1001-1100 Flashcards
Lose your marbles
To become mentally deficient
(Pagal ho jaana)
Lose your touch
Not being as successful as previously
A person who talks too much or too loudly
Lump in one’s throat
Feeling that I was unable to speak due to sadness
Mad as a hatter
Completely crazy
Made a clean breast of
Confessed his crime
Made light of
Treated it lightly
Made off
Ran away with
Made out of whole cloth
Entirely false and fabricated
Maiden speech
First speech
Make a beeline for
Go straight to
Make a dent in
To reduce an amount of something esp. money or work
Make a fool of oneself
To be stupid
Make a fortune
To become rich
Make a hash of
Made a mess of / to do something very badly
Make a living
To earn enough money for things you need
Make a mockery of
There was no serious outcome
Make a pig’s ear of
Made a mess
Make a quick buck
An easy way to make money quickly
Make a scene
Make a public disturbance
तमाशा बनाना
Make a wry face
A disappointed look
Make an ass out of
Cause someone or oneself to look foolish or stupid
Make away with
To remove or steal
Make believe that
ढोंग करना
Make big time
Attain fame and success
Make head or tail of something
To understand/ figure out something
Make it big
Succeed and become famous
Make no bones about
Did not have any hesitation in stating something clearly
Make no headway
Unable to progress ahead
Make off with
To run away
Make one’s blood boil
To be very angry
Make one’s flesh crawl/creep
To make someone feel frightened
Make one’s mark
Distinguish oneself /to attain success
Make out
Understand someone or something with difficulty
Make room
Make space
Make short work of something
Dispose of quickly
Make up for
To replace something that is lost or damaged
Make up with someone
To settle their differences
Making hay while the sun shines
Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity
Many a slip between the cup and the lip
Bad things may happen before the task is finished
Mark up
Increase the price
Mealy mouthed
Unwilling to state something / afraid of speaking frankly
Measure up
Reach the level
Memory like a sieve
Poor memory
Mend your ways
Improve one’s behaviour
Method to my madness
A purpose or reason behind seemingly crazy or meaningless action
Midas touch
The ability to make everything that one is involved with very successful
Important event
Milk and water
Weak ideas
Mince matters
To confuse issues / to speak vaguely or indirect
Mincing walk
Small and delicate steps
Mind your language
Tell someone to speak politely
Money does not grow on trees
Money is hard earned and limited
Monkey business
Behaviour that is not acceptable or is dishonest
Months on end
Several months in a row
More or less
Mouth watering
Very tasty or appetizing
Move heaven and earth
Make every effort to achieve something
Move the goalposts
Unfairly alter the conditions or rules of procedure during its course
Much ado about nothing
Making a big fuss over a small thing
Murdered in cold blood
A murder done without feelings
Nail your colours to their mast
To make it obvious what your opinions or plans
Nail biting
Neck and crop
Totally and completely
Neck of the woods
Neck or nothing
Undergoing great risks
सब कुछ या कुछ नहीं
Neither fish nor fowl
like one thing in some ways and like another thing in other ways
Never never land
an imaginary place where everything is pleasant or perfect in a way that is impossible to achieve in real life
New kid on the block
Newcomer to a particular place or sphere of the activity
Nine days’ wonder
A short lived sensation
चार दिन की चांदनी फिर अँधेरी रात (जो केवल थोड़े समय के लिए हो)
Nine times out of ten
In most cases
Nip in the bud
To stop something at start
No dice
Refuse a request / or indication no chance of success
No ifs and buts
No doubts
No love lost between
Persons who do not like each other at all (nafrat)
No spring chicken
A person who is no longer young
No strings attached
Without conditions or restrictions
Not breathe a word
To remain silent about some secret
Not fit to hold a candle
to not be as good as the person or thing mentioned
Not hold water
Cannot be believed
Does not seems reasonable
Not make head or tail
Not able to understand anything
Not mince words
To speak in a direct way
Not one’s cup of tea
Not one’s choice or preference
Not playing with the full deck
Either mentally, psychologically or intellectually deficient
Not see eye to eye with somebody
To have different opinion
Not to look a gift horse in the mouth
Not to find faults with the gifts recieved
Not to mince matters
To speak frankly and direct
Not turn a hair
To show no outward emotion
Nothing doing
Not a chance
Nothing to sneeze at
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
One has make every effort in order to achieve something
Now and again
Null and void
Odd man out
Person who doesn’t fit in a group
Of no avail
Of the first water
Of the best quality
Of the old school
old fashioned in thoughts
Off and on /on and off
Occasionally/ periodically
Off the beaten track
little known
Off and cuff
Without preparation