoperfusion and cellular anoxia.
What are the events that occur in neurogenic shock?
Spinal lesion → loss of vessel tone → vasodilation
Describe the development of septic shock
20-25% mortality rate.
most cases of septic shock are caused by endotoxin-producing gram negative bacterium (endotoxic shock).
The endotoxin is a part of the LPS, which consist of a toxic lipid A, core and a polysaccharide coat called O-antigen.
Free LPS binds to circulating LPS-binding protein, forming a complex → recognized by CD14 present on macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils → Toll like receptor signaling cascade that leads to the production of TNF and IL-1 which have the following effects:
- reduce the synthesis of anticoagulant factors → bleeding
- activation of the complement system → cell lysis
- activation of monocytes
- act on endothelial cells to produce IL-6 and IL-8 (IL-cascade) which have the following effects:
- Systemic vasodilatation
- Decreased contractility
- Endothelial damage → makes a damage to the lung → ARDS
- Activation of coagulation system → DIC
The final result is MOF that affects the kidney, liver, CNS
What are the fucking stages of shock?
non-progressive stage:
- compensatory neurohumoral mechanisms are activated:
- renin system, secretion of catecholamines to maintain tone and contractility, ADH release, generalized sympathetic stimulation.
- The net effect is tachycardia, vasoconstriction, renal conservation of fluid.
- Perfusion of vital organs is maintained
- compensatory neurohumoral mechanisms are activated:
progressive stage:
- tissue hypoperfusion and onset of worsening and metabolic imbalances.
- hypoxia, anaerobic glycolysis → lactic acidosis → vasomotor response: arterioles dilate leading to pooling of blood in the arterial side and worsening of cardiac output, ischemic injuries
irreversible stage:
- leakage of lysosomal enzymes
- contractility worsens
- ischemic bowel may let intestinal flora to enter the circulation and developing endotoxic shock
- renal failure due to tubular necrosis
Define edema
increase of the H2O content in the interstitial spaces.
What are the medical terms of:
- excess of fluid in the pleural cavity
- excess of fluid in the pericardial sac
- excess of fluid in the abdominal cavity
- excess of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue
- hydrothorax: excess of fluid in the pleural cavity
- hydropericardium: excess of fluid in the pericardial sac.
- ascites/hydroperitoneum: excess of fluid in the abdominal cavity
- anasarca: excess of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue
What are the 2 types of edema fluids? how do they differ?
- Transudate: low protein content. Gravity < 1.012. occurs with volume or pressure overload or reduced plasma protein content.
- Exudate: protein-rich fluid. Gravity > 1.012. related to inflammation and the increased vascular permeability.
What are the 4 pathophysiologic forms of edema?
- Increased hydrostatic pressure
- Reduced plasma osmotic pressure
- Lymphatic obstruction
- Increased vascular permeability
What are the forms and reasons of edema caused by Increased hydrostatic pressure? give examples.
impaired venous return.
For example:
- Deep venous thrombus in the lower extremities (femoral vein) → backflow from the leg is impaired
- Increased resistance of the liver (cirrhosis) → blood cannot pass through the liver → ascites
Systemic: is due to an increased venous pressure. Occurs mostly in congestive heart failure.
- CO reduced → stasis→ pulmonary edema.
- CO reduced → reduced renal perfusion → renin→ increased plasma volume.
The heart is not able to increase the output, so that the extra fluid load increases the venous pressure and leads to edema formation.
How’s osmotic pressure usually maintained? what can cause it’s defficiency?
What is the result of reduced plasma osmotic pressure?
- This pressure is mostly maintained by albumin.
- Reasons for decreased serum albumin:
- Nephrotic syndrome: glomerular capillary wall is leaky
- Diffused liver disease-cirrhosis: there is a decreased albumin synthesis
- Protein malnutrition
Result: decreased plasma osmotic pressure → movement of fluid into the interstitium → decrease in plasma volume → renal hypoperfusion → renin system → Na and H2O retention.
- Since the primary defect is the low serum albumin, this fluid and salt retention will not solve the problem - the fluid will keep on leaking and the edema becomes even more severe.
Which cases will result in lymphatic obstruction?
Impaired lymphatic drainage and consequent lymphedema
- Post-irradition: breast cancer is treated by irradiation of associated axillary lymph nodes → fibrosis of lymphatic channels → leakage → upper extremity edema
- Neoplastic: carcinoma → obstruction of lymphatics → leakage
- Post-surgical: removal of the axillary lymph nodes.
Where is the most common site for increased vascular permeability?
What are some common causes for increased vascular permeability?
