601-700 Flashcards
Find yourself in troubled waters
In a difficult situation or time
Finding their feet
Beginning to understand the work and feeling confident
Finish with something
To complete something
Fire in one’s belly
Strong determination to auccess
Fire the imagination
To make someone feel very interested in something and excited about it
First and foremost
Highest priority
Fit like a glove
To fit perfectly
Flash in the pan
Someone or something whose success or popularity is short lived
Flea market
A place where antiques and second hand goods are sold
Flex one’s muscles
Make a show of one’s strength
Fly into a rage/passion
To become extremely angry
Fly off at a tangent
Start discussing something irrelevant/ change the subject immediately
Fly the nest
Children leaving their parents’ home to live on their own
Flying high
Very successful
Flying off the handle
To lose one’s temper
Follow his nose
To go straight ahead
Follow suit
To do as others have done
Foot the bill
To pay for something
Fir better or worse
Under any circumstances
For good
Permanently / forever