What is a stereotype?
A belief about a group and their members
What is prejudice?
Negative affect towards a group
What is discrimination?
Treating a person worse because of their group membership
What does the term cognitive misers mean?
We do not have enough space in WM to process everyone as an individual and so we rely on heuristics
What effect does being outcome dependent have on a person’s use of stereotypes
Being outcome dependent means they use stereotypes less and cognitive resources more
What is the illusory correlation bias?
Illusory correlation bias is a trick of the mind that leads people to believe that a behaviour is more common among the minority group (Fiedler, 2004)
What is category accentuation?
Differences between categories are maximised, differences within categories are minimised
What is the outgroup homogeneity effect?
The tendency to see people within a same group as being more “similar” than they really are
What happened in the Robbers Cave study?
In the Robbers Cave study, 11 year old boys were separated into two groups “Eagles” and “Rattlers”. Intergroup competition then occurred before contact and superordinate goals reduced the conflict
What is the Implicit Association Test (IAT)?
The IAT involves asking participants to sit behind a computer and press different keys to match concepts. Where an attitude exists, reaction time is much faster when the concepts share a response key than when they do not. The IAT measures the strengths of associations between groups and concepts.
What did Klee and Kandinsky find about categorisation?
Simply putting people in social categories elicits ethnocentrism
What percentage of people who endorsed ageist stereotypes had a cardiovascular event within 30 years?