Is very common in the lung.
- the capillaries surrounding the alveoli are very thin due to their role in gas exchange.
Toxins as in sepsis/pneumonia due to bacterial damage/inflammation in any organ → increased leakage from the vessels → edema
Morphology of Subcutaneous edema
Subcutaneous edema (anasarca): the most obvious feature.
- gravity-dependent distribution
- typical for cardiac failure
- Visible in the lower extremities
- oncotic pressure related edema
- generalized
- in tissues with loose connective tissue matrix, like the eyelids.
- Pitting edema: finger pressure displaces the fluid and leaves a finger-shaped depression.
Morphology of pulmonary edema
related to left ventricular failure, ARDS, pulmonary infections.
Fluid fills-up the alveolar spaces → no proper gas exchange → hypoxia
*The lung is heavy (2 or 3 times the normal weight), when squeezing: a clear fluid or fluid stained by blood is washed out.
Morphology of Cerebral edema
localized to the site of injury
(infarct, absecesses, neoplasma)
generalized as in encephalitis.
- normal brain weight: 1200gr → (1300-1400gr)
- brain is pressed into the foramen magnum → tonsils of the cerebellum are pressed and damaged → death
- narrowed sulci, distended gyri
- softening of brain tissue
Clinical correlations of edema
- Subcutaneous edema may indicate an underlying disease (cardiac, renal)
- Can impair wound healing or the clearance of infection
- Pulmonary edema leads to impaired gas exchange
- Favorable environment for bacterial infection
What is Hemostasis?
What is Thrombosis?
What things are involved in both?
- Hemostasis: normal coagulation of the blood
- Thrombosis: pathological coagulation of the blood
Both involve 3 components:
- vascular wall
- platelets
- the coagulation cascade
What is sequence of events in hemostasis at the site of injury?
- arteriolar vasoconstriction: due to reflex neurogenic mechanisms and release of factors such as endothelin
- primary hemostasis:
3. secondary hemostasis:
TF + factor 7 →thrombin → cleavage of fibrinogen → fibrin
4. anti-thrombotic counter-regulation: this stage occurs after a plug was formed and includes several mechanisms aimed to stop the propagation of the thrombus:
* heparin like molecule: allow antithrombin 3 to inactivate thrombin, factor 10 and other coagulation factors.
* thrombomodulin: binds to thrombin and converting it to an anticoagulant factor (it activates protein C → proteolysis of factor 5a and 8a)
* tissue plasminogen activator: promote fibrinolytic activity
What are the 3 primary influences on thrombus formation?
together called “Virchow’s triad”
- Endothelial injury
- Alteration in normal blood flow
- Hypercoagulability

What are the types of endothelial injury?
Give some examples of thrombus formation due to endothelial injury.
denuding injury:
endothelium is lost→exposure of the ECM →coagulation cascade - non-denuding injury: dysfunctional endothelium,
too much procoagulant factors (TF, PAI)
fewer anticoagulant factors (t-PA, TM).
The following are examples of thrombus formation due to endothelial injury:
- Myocardial infarction → necrotic area is replaced by a scar tissue that favors thrombus formation
- Ulcerated plaques in atherosclerotic arteries
- Endocardities: inflammation of the endocardium which effects heart valves. Called “vegetation of the endocardium”
- Vasculities: antibodies against endothelial cells
Alteration in normal blood flow what means that?
normal blood flow is laminar.
thrombocytes are kept away from the endothelium
clotting factors from endothelium can be washed by the plasma.
Turbulence and stasis:
- disrupt laminar flow and bring platelets into contact with the endothelium
- prevent dilution of activated clotting factors by fresh-flowing blood
- retard the inflow of clotting factor inhibitors and permit the build up of thrombi
- promote endothelial cell activation
The two contribute to thrombosis in several clinical correlations:
- atherosclerotic plaques: cause turbulency and expose the ECM
- aneurysm: create stasis
- acute MI: result in focally noncontractile myocardium
- long bed rest → stasis → thrombus
- mitral valve stenosis → stasis in the atrium → thrombosis
- left sided HF: backward failure → stasis in the atrium → thrombosis
- arrhythmia absoluta: atrial fibrillation
What are the hypercoagulability states?
- _Primary (inherited)_:
- mutation in factor 5, which is normally anti-thrombotic (Leiden mutation).
- Also can be mutation in prothrombin gene, protein C and S.
- _Secondary (Acquired)_: associated with oral contraceptive pills, MI, cancer and
- Heparin induced thrombocytopenia: administration of heparin induces the formation of autoantibodies that bind to complexes that are present on platelets activation and endothelial injury
Generally what causes arterial/cardiac thrombi and what causes venous thrombi?
