10.10 Performance Appraisal Manual Flashcards
What are the four purposes of a performance appraisal?
a. increase individual effectiveness.
b. assist employee’s by identifying strengths and weaknesses.
c. record plans and goals set during and to record progress made in reaching those goals
d. To evaluate performance of critical job tasks during a prescribed rating period.
The objective of the performance appraisal is to ensure that performance at least meets _____________and to ___________of all employees to full potential.
departmental standards
develop the performance
A critical task is a task which an employee must be able to perform at a level which meets established performance standards. If the employee cannot or does not perform any one critical task satisfactorily, then the employee’s overall performance is considered to be unsatisfactory. How many are there?
True or False - To ensure rating consistency within a command, the commander, with input from the command’s management team, shall establish performance ranges for evaluating critical task performance.
Note: applied to all types of evaluations
The _____ and _____(state agency) generally establishes performance standards.
Government Code
Cal HR
Performance Appraisal: The reviewer provides oversight in the rating process and is the next level of management above the rater. In most cases, the reviewer will be the __________________________.
executive or field operations lieutenant
The annual performance appraisal shall be completed and submitted to Human Resources Section (HRS), Personnel Files Services, within __ days following the officer’s anniversary date.
Note: Probationary reports completed within 10 days following the 4, 8 and 12 month reports.
Occasionally, an officer may experience performance problems that are so serious that the supervisor feels the need to immediately initiate interim reporting procedures. In this case the commander shall have the supervisor complete a _______.
CHP 118
Substandard performance on a critical task shall be documented on the CHP 100 form as Deficient or Needs Improvement?
Needs improvement
Note: Deficient is used on CHP 118. A rating of deficient is reserved for performance where there is a clear, documented need for improvement. SAME FOR SGT.
Each officer’s CHP 100 should / shall be reviewed by the immediate supervisor promptly after the 15th of the month and again after the last day of the calendar month (and at any other time deemed appropriate).
If Probationary employees fail to work 1680 hours in a year or miss 60 days straight. The commander shall contact ______ to determine official date of probation completion.
Human Resource Section
How many days does an office have to complete a transfer CHP 118?
A transfer CHP 118 is not required to be prepared.
When an officer is placed on interim reporting, only the _________ task or tasks shall be rated except when the deficiency is identified at the same time as the officer’s annual or probationary evaluation.
Can an officer placed on interim reporting for low enforcement activity work a “speed” OT detail?
The CHP _______ serve as the primary source document for annual CHP 118 ratings. When making CHP 118 ratings, always consider the officer’s performance for the entire rating period.
100 form
How many critical tasks are contained on the sergeants annual performance review (CHP 112)?
Upon request by the________, when a promotional exam is scheduled they may request a CHP 131 ,Promotional Development Assessment, be completed at that time. True/False?
On a CHP 100 and/or CHP 112, _____________ or ________________comments are mandatory by the rater.
Excellent or Needs Improvement.
The CHP 100 / CHP 112 forms are rated on a three-tier scale:
The CHP 118/CHP 118S forms are rated on a three-tier scale:
100/112: Excellent, proficient, needs improvement
118/118S: Excellent, proficient, deficient
The CHP 131 focuses on ____ critical dimensions.
9 (part 3 of CHP 131)
Non-uniformed employees serve a probationary period of either __ or __ months. Reports are due to HRS within 10 days of each probationary reporting period.
6 Months
12 months
Note: reporting periods are either 2, 4 and 6 months or 4, 8 and 12 months. Complete a STD 636, Report of Performance for Probationary Employee
True or False - Non-Uniformed Employees: The evaluation method for both the STD. 636 (probationary) and CHP 118A (permanent) consists of certifying the employee’s success in performing each element of ten critical factors.
The CHP 118A, Performance Appraisal of Permanent Nonuniformed Employee, has three possible ratings?
Improvement needed
Note: Supervisors shall make pertinent comments for any ratings of Exceeds or improvement needed.