9.-Plants-and-their-Environment Flashcards
What is diffusion?
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
What are molecules?
Molecules are two or more atoms bonded together.
What is a concentration gradient?
A concentration gradient is the difference in concentration of a substance between two areas.
What is a membrane?
A membrane is a thin layer that acts as a barrier between two environments.
What is dynamic equilibrium?
Dynamic equilibrium is a state of balance where opposing processes occur at equal rates.
What is Brownian motion?
Brownian motion is the random jiggling movement of particles suspended in a fluid.
What factors affect plant growth and distribution?
Factors include environmental conditions, nutrient availability, and human impacts.
What is trampling?
Trampling by humans or cattle can lead to an uneven distribution of plants.
What is over-harvesting?
Over-harvesting depletes the soil of nutrients, making it difficult for plants to grow.
How does pollution affect plants?
Pollution, such as acid rain, can make soils too acidic, harming plant growth.
What are the effects of using chemicals on plants?
Chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers can affect plant growth and reduce biodiversity.
What is habitat destruction?
Habitat destruction includes deforestation or land clearing for development or agriculture.
What are monocultures?
Monocultures involve growing only one type of plant, depleting soil minerals essential for growth.
What is the ideal pH range for most plants?
Most plants grow best in neutral or slightly acidic soil with a pH ranging between 4.5 and 7.5.
Why is soil aeration important?
Soil aeration is important for respiration of plants and microorganisms, nutrient absorption, and disease prevention.