Arterial or cardiac thormbi typically begin at sites of endothelial injury or turbulence
Venous thrombi occurs at sites of stasis
What are the different morphology possibilities of thrombus?
White thrombus (sedimentation thrombus) - fibrin + platelets. Characterizes arteries. There is endothelial lesion → aggregation of platelets → secondary fibrin deposition
Red thrombus - characteristic or vein. Is the result of activated coagulation cascade and it contains more enmeshed erythrocytes, therefor it appears red.
Composite thrombus: white + red. In the arteries. Related to endothelial injury which generates the white thrombus which changes the circulation → Behind the thrombus there is a stasis. The head of the thrombus will appear white and the rest will be red.
Laminated thrombus:
- altered endothel
- generated in the heart
- At the beginning there is precipitation of platelets and fibrin (white layer), and the altered circulation coagulates the blood (red layer). If we cut the surface we will see that is has a laminated appearance called “lines of Zahn”. It represents thrombosis in the setting of flowing blood.
- precipitation of → several factors are released
Disseminated intravascular coagulation: platelets and fibrins.
The propagation portion of the thrombus tends to be poorly attached and is therefore prone to fragmentation and embolus formation.
Localization of the thrombi
Mural: occur in the heart chambers or in the aortic lumen.
- In the ventricle- due to MI
- On the valves- due to endocarditis (vegetation)
- In the atrium- due to mitral stenosis, left sided HF, arrhythmia absoluta
- Arterial: usually on ulcerated AT plaque or based on aneurysm
- Venous: also called phlebothrombosis.
lower extremities.
* femoral vein:
superficial →varicosites- curely veins,
deep( long bed rest) →pulmonary embolism
* Parametric vein thrombus:
baby presses the vein → stasis → thrombus
* Periprostatic:
prostate enlarged presses the plexus
* Pulle thrombus:
increased liver resistance due to cirrhosis→thrombosis in portal vein.
Fate of the thrombus
- Propagation: the thrombi accumulated additional platelets and fibrin, eventually causing vessel obstruction
- Embolization: thrombi dislodge or fragment and are transported in the vasculature
- Dissolution: the thrombi are removed by fibrinolytic activity
- Organization and recanalization: the thrombi induces inflammation and fibrosis. Pluripotent stem cells make new endothelial channels → neuvascularization → opening
What is DIC?
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Thrombohemorrhagic disorder caused by systemic activation of the coagulation pathway, leading to the formation of thrombi throughout the microcirculation.
As a result of the widespread thrombosis, there is a consumption of platelets and coagulation factors and secondarily, activation of fibrinolysis.
What can DIC cause?
(mostly in organs with intensive blood supply) - Pathologic activation of fibrinolysis and depletion of elements required for hemostasis (coagulopathy)
What are the causes of DIC?
TF in circulation+endothelial injury
(causes the release of TF and exposure of ECM)
- Obstetric:
placenta previa
fetus mortus
2. Infection:
gram negative and gram positive sepsis;
3. Trauma:
crash syndrome;
4. Neoplastic disease: Carcinoma (can release procoagulant substances);
APL (acute promyelocytic leukemia)
Organ morphology of DIC
The microthrombi are found principally in the kidney, adrenals, brain and heart (the lung, GI mucosa and liver can be affected).
Kidney: glomeruli contain small fibrin thrombi which can lead to damage of various the degrees:
- swelling of the endothelial cells
- glomerulitis
- infarcts/destruction of renal cortex
- Adrenal gland:
Waterhouse Friderichsen syndrome
3. Brain:
focal hemorrhage+ neurologic signs
The bleeding tendency is seen as hemorrhages near the site of infarction and as diffused petechiae and ecchymoses
Clinical course of DIC
- What are the forms of DIC
- What are the laboratory findings in the case of DIC
Depends on the balance between clotting and bleeding tendencies.
- Acute DIC (for example in obstetric complications) is dominated by bleeding
- Chronic DIC (cancer) is dominated by thrombosis
The manifestation might be very mild or extensive
Laboratory findings: thrombocytopenia, prolongation of PT and PTT
What is embolus?
What is the most common form of embolus?
An embolus is a detached intravascular solid, liquid or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to a site distant from its point of origin.
99% of emboli are thrombemboli = a dislodged thrombus
What are the different types of Emboli
- Pulmonary thrombemboli
- Systemic thrombemboli
- Fat emboli
- Air embolism
- Tumor embolism
- Amniotic fluid embolism
Explain Pulmonary thrombemboli
- Common origin
- Site of the embolus
- Consequences
In more than 95% of the cases it is originated from deep leg vein thrombi above the level of the knee (parametric, periprostatic).
