9.2 Flashcards
The ___ plays the most important role in any successful substance testing program. As they generally have the routine, daily contact with the employee for the purpose of directing and evaluating performance; therefore, ___ is in the best position to assess any changes in an employee’s job performance, behavior, and/or appearance.
First-line supervisor
For a substance test to be effective, each supervisor must ensure that:
(a) Reasonable suspicion is supported by proper documentation;
(b) The sample is properly collected;
(c) _______; and
(d) The employee’s rights are not violated.
The chain of custody is maintained
The state’s substance testing policy requires the involvement of specified managers in all substance tests as a ______ before any sample can be collected. These managers are to make certain the policy is properly applied and the test appropriately administered.
Confirming Official
The effectiveness of the substance testing program is dependent on the Department’s ability to justify its actions and demonstrate a proper application of the policy. The following elements are critical if the program is to be successful: (Name the six C’s)
Consistency, Confirmation, Collection of sample, Chain of Custody, Control of Quality, Contracts
_______ are peace officer positions and other positions in which drug or alcohol affected performance could endanger the health and safety of others.
Sensitive positions
Supervisors who suspect substance abuse by non-sensitive employees are encouraged to support their observations using the same criteria used to establish reasonable suspicion for sensitive positions. Since a chemical test will not normally be part of the investigation, it is essential that the supervisor’s final determination be based upon:
(1) ___ ;
(2) Close observation; and
(3) Good faith.
Articulable facts
Reasonable suspicion is the good faith belief based on:
(1) Specific articulable facts or evidence that an employee may have violated
the substance abuse policy; and
(2)______ .
Substance testing could reveal evidence in support of a violation
Supervisors investigating suspected substance abuse must remain aware of possible criminal violations (i.e., 11377 Health and Safety Code [H&S], 11350 H&S, 23152a/b Vehicle Code). If the supervisor believes criminal violations(s) exist, a criminal investigation:
should be conducted prior to the administrative investigation.
If the Substance Abuse Investigation Interview is conducted, the supervisor should keep in mind the employee’s rights under the ____. Only those questions pertaining to the employee’s possible need for medical attention should be asked.
Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act
In regard to substance abuse testing, the role of the first designated manager in the supervisor’s chain of command.
Confirming official
True or false: The CalHR rules provide for a urine test as the primary means of determining whether or not an employee has abused drugs. A breath test shall be used in cases of alcohol.
From the moment reasonable suspicion is developed until the time a sample is provided, the employee should remain _____. The employee should not be allowed to go to a car, locker, or desk without supervision
Under continual supervisory observation
Ensure at least ___ of urine is collected (to be split into two containers after collected)
60 milliliters (approximately two fluid ounces)
True or False: Employees refusing to cooperate at any stage of the collection process shall be ordered to cooperate and advised that failure to do so may subject them to disciplinary action for insubordination.
All positive results will be communicated to the __ for further evaluation. In this instance, the ___ will attempt to contact the affected employee directly for information (such as legal prescriptions) to determine if there is a legitimate medical explanation for the positive test.
Medical Review Officer
An employee may claim that a test which returns positive for marijuana is the result of a legitimate recommendation from a licensed physician, the MRO will consider marijuana to be a legal prescription.
As far as BAC, what amount is considered a positive test under substance abuse testing:
If only alcohol is suspected, when should an employee return to work?
The following day
What general characteristics must be present in the non-peace officer positions for them to be designated “sensitive”?
Duties involve a greater than normal level of trust, responsibility for or impact on the health and safety of others.
Errors in judgment, inattentiveness or diminished coordination, dexterity or composure while performing duties could endanger the health and safety of others
Employees in these positions work with such independence or perform such tasks that it cannot be safely assumed that mistakes described above could be prevented by a supervisor or other employee.
What departmental classifications have been designated and approved (by the Commissioner and approved by CalHR) as sensitive positions?
