501-600 Flashcards
Dance attendance on someone
Obey or serve someone attentively and eagerly
Dance to someone’s tune
Do what others want you to do
Day and night
Dead heat
Close contest that ends in a tie
Dead in the water
No chance of succeeding or making any progress
Dead ringer
An exact duplicate
Dead set against
A state in which progress is impossible
Deep pockets
A lot of money
Desperate times call for desperate measures
when faced with a difficult situation, you may need to take extreme actions that you would not normally consider
Die in a dog’s death
A dishonorable or shameful death
Die hard
Unwilling to change
Died in harness
Died while working
Dig around
Dig up dirt on someone
Discover damaging information about someone
Do a good turn
To help someone
Do a roaring trade
Highly successful
Do away with
To abolish
Do or die
To make a final effort
Dodge a bullet
To narrowly avoid situation
Dog eat dog
Ruthlessly competitive
Dog in a manner
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover
We should not judge something primarily by it’s outward appearance
Done for
Donkey’s years
A very long time
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
Don’t make plans based on events that have not yet happened
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Don’t put all your resources in one place
Dot one’s i’s and cross one’s t’s
Be detailed and exact
paying details to minute details of a task
Down and out
Without money
Down in the dumps
Sad and depressed
Down in the mouth
To be depressed
Down the drain
Wasted or lost
Down the tubes
Failing completely
Down to earth
Practical and direct
Draconian law
Extremely severe law
Drag one’s feet
Do something deliberately at a slow pace
(टाल मटोल करना)
Draw a blank
To be unsuccessful
Draw a line
To fix a limit
Draw first blood
Be the first one to score or take advantage against an opponent
Dressed to kill
Dressed to attract attraction