AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms Flashcards
What regulation covers the wear and appearance of Army Uniforms?
AR 670-1
What does AR 670-1 cover?
Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms
When is the only time that commercially designed protective headgear is authorized for wear in uniform?
When operating motorcycles and bicycles
When must ID Tags be worn?
All times both CONUS and OCONUS except with a safety concern.
Shoulder boards come in what ranks?
Corporal through General
What does ECWCS stand for?
Extended Cold Weather Clothing System
How is the beret properly worn?
Headband straight across forehead 1 inch above eyebrows, flash over left eye, draped to the top of the right ear, no lower than the middle of the ear.
Who is authorized to wear insignia of branch on the patrol cap?
What are the dimensions of the dress uniform nameplate?
1x3x1/16 inches
How many marksmanship badges are authorized for wear at one time on the ASU?
No more than 3.
How is the US insignia disk worn on the male ASU?
Bottom of disk is 1 inch above the notch, centered on the right collar
What is the maximum distance an ACU trouser leg can be bloused?
Third eyelet from the top of the boot
What are some activities Soldiers should not do while walking?
Eating, using the phone, smoking.
When is wearing Army uniforms prohibited?
Political or commercial affiliations, off-duty employment, extremisT organizations, public demonstrations, or other discrediting event.
Why is the flag patch on the shoulder facing stars-front?
To give the appearance that the flag is on the move forwards.
What does each overseas service bar represent on the uniform?
6 months of service in a Combat Zone
What does each service stripe represent on the uniform?
3 years of honorable service
What does the V device represent on an award?
Acts of heroism involving conflict with an armed enemy
What are the different types of badges for wear on the uniform?
Marksmanship, Combat and special skills, identification badges, foreign badges.
What are some of the recent changes in the newest edition of AR 670-1?
Newly approved Female hair styles, earrings, and lipstick. Nail polish approved. Updates guidance on carrying bags and backpacks. Implements policy for the new AGSU. Clarifies policy for breastfeeding in uniform.
What does RDI stand for?
Regimental distinctive insignia
Where is the RDI found on the male and female ASU?
Female, centered 1/2 inch above the nameplate, or 1/4 inch above any unit awards/foreign badges. Male, 1/8 inch above the pocket, or 1/4 inch above unit awards.
What does DUI stand for? Where is it located on the ASU?
Distinctive unit insignia. Centered on the shoulder boards with the base of the insignia facing the outside shoulder seam.
When are ID tags not required?
Special forces; civilian attire
On which sleeve are the service stripes worn and what do they represent?
Left sleeve, 3 years of service
Can males wear wigs in uniform?
Yes, to cover natural baldness or disfiguration
What is the only insignia authorized for wear with the IPFU?
Physical Fitness Badge
Where should the ASU necktie end?
The necktie is tied so it is no shorter than 2 inches above the top of the belt buckle, and so it does not extend past the bottom of the belt buckle.
What is an appurtenance?
Appurtenances are devices affixed to ribbons to denote an additional award, participation in a specific event, or some other distinguishing characteristic of an award.