1-All peace officers
2-All cadets
3-Automobile mechanic
4-Automotive technician series
5-Commercial Vehicle Inspection Specialist I and II
6-Public Safety Dispatcher and Public Safety Operator
7-Public Safety Dispatch Supervisor I and II
9-Heavy Truck Driver
10-Lead Automobile Mechanic
11-Lead Motorcycle Mechanic
12-Motor Carrier Specialist I, II and III
13-Motorcycle Mechanic
14- School Pupil Transportation Safety Coordinator.
CalHR rules do not permit the mandated substance testing of persons in ______ positions?
If a supervisor suspects on-duty substance abuse of an employee in a non-sensitive position, prompt action is required. Can the supervisor order the employee to submit to a chemical test if there is suspicion of substance abuse?
No. Additionally, the supervisor shall not attempt to elicit a chemical test from a “non-sensitive” employee.
Since a chemical test will not normally be part of a substance abuse investigation for a non-sensitive employee, it is essential that the supervisor’s final determination be based upon what?
1-Articulable facts
2-Close observation AND
3-Good faith.
Circumstances, observations and/or witness statements leading to a determination of substance abuse SHALL be documented using the ___________ Report format outlined in Chapter 11, Documentation.
Reasonable Suspicion
Adverse action SHOULD/SHALL be sought when there is a determination of substance abuse?
Supervisors SHOULD/SHALL review the applicable MOU when dealing with a non-sensitive employee whom they suspect of substance abuse to determine if there is additional action that they must take or are precluded from taking.
CCR Section 599.960 authorizes substance testing for employees serving in designated _______ positions when reasonable suspicion exists.
______________ exists only after the appointing power or a designee (confirming official) has also considered the facts and or evidence and agrees that they constitute a finding of reasonable suspicion.
Reasonable Suspicion
Any determination of reasonable suspicion muse be made in ________
Good Faith
Reasonable suspicion must be based on what? Not hunches or “gut feelings.”
identifiable facts and/or evidence
If a criminal violation(s) exists, a criminal investigation SHOULD/SHALL be conducted prior to an administrative investigation.
For uniformed employees, evidence gathered during a criminal investigation can be used to support the administrative investigation; however, the administrative investigation ________ be used to support the criminal investigation.
Criminal arrest/investigation reports involving non-uniformed employees ______ be used to support an administrative investigation unless the incident described in the report resulted in a conviction.
may not
_____ detectable level of alcohol is prohibited by the statement of Inconsistent and incompatible Activities.
The use of the PAS device to establish ____________ is not authorized
Reasonable Suspicion
Non-Uniformed supervisors SHOULD/SHOULD NOT seek the assistance of a uniformed supervisor to corroborate reasonable suspicion whenever possible.
Only those questions pertaining to the employee’s possible need for medical attention should be asked. Deviation from this could lead to incriminating questions being asked, resulting in a possible violation of ____.
When considered ______, anonymous tips may be the basis for initiating closer observation of the employee to determine/establish reasonable suspicion.
If closer observation does not yield facts or evidence to support a violation, an anonymous tip alone is ____________ to order a substance test.
not sufficient
CalHR requires that a “reliable informant” be a __________ who is willing to testify on behalf of management.
peace officer
The role of the Confirming Official is what?
1-Consider the facts and/or evidence and agree weather or not they support reasonable suspicion.
2-Ensure accurate and proper application of the rules.
3-Provide guidance and direction
4-Authorize the substance test.
The purpose of substance testing is to determine _______ impairment rather than past behavior
Regarding employee substance abuse, when does the testing process begin?
Answer: The testing process begins after the confirming official has authorized a chemical test.
Since urine is no longer an option for alcohol testing, all alcohol testing will be conducted using what method?
Answer: An evidential breath testing device.
Per CalHR rules, what is the primary means of determining whether or not an employee has abused drugs?
Answer: A urine test.
To what must employees suspected of being under the combined influence of alcohol and a drug(s) be required to submit?
Answer: To both a urine test and breath test.
After a urine test is obtained from an employee for suspected drug abuse, how is it to be preserved?
