9.1 Employee Relations Flashcards
CHP administers how many bargaining units?
12 (of 21)
The Dills Act has established employees right for…
representation on issues pertaining to wages, hours, and conditions of employment.
Establishes the right of a bargaining unit employee to be assisted by a union representative at an investigatory interview to which the employee has been summoned by management, when the employee reasonably believes disciplinary action may result from the interview:
Weingarten Rule
Responsible for seeing that employee relations policies of the CHP are properly administered
Managers and Supervisors
Recognized organizations may use existing bulletin boards to post what information?
1) Notices/results of official committee or meetings
2) Elections and the results
3) Notices of recreational/social events
4) Other official business
Who retains final authority when it comes to removal of materials from a bulletin board?
Request for reimbursable paid leave of absence (union leave) shall be retained at command and OER for what duration?
Command - 12 months (from date of request)
OER - 3 years
A grievance alleges a violation of…
A complaint is a dispute over…
Policy and procedures
What is the first step to initiate the grievance and/or complaint procedure?
Informal discussion between employee (or representative) and immediate supervisor.
What forms are to be used when filing a formal complaint or grievance?
CHP 94 or STD 630
Elements of a formal complaint or grievance:
1) Alleged violation (specific provision or policy violated)
2) Statement of the problem
3) Proposed remedy
A “Meet and confer” consists of what parties?
CAHP representative(s) and Area/Section/Division Commander.
- The Officer involved may or may not participate at the Commanders discretion.
Level 2 of the complaint/grievance process is handled at what level?
Division Commander
Level 3 of the complaint/grievance process is handled at what level?
Office of the Commissioner
*Last level of appeal for represented employee COMPLAINTS (not grievances)
Level 1 of the complaint/grievance process is handled at what level?
Area/Section Commander
Level 4 of the grievance process is handled at what level?
Director California Department of Human Resources
Specialty pay positions are defined as premium pay which is paid on a monthly, not daily basis. List each of the specialty pay positions:
1) Motorcycle
2) Pilot & Flight Officer
3) Bilingual
4) Investigator
Who may grant the approval to remove an employee from a position for which they are getting specialty pay (i.e., motor officer, investigator)?
The appropriate Asst. Commissioner. The commander must provide the documentation for cause and effective date of removal.
Who act as the departmental rep for issues relating to Management relations?
OER – Office of Employee Relations
What is an unfair labor practice?
Actions or inactions that violate the Dill’s Act.
True or False: A commander may choose not to meet and confer with a rep over findings in a citizen’s complaint, a comment on performance documents, MOD or Form 2?
False. A commander is obligated to meet. However, it is the commander choice whether or not to allow the employee in the meeting.
What is the purpose of arbitration?
Arbitration is a third party settlement of disputes outside of court. Handled by OER and DPA.
Grievance and appeal procedures (excluded Employees). What are the time limits for an informal discussion (employee/rep)?
Employee/rep shall discuss grievance with immediate supervisor within 21 cdays. Supervisor shall render a decision either verbally or in writing within 7 cdays.
What are the four steps in processing a grievance/complain?
- Copy, first level, forwarded to Division and OER within 5 wdays.
- Copy, second level, forward to area and OER within 5 wdays
- Appeal to third level. OER will forward to area within 3 wdays. Response will sent to affect commands within 3 wdays.
- Upon receipt, OER will send Level 4 response to area within 3 wdays.
Can a grievance or complaint be accepted on a CHP memo? Yes or No
No. Only on a CHP 94 or STD 630
What are the elements in management’s response to a formal grievance/complaint?
- Introduction
- Management’s Position
- Decision
Important – only respond to alleged violation Do not expand on allegations.
What elements are required to be included on a formal grievance/complaint?
- Alleged violation
- Statement of the problem
- Proposed remedy
What are the 5 levels of grievance/complaint process?
- Informal (discussion employee and supervisor
- Level 1 – Area Commander
- Level 2 – Division Commander
- Level 3 – Office of comm. (final level for represented employees
- Level 4 – DPA (last level for excluded employees)
When can an excluded employee file a grievance?
Involves a dispute over statues, regulations or policy. Example: denial of OT, transfer, request to remove censurable incident report
When is the complaint procedure used?
Settles dispute over policy and procedures. Examples: allegation officer must work graveyard shift alone, denial of hardship transfer
When is the grievance procedure used?
Violation of contract. Example: denial of representation, denial of OT compensation, annual performance evaluation.
How many hours of release time may a rep use to assist an officer who has been involved in an officer involved shooting?
8 hours. If the time is outside the reps regular works hours, the reps regular work shift shall be adjusted to compensate.
True or False: During work hours, an employee may utilize a reasonable amount of release time for grievance / complaint representation?
True (not for meet and confer)
Excluded employees may represent excluded employees.
Can employee representative claim travel time for rep activities, employee organizations business or interrogation representation?
Who may grant or deny release time?
Employee’s supervisor
Release time: The needs of the command are the primary consideration when approving request for release time. When may release time be granted?
During employees regular work hours. No shift or schedule changes are allowed.
True or False: State vehicle shall not be used by reps during rep functions?
What about copiers, fax, audio visual equipment and other equipment?
Yes, but provided it doesn’t generate additional costs. May need supervisor or commander notification in some instances.
May an employee conduct association/union activities during work hours? If not, when?
No. An employee may conduct business during non-work hours. Such as lunch breaks, rest breaks, before and after work.
A recognized organization may use existing bulletin boards to post information on the following subjects:
- Notice/results of official committee or meeting
- Notice of elections and their results
- Notices of recreational or social events
- Other official business
Shall be dated, initialed and copy given to commander. Shall be professional. Management retains final authority for removal.
What is the role of a management team?
Direct the workforce towards accomplishing goals, reflection of management.
True or False: Supervisory employees are not entitled to bargaining unit rights, exclusive representation, or the right to file an unfair labor practices charge.
True: Limited rights only
Unit 5. Who is considered a represented employee?
An employee who is not designated as a supervisor or manager of a confidential employee (rank and file)
Who is afforded POBR
All employees. Not cadets.
What is the Excluded employee’s bill of rights?
Supervisory employees have the right to be represented regarding matters related to employment conditions and supervisor employee relations.
What is the Dills Act (short version)?
Give employees the right to be represented on issues pertaining to wages, hours, conditions and employment. Right to meet and confer.
What takes precedence if there is a conflict, Policy or the Contract?
Contract, unless mutual agreement.