15. Group Accounts: Consol SF Performance Flashcards
Consol: CSPL: Basic steps
- Add all revenues
- Deduct NCI profit share(s)
- Adjust for intra-group items
Consol: CSPL: Standard workings
W1 Group structure
W2 Consol schedule
Consol: CSPL: Acquisitions part way through the RP
Only consolidate from date of acquisition: Time apportion
Consol: CSPL: Treatment: Intra-group trading
Deduct intra group:
- Sales
- Purchases
Consol: CSPL: Treatment: Inventory PURPs
For any goods sold intra-group are included in closing inventory:
Adjust to lower of cost and NRV
Consol: CSPL: Inventory PURP adjustment DE
DR COS of seller (W2)
CR Consol closing inventory
(unrealised profit)
Consol: CSPL: Transfers of NCAs process
- Profit/loss removed for seller (W2)
- Depn adjusted for seller
So reflects amount of asset held by group
Consol: CSPL: Transfers of NCAs process: If transfer took place in a prev year
Only need to adjust depn
Consol: CSPL: Treatment: Intra-group interest/management charges
Cancelled S to P (W2)
Consol: CSPL: Treatment: Intra-group dividends: S to P
Reduce investment/finance income in P’s column (W2)
By amount of the div to be paid to P
Consol: CSPL: Treatment: Impairment of goodwill: Proportionate method
P’s column of W2
(usually opex)
Consol: CSPL: Treatment: Impairment of goodwill: Fair-value method
S’s column (W2)
Consol: CSPL: Treatment: Fair value adjustments
Internally generated intangibles
Include any extra depn/amrt though S’s column (W2)
Consol: CSOCE: Additional column
Non-controlling interest
Consol: CSOCE: Non-controlling interest b/f calculation: GW imp at FV method
NCI at acq
NCI% of S’s post-acquisition movement in NAs up to b/f date
NCI% of GW impairment b/f
Consol: CSOCE: Non-controlling interest b/f calculation: GW imp at Proportionate method
NCI% of S’s NA at beginning of year
Consol: CSOCE: Group retained earnings b/f calculation
100% P’s RE b/f
P’s % of S’s post acq RE b/f
P’s GW imp b/f
Consol: CSOCE: Where to find total comprehensive income?
Consol: CSOCE: Total comprehensive income: Where to put profit attributable to P’s shareholders?
Retained earnings column
Consol: CSOCE: Total comprehensive income: Where to put profit attributable to NCI?
NCI column
Consol: CSOCE: Dividends treatment: When P pays a dividend
Reduces group RE
Consol: CSOCE: Dividends treatment: When S pays a dividend
Reduces NCI by NCI’s %
Consol: CSOCE: Treatment: Acquisitions part way through a RP: (c/f) Calculation
profit for the year
Divs paid
Added on acquisition
(Prop or FV)
Consol: CSOCE: UK GAAP difference: goodwill
Will be annual P&L GW amort charge
Consol: CSOCE: UK GAAP difference: NCI
Not having FV method may cause differences