Answer: It is required to be frozen.
A sample collection of the employee’s urine or breath may be conducted by authorized personnel at the following locations?
Answer: The work location or any approved medical or custodial facility.
Regarding observation of an employee suspected of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drug(s), when should the employee remain under continual supervisory observation?
Answer: The employee should remain under continual supervisory observation from the moment reasonable suspicion is developed until the time a sample is provided.
Why should the employee not be allowed to void his or her bladder until the sample is collected?
Answer: To secure the best possible urine sample.
Substance testing experts believe the best time to collect a urine sample is within how many hours of the initial observation?
Answer: Two to four hours.
What shall the supervisor do before collecting a urine sample from the employee following?
- Obtain a sample kit provided by the Department
- Open the plastic bag and locate the checklist form (Annex A)
- Ensure all required items are included
- Read the instructions on the checklist
- Fill out chain of custody form and seal
- Collect the sample in the container provided in the kit
- Ensure at least 60 milliliters (approximately two fluid ounces) of urine is collected (to be split into two containers after collected)
- Secure the sample in a locked evidence locker
- Make arrangements with the designated courier service to have the sample transported to the laboratory.
- Notify the Office of Internal Affairs (Attention: Substance Testing Coordinator) of the sample collection.
How should a supervisor treat a situation in which an employee is unable to provide a urine sample and, after a reasonable period of time, the employee is still unable to provide a sample?
Answer: This will be treated as a refusal, which constitutes a presumption of impairment.
Are employees permitted to drink water for the purpose of aiding them in providing a sample?
Answer: Yes, so long as it is supervised.
If transportation is necessary, who should personally transport the employee to an approved medical or custodial facility?
Answer: The supervisor who made the initial observation and developed the reasonable suspicion.
Why should the supervisor who made the initial observation and developed the reasonable suspicion personally transport the employee to an approved medical or custodial facility?
Answer: To limit the number of persons involved and also provide the supervisor with more time to observe the employee for additional objective symptoms of substance abuse.
If the supervisor who made the initial observation and developed the reasonable suspicion cannot personally provide transportation, who must transport the employee?
Answer: Another supervisor must transport the employee.
Should uniformed employees be given the opportunity to change into civilian clothing before being transported to a collection site?
Answer: Yes, under supervision.
If a supervisor does not collect the sample at the work location, then the urine sample may be collected by whom?
Answer: Authorized medical or custodial personnel.
Must the authorized medical or custodial personnel be of the same sex?
Answer: Yes.
Must the authorized medical or custodial personnel actually watch the urine leave the employee’s body?
Answer: Yes.
Who is to confirm that the sample will be collected under direct observation?
Answer: The supervisor.
If, for some reason, authorized medical or custodial personnel refuse to collect the sample, who will personally collect the sample?
Answer: The supervisor.
Does the supervisor have to be of the same sex as the employee?
Answer: Yes.
If the supervisor is not of the same sex as the employee, what can he or she do?
Answer: Get another supervisor (uniformed or nonuniformed) of the same sex to collect the sample.
Upon securing a urine sample, who should the supervisor call to make arrangements for transportation of the sample to CALHR’s contracted laboratory?
Answer: The designated courier service.
Is it necessary to secure the sample in a refrigerated state while waiting for the pick-up?
Answer: No.
What shall an employee refusing to cooperate at any stage of the collection process be ordered to do?
Answer: The employee shall be ordered to cooperate and advised that failure to do so may subject them to disciplinary action for insubordination.
Can a supervisor attempt or threaten to use physical force to secure a sample?
Answer: No.
In those instances where criminal prosecution is contemplated, what procedures should be followed?
Answer: Normal arrest and evidence collection, consistent with HPM 70.1, Evidence Manual.
After the sample has been collected, to whom shall the command make notification?
Answer: To the substance testing coordinator at the Office of Internal Affairs (OIA).
When shall notification be emailed or faxed to OIA?
Answer: No later than 48 hours after the specimen is collected.
