9. Gluteal Region (No Muscles) Flashcards
What structures exit the Greater Sciatic Foramen?
Gluteal Neurovascular Bundles
Piriformis M.
Sciatic N.
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous N.
Pudendal N. / Internal Pudendal Artery
Nerve to the Obturator Internus and Superior Gemellus
Glowing Pirate Samurai Pounced on Panting Nudists
What divides the Greater Sciatic Notch from the Lesser Sciatic Notch?
