901-1000 Flashcards
Keep a straight face
Not laugh or change your expression even though you want to laugh
Keep abreast of
Keep oneself updated
Keep an ear to the ground
Staying informed and updated about everything
Keep at arm’s length
Avoid being friendly with someone
Keep count of
To remember a total
हिसाब रखना
Keep in check
To control something
Keep in touch
To maintain contact with another person
Keep one’s head
Remain calm
Keep one’s word
To uphold one’s promise
Keep someone in the loop
Give them all the information
Keep someone posted
Keep sharing the latest information
Keep the ball rolling
To maintain progress
Keep under one’s hat
To keep something a secret
Keep up appearances
To pretend to be happier or richer so as to conceal the real situation
Keep up with the joneses
to compare oneself to others and try to match their lifestyle
Keep your chin up
Remain cheerful and hopeful in difficult circumstances
Keep your shirt on
To remain cool
Keep your wig on
To calm down
Keep/hold something at bay
Prevent someone from moving closer
Keeps an open house
Welcome all members
Kept a level head
to remain calm and composed, especially in difficult situations
Kept a stiff upper lip
Remained expressionless
Kick someone when they are down
To cause further trouble to someone already in a difficult situation
Kick the bucket
To die
Kicked up a row
Cause a disturbance
Kicking his heels
Wasting time
Kill two birds with one stone
To achieve two results with a single effort
Kith and kin
Blood relatives
Kitty corner
Things located diagonally opposite to each other
Knock down
To demolish
Know like the back of one’s hand
To have detailed knowledge of something
Know something inside out
To know everything about something
Knows how many beans makes five
Well informed and intelligent
Laid down their arms
Lap up
Accept eagerly
Large hearted
Last but not least
Last in order of mention or occurrence but not last in importance
Latched on to something
To become firmly attached
Late in the day
Too delayed to be of any use
Latin and Greek
Unable to understand
Laughs like a drain
Laugh loudly
To earn great prestige
Lay hands on
to harm someone
Lay out
Laying it on thick
An exaggeration
Laying off
Dismissal from jobs of
Lead someone by the nose
To completely control or dominate someone
Lean and mean
Ready and efficient
Learn by heart
To memorize something
Learn/know the ropes
To know how to do a job or task properly
Leave no stones unturned
Try every possible course of action in order to achieve something
Leaves you in the lurch
Leave someone in a helpless condition
Left out in cold
To be ignored
Left, right and centre
Happening in a lot of places or to a lot of people
Lend me your ear
To politely ask for someone’s full attention
Lend someone a hand
To help or assist
Let bygones be bygones
To forgive and forget
Let down
To fail
Let off steam
to do or say something that helps you to get rid of strong feelings or energy
गुस्सा उतारना (शांत होना)
Let sleeping dogs lie
said to warn someone that they should not talk about a bad situation that most people have forgotten about
Let something slip through one’s fingers
To waste an opportunity to achieve something
Let the cat out of the bag
Reveal a secret carelessly or by mistake
Let the chips fall where they may
Let something happen without bothering about the consequences
Let the grass grow under one’s feet
To remain idle
Let your hair down
Behave freely and uninhibitedly
Level playing field
A fair competition where no side has an advantage
Lie in the bed one has made
Face the unpleasant consequences of your own acts
Lie low
Try not to be noticed
Light at the end of the tunnel
Something that signals the end of a difficult situation
Like a cat on a hot tin roof
Being in a state of agitation
बेचैनी या घबराहट की स्थिति
Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
to feel hopeless, dejected, or sad
घबराया हुआ
Like a phoenix
With a new life
Like a shag on the rock
Completely alone
Like oil and water
Two people who are different form each other
Like pulling teeth
Extremely difficult
Like talking to a brick wall
Like two peas in a pod
Look very similar in appearance or character
Lily livered
Not brave
Lion’s mouth
A dangerous situation
Little by little
Live from hand to mouth
To have enough money to live and nothing extra
Loaded words
Words that carry more significance than their literal meaning
Loaves and fishes
Materialist wealth
Lock horns
Fight with someone
Lock, stock and barrel
Including all or every part of something
Long in the tooth
Too old to do something
Look after
Take care of
Look before you leap
Think carefully of the consequences
Look down upon
Regard with contempt
Look into
To investigate
Look out
Be careful
Look sharp
Pay attention
Look to
rely on
Looking for greener pastures
Exploring nie opportunities
Looking forward to
Expecting with pleasure
Loosen the purse strings
To increase the money available for expenditure
Lose by a neck
Loose by small margin
Lose count of
Forget the accurate total
Lose face
Become less respected by others
Lose one’s head
To lose self control