Which part of the “Notification to Substance Testing Coordinator” memorandum shall the command forward to the Department’s Substance Testing Coordinator?
Answer: The original through appropriate channels.
To preserve the chain of custody for the samples, who will be contacted to transport samples statewide?
Answer: The designated courier service.
Who will be the only one authorized to access the test results online?
Answer: Department’s Substance Testing Coordinator or alternate.
The Medical Review Officer will immediately relay negative results to the Department in the following order until the Department receives the notice:
(1) Directly to the employee’s commander; or
(2) Directly to the Division commander; or
(3) Directly to the appropriate Assistant Commissioner; or
(4) Directly to OIA.
Is the employee entitled to representation during any conversation with the Medical Review Officer about the sample?
Answer: Yes.
If, after seven (7) days, the MRO is unable to reach the employee directly (and no exculpatory information was provided by the employee via memorandum), what will the test be considered
Answer: “Positive by non-contact.”
While an employee may claim that a test which returns positive for marijuana is the result of a legitimate recommendation from a licensed physician, will the Medical Review Officer consider marijuana to be a legal prescription?
Answer: No.
Will any test which returns positive for marijuana be considered evidence in support of a violation of the Department’s substance abuse policy?
Answer: Yes.
The initial contact by the Medical Review Officer will be by what method?
Answer: Telephone, but written confirmation will follow all test results.
Under this substance testing policy, testing for which classes of drugs and/or their metabolites will be conducted?
(1) Amphetamines and methamphetamines.
(2) Cocaine.
(3) Marijuana/Cannabinoids (THC).
(4) Opiates (narcotics).
(5) Phencyclidine (PCP).
(6) Barbiturates.
(7) Benzodiazepines.
(8) Methaqualone.
(9) Alcohol.
When shall supervisors only use the breathalyzer?
Answer: Only when alcohol abuse is suspected.
If the breathalyzer results are .00/.00% Blood Alcohol Content, what should be secured to determine the cause of impairment?
Answer: A urinalysis test.
Is an employee prohibited from reporting for or returning to duty when not completely recovered from the effects of alcohol, or with alcohol on the breath?
Answer: Yes, any detected level, including the odor of an alcoholic beverage, would be the basis for an adverse action.
Will urine tests be tested for alcohol?
Answer: No, if both drug and alcohol use are suspected, employees are required to submit to both urine and breath tests.
A portion of the sample may be reanalyzed by whose expense?
Answer: The affected employee’s expense, but the laboratory will not release any portion of the sample without departmental approval.
Who will act as a liaison with the laboratory and will coordinate release of the sample portion?
Answer: The OIA will act as a liaison with the laboratory.
Where shall test kits be stored?
Answer: In a secure location, such as a file cabinet or locker in the sergeants’ office.
Where are the test kits stocked?
Answer: At OIA and will be made available through the Substance Testing Coordinator.
The first-line supervisor will be dealing with the involved employee from the time reasonable suspicion first arises until the results of the test are known. Throughout that period, which may span several days, what should the supervisor’s actions be guided by?
(1) Safety of the employee and others;
(2) Potential disciplinary action up to and including dismissal;
(3) Proper enforcement of the state’s substance abuse rules; and
(4) Employee rights and privacy.
Upon initially contacting the employee, the supervisor should:
(1) Inform the employee of the observations and why they are cause for concern.
(2) Listen to the employee’s explanation and give it appropriate consideration before reaching a decision to test.
(3) Maintain as much privacy and confidentiality as possible.
(4) Be direct, factual, firm, calm, and professional.
(5) Avoid apologizing for the actions or engaging in pointless debate or discussion.
(6) If the employee is threatening or violent, seek the assistance of another supervisor or manager before continuing with the process.
(7) Seek medical help immediately, if appropriate.
(8) Keep the employee under continuous observation until the sample is collected or the decision is made not to test. Do not allow the employee to consume large amounts of liquid and note any unusual actions. This is a critical step in the process. The employee must not be given the opportunity to dilute the urine sample or to make preparations to either beat the test or contaminate the sample.
