9.2 CHD + CHD TREATMENTS Flashcards
What is CHD and example of?
CVD - Cardiovasular disease
What is a cardiovascular disease?
Disease affecting the heart and blood vessels
What causes a heart attack to occur?
-Build up of fatty plaques in the coronary artery
-Coronary artery becomes blocked or partially blocked
-Blood supply to heart is cut off
-The heart muscle does not recieve the oxygen and glucose needed for respiration to take place
-Heart muscle cannot continue to contract
-Heart attack occurs
What is coronary heart disease?
a non communicable disease: does not spread, caused by pathogen
Risk factors causing CHD
-under exercising
-high BP/cholesterol
How does CHD occur?
Build up of fatty deposits on coronay artery walls/ high levels of cholesterol
What does the build up of fatty deposits do?
Narrows the lumen
Effects of a narrow lumen:
Causes the coronary artery to become blocked and it cannot stretch (loses its elasticity) to accomodate blood pressure/flow being passed through it.
This leads to lack of blood flow leaing to lack of oxygen for the heart muscle
2 ways CHD can be treated
Stents and Statins
What are statins?
Drugs which recude levels of fatty deposits in blood
Positives/benefits of statins
-reduces levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL)
-increases levels of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL)
-it is better than other invasive procedures
Negatives/risks of statins
-must be remembered to be taken regulary, long term, in order to stay effective
-if not taken continuously then efficiency is reduced
-has side effects, like muscle pain
-effects are not instant
What is a stent?
A tube which widens the lumen, allowing the coronary artery to be kept open.
Positives/benefits of stents
-effectively reduces risk of heart attack
-has a quick recovery
Negatives/risks of stents
-risk of blood clotting (thrombosis) meaning tablets need to be taken to thin out the blood
-infection risk
Evaluate 2 methods of treating CHD (6 marks)
1 mark: what is a statin? drug
1 mark: what is a stent? tube
1 mark: benefit of a statin e.g Does not include an invasive procedure
1 mark: benefit of a stent e.g Quick recovery
1 mark: risk of a statin - e.g Has to be taken continuously in order to stay effective
1 mark: risk of a stent - e.g Blood clotting meaning tablets needed to be taken to thin out blood
What are effects of a narrow lumen:
Cannot stretch to accomodate bloodflow, this leads to lack of bloodflow leading to lack of oxygen for the heart.
What is the cause of CHD?
high levels of cholesterol