16. Consol: Associates and Joint Arrangements Flashcards
Consol: Associates: Definition
‘Significant influence’
20%-50% shareholding
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Definition
Contractual arrangement specifying joint control
Consol: Joint Arrangements: 2 types
- Joint operations
- Joint ventures
Consol: Associates and Joint Arrangements: Accounting treatment type
Equity accounting
Consol: Joint Arrangements: What type is any JA that isn’t structured though a separate entity?
Joint Operation
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Are accounts usually prepared for joint arrangements?
Should a party to a joint operation recognise its share of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the JO?
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Joint venture: Definition
Separate legal entity
Maintains own FS
(Own assets, expenses etc.)
Consol: Joint Arrangements: How should each venturer with joint control account for their share of the joint venture?
Recognize their share in their consol
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Equity accounting: Basic principle
No addition of assets/liabilities
(of the associate)
(as parent doesn’t have control)
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Equity accounting: How is the associate treated?
Non-current asset investment
(As a single line)
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Equity accounting: ‘Investment in associate’ line in the accounts calculation
- Original cost of the investment
- P’s % of A’s post-acquisition movement in NAs
- Impairments to date
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Equity accounting: ‘Investment in associate’ line calculation: Two things included in NA movement line?
- Post-acquisition profits
- Dividends paid by A
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Adding to consol: Optional W2A working?
Net assets of associate:
Share capital and retained earnings at RD, Acq & RE PA
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Adding to consol: W5: Additional lines
- P% of A’s post-acquisition RE mov
- LESS Associate impairment to date
Consol: Joint Arrangements: W6
Other group reserves:
100% P’s reserve
P% of S’s PA reserve mov
P% of A’s PA reserve mov
Consol: Joint Arrangements: W7
Investment in associate:
Original cost of investment
P% A’s PA NA mov (W2A)
Impairment losses to date
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Adjustment when FV of the A’s NAs exceed the carrying amount?
Additional depn charged on the effective uplift
So subsequently deducted from the investment in the associate in the SFP
Extra line:
Less P% of FV depn
Consol: Joint Arrangements: P&L
No 100% addition of income & expenses
(Because no control)
Consol: Joint Arrangements: P&L: Do you include dividends from the associate
group share of the associate’s profit for the year less any impairment for the year
Consol: Joint Arrangements: CSPL: Extra line for the Associate consol
Share of profit of associate
Consol: Joint Arrangements: CSPL: Share of profit of associate line: Calculation
- A% A’s profit
- A% A’s FV depn
- Impairment of A
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Treatment: intra-company balances between group companies and the associate in the CSFP
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Treatment: intra-company sales/purchases between group companies and associate in CSPL
(Not eliminated)
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Treatment: Unrealized profit in inventory
- Calculate PURP as with subs
- Multiply by P%
Consol: Joint Arrangements: DE: Unrealized profit in inventory: P selling to A
DR Group RE
CR Investment with A
Add P’s share of unrealized profit to COS
Consol: Joint Arrangements: DE: Unrealized profit in inventory: A selling to P
DR group RE
CR Group inventory
Deduct P’s share of unrealized profit from ‘share of profit of associate’
Consol: Joint Arrangements: Treatment: Divs paid by the associate
Remove divs paid from associate to the parent (W2)
(Same as for subs)
Consol: Joint Arrangements: UK GAAP difference
Amort over 10y like subs
Even though no separate figure
So additional working required
Consol: Joint Arrangements: UK GAAP goodwill extra calc
- Consideration paid
- P% NA at acq
= GW at acq
- amort/impair to date (W5)