Once the confirming official approves the supervisor’s reasonable suspicion, the supervisor should?
(1) Inform the employee that a decision has been reached to administer a substance test.
(2) Assure the employee that the sample will be collected in a proper setting.
(3) Advise the employee of the possible consequences of a positive test, which could include termination from state service.
(4) If the employee refuses to cooperate, inform the employee that this refusal will result in a request for adverse action and could lead to termination from state service.
(5) Make arrangements for testing and, if necessary, transportation.
(6) If a uniformed employee is involved, take and secure the employee’s duty belt and weapon until such time as the employee is released to duty.
When should the employee be allowed to return to duty after being tested?
Answer: Until the test results are known to be negative.
In those instances where only alcohol is suspected, when should the employee be returned to full duty?
Answer: The following day if completely recovered from its effects.
What criteria will apply after a substance test has been conducted or the employee refuses to submit to a test when directed?
(1) If a peace officer is involved, peace officer powers will be immediately suspended along with any requests for secondary employment. Additionally, the employee will be required to immediately surrender all state property. These suspensions will remain in effect until the results of the test are known. A decision will be made at that time whether or not to reinstate them. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to circumstances involving only the suspected use of alcohol.
(2) Supervisors shall ensure the employee is provided with a memorandum describing their rights and responsibilities regarding the outcome of the test.
(3) Arrange to have the employee transported home. In no event is the employee to drive home.
(4) Employees who refuse transportation or cannot care for themselves shall remain at the office until arrangements can be made with family, friends, etc.
(5) If intoxication is so severe that it poses an immediate threat to others or to medical well-being, the employee should be transported to a custodial or medical facility, as appropriate.
After providing a urine sample, the employee shall be given a memorandum explaining what?
Answer: Both the supervisor’s role and the employee’s rights relative to substance testing. Along with the memorandum provided to the involved employee, a list of items explaining substance testing, results, and employee assistance shall also be provided.
Shall employees suspected of violating the substance abuse policy shall be entitled to representation during any interrogative interviews that could lead to a decision to take adverse action against the employee?
Answer: Yes
Is an employee entitled to representation during the collection of the sample?
Answer: No, unless specifically permitted in the MOU.
Shall employees be entitled to representation in any of their discussions with the Medical Review Officer that occur subsequent to implementing this policy?
Answer: Yes.
- Who receives and reviews positive test results and evaluates them from a medical point of view?
One or more Medical Review Officers (MRO) contracted with CalHR.
- If the affected employee has additional information for the MRO to consider, it is the employee’s responsibility to provide that information. True or False?
- Should a supervisor assist the MRO in establishing necessary appointments with the affected employee?
- Since the employee has an opportunity to explain a positive test result, it is imperative that supervisors properly document their observations that formed the foundation for reasonable suspicion. True or False?
True. This information may be necessary to refute a claim made by the employee to explain the test results.
- What is one of the key concerns raised by substance testing?
A. Invasion of Privacy (ref. Chpt. 10 pg. 10-3 section 1a)
- Negative test results should not/shall not be included in the employee’s personnel file?
A. Should not. Negative test results and the documentation regarding reasonable suspicion for the test shall be maintained apart from the employee’s personnel folder unless the employee requests otherwise. (ref. Chpt. 10 pg. 10-4 section 3a)
- This information will be maintained in a separate file for years or until such time as any litigation arising from circumstances leading to the test has concluded, whichever is longer.
A. Five years (ref. Chpt. 10 pg. 10-4 section 3a)
- Positive test results and the documented reasonable suspicion will become part of the request for?
A. Adverse Action File. (Maintained for five years) (ref. Chpt. 10 pg. 10-4 section 3b)
- Supervisors/managers should/should not ensure that only essential personnel are utilized in performing the substance test and preparing the necessary documentation.
A. Should. This will help limit the number of persons familiar with the circumstances and ensure confidentiality. (ref. Chpt. 10 pg. 10-4 section 3c)
- What report and form are required to be completed by the supervisor who made the initial determination of reasonable suspicion?
