9. Intangible Assets Flashcards
Intangible assets definition requirements
- Capable of separate disposal
- Arising from contractual rights or other legal rights
e.g. patents
brand names
Intangibles: Is internally generated goodwill an intangible asset?
(Because can’t be disposed of individually)
Intangibles: Are employee’s knowledge/skills an intangible?
Intangibles: Future economic benefits definition
Cost savings
IAS v conceptual framework future economic benefits difference
IAS: Must be expected
CF: Potential
IAS: When should asset be recognized?
- Probable future economic benefits
- Cost can be reliably measured
Company purchases intangible asset: Cost
Price paid
Intangibles: Research expenditure: Treatment
P&L expense
(Not intangible)
Intangibles: Development costs: Treatment
Capitalized IF ALL OF: (And then all costs must be capitalized e.g. depn)
- Completion of asset technically feasible
- Asset can be used/sold
- Asset will generate future economic benefits
- Adequate resource to complete asset
- Expenditure on asset can be measured reliably
Intangibles: Can written-off development expenditure be capitalized if conditions subsequently met?
Intangibles: Other internally generated assets
e.g. internally generated brands
NOT capitalized
(Because cost cannot be separately identified)
Intangibles: Acquired on acquisition : Recognition
Initially at fair value
Intangibles: Initial measurement
Directly attributable costs
e.g. legal fees
Intangibles: Subsequent measurement: Valued at?
- Cost
- Revalued amount
Accum amort and impairment losses
When can intangibles ONLY be revalued?
If fair value can be determined
By reference to an active market
Intangibles: Active market definition
- Homogeneous items
- Buyers and sellers found at any time
- Prices publicly available
e.g. some licences/quotas
Intangibles: What to do if item revalued?
ALL assets of that class should be revalued
Amortization: When a finite useful life
Amortize over useful life
(From when asset is available for use)
Amortization: Finite life: Development expenditure: When is it available for use?
When commercial production of the product being developed begins
Amortization: Finite useful life: What is the residual value?
- 3rd party agreed to buy asset at end of useful life
- Active 2nd hand market which can be used to measure the residual value
Intangibles: Indefinite useful life: Amortization treatment
Don’t amortize
Test for impairment annually
(IF then has useful life, start amortizing)
Intangibles: How to recognize disposals
Profit/loss calculated on disposal:
Carrying amount
Intangibles: Disclosures:
Same as PPE
- If asset has finite or indefinite UL
a. If indefinite: CA and why indefinite - If material, individual assets
- Amount of R&D expenses
Intangibles: Development costs: UK GAAP difference
Between capitalization and expense
Intangibles: Useful life: UK GAAP difference
Rebuttable presumption
No intangible will have a useful life over 10y