- It passes through the right side of the heart and then into the pulmonary vasculature.
According to the site of the embolus:
- Total pulmonary embolus: occlusion of the main pulmonary artery
- saddle embolus: impact across the bifurcation
- subtotal: effects only one side of the lung
- partial: in the smaller vessels
- most are clinicaly silent because they are small
- when 60% or more are obstructed, sudden death, right ventricular failure or cardiovascular collapse occurs
- if a medium-sized arteries are obstructed, pulmonary hemorrhage occurs but not infarction due to the dual blood supply of the lung.
- If left sided HF is present, the bronchial circulation is impaired and an infarct might occur.
- Emboli in a small end-artery leads to infarct.
Explain systemic thrombemboli
- Origin
- Affected organs
- Consequence
80% from heart.
(2/3 of the cases are due to infarction in the left ventricular wall and 1/4 due to dilated atria which is the result of mitral stenosis).
Other causes
aneurysm, thrombi of ulcerated atherosclerotic plaques
or fragmentation of valvular vegetations.
affects the extremities ,brain
(to a lesser extent the kidney, spleen, intestine).
The consequence depends on the effected organ -> generally infarction.
Fat emboli
- Origin
- affected organs
Is generated by fractures to long bones (contain fatty marrow) or after soft tissue trauma.
- mechanical obstruction of microvasculature
- FFAS→toxic effect on endothelium
It usually effects the kidney, brain and the lung.
- Characterized by pulmonary insufficiency, neurologic symptoms, anemia and thrombocytopenia
Explain air embolism
- Amount needed to produce clinical effect
- Explain Decompression sickness
Gas bubbles can obstruct vascular flow.
- More than 100mL of air are required to produce clinical effects.
- It can result from obstetric procedure or chest wall injury.
Decompression sickness: when individuals are exposed to sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. When air is breathed at high pressure, increased amount of gas becomes dissolved in the blood and tissue. If the person ascends too rapidly, the N expands in the tissues and bubbles out of solution in the blood to form gas emboli.
Tumor embolism what means that?
Neoplastic disease interrupts vessels → ischemic injury
Explain amniotic fluid embolism pathomechanism
Entry of amniotic fluid and its content into the maternal circulation via tear in the placental membranes and rupture of the uterine veins.
There is pulmonary edema and diffuse alveolar damage with the pulmonary microcirculation containing squamous cells shed from fetal skin, lanugo hair, mucin from fetal respiratory of GI tracts.
Define Hemorrhage
Define Hematoma
Hemorrhage: extravasation of blood from the vessel into the extravascular space
Hematoma: accumulation of blood inside the tissue
What are pathways to develop hemorrhage?
- Hemorrhage per rhexin (rupture)
- Hemorrhage per arrosionem (Erosions)
- Hemorrhage per diapedesim (vascular wall disturbance)
Give 3 examples of vessel ruptures that lead to hemorrhage
- Hypertension in brain →
Aneurysm “charot badrout” → rupture → intracranial pressure increase → cerebral tonsils → Resp/Card centers failure -> Death
Hematoma epidurale
- Trauma to the head -> M.Meningeal artery -> pressure on the brain
- Lucidum intervalum
Esophageal ravix
- Liver hypertension -> periesophageal shunt -> rupture
Causes for hemorrhage per arrosionem
- Bacteria -> stomach ulcer -> hole -> bleeding
- Cancer -> vessel wall interruption
What are the possible morphologies of hemorrhage per diapedesim (vascular wall disturbance)
Possible morphologies
- Petechiae - 1-2mm
- Purpura - 3-5mm
- Suphosio / ecchymoses - Huge / large
What are the thrombopathies causes for hemorrhage per diapedesim (vascular wall disturbance)
Anaplastic anemia - bone marrow failure
Disseminated cancer - penetrate to bone marrow
ITP - Antibodies against platelets
Sepsis - toxins targeting platelets
What are the Coagulopathies causes for hemorrhage per diapedesim (vascular wall disturbance)
Hepatic failure - no factors 2, 7, 9, 10
DIC - depletion of coagulation factors
Hemophilia - A -> f8 deficiency B -> f9 deficiency
What are the vasculopathies causes for hemorrhage per diapedesim (vascular wall disturbance)
- Hypoxia - results in leaky vessels (CO poisoning)
- Infection - toxic effect on endothel
- Vit C deficiency - collagen synthesis decrease
- Vasculitis - antibodies against endothelial cells