A. A Reasonable Suspicion Report using a CHP 202X, Workplace Substance Abuse Investigation/Voluntary Testing Report. (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-3 section 2a)
- Are supervisors required to provide the employee with immediate documentation of the cause for reasonable suspicion?
A. No (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-3 section 2a)
- In most instances, Supervisors should prepare a thorough report of the circumstances and submit it to the confirming official within ?
A. 48 hours (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-3 section 2a)
- Supervisors are to ensure the Reasonable Suspicion Reports are complete and accurate concerning circumstances, behavior, appearances, and times. True or False
A. True (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-4 section 4a)
- What elements are considered essential to writing a complete and comprehensive report? Choose all that apply
a. A detailed description of the incident and/or circumstances initiating the reasonable suspicion.
b. the fact that substance abuse could not be ruled out after considering possible causes, if any.
c. Supporting evidence resulting from closer observation of the employee’s appearance and demeanor. This includes the results of any field sobriety tests, drug evaluations and or medical screenings.
d. Names of other supervisors, employees, or witnesses who can verify or support the reasonable suspicion.
- When a criminal investigation is conducted, a Reasonable Suspicion Report shall/should/may be completed.
A. Shall. (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-4 section 4a)
- Even if the test results are negative, the Reasonable Suspicion Report must be completed, reviewed, and a copy provided to who?
A. The employee. (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-4 section 4b)
- If the test results are positive, what is included in the Request for Adverse Action?
A. The Reasonable Suspicion Report and the test results (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-4 section 4c)
- Where are negative test results recorded on the CHP 202X, Workplace Substance Abuse Investigation/Voluntary Testing Report?
A. Page 2 and/or attached to the report (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-4 section 4d)
- Will the CHP 202X indicating a negative test result ever be retained in the employee’s personnel filed folder?
A. Never. Under no circumstances. (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-4 section 4d)
- If an employee volunteers to provide a sample for substance testing, is a CHP 202X completed? If so, by who?
A. Yes. A supervisor completes the form and asks the employee to sign it. (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-5 section 5a)
- How long is a CHP 202X (voluntary sample) retained?
A. It will be retained according to the incident or circumstance giving rise to the test. (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-5 section 5b)
- In circumstances where no other documentation is associated with the incident giving rise to voluntary testing, the CHP 202X and attached narrative will be forwarded to OIA, where it is retained for how long?
A. Two years from the date of testing (ref. Chpt. 11 pg. 11-5 section 5b)
What are the only drugs permitted to be tested for under the Commercial Driver Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing (CSAT) regulations?
Answer: Marijuana, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Opiates, Phencyclidine (PCP).
What employees are required to participate in the Commercial Driver Drug and Alcohol Testing Program?
1) Employees in a classification requiring a CDL.
2)Employees receiving pay differential or additional compensation for possession of a CDL.
3) Possess a CDL and periodically drive a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) for the Department and supervisors who possess a CDL for emergency purposes.
Who is responsible for receiving laboratory results generated by an employer’s drug testing program?
Answer: Medical Review Officer (MRO).
What has to occur before a CMV driver can drive for the Department?
Answer: Submit a pre-employment drug test and obtain a negative result from an MRO.
Each CMV driver subject to Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing (CSAT) shall be provided ____________ upon hiring or promotion?
Answer: Drug and Alcohol Testing: Driver Awareness Training, Driver Handbook.
Supervisors shall ensure CMV drivers selected for random CSAT testing are not?
Answer: Made aware of the test prior to being sent for the test.
Who makes random CSAT testing selection of drivers?
Answer: CALHR.
What employees are eligible for random CSAT testing?
Answer: Drivers on scheduled work shift.
CMV drivers for the Department who are in a qualifying collision should be tested for alcohol within?
Answer: 2 hrs.
CMV drivers for the Department who are in a qualifying collision should be drug tested within?
Answer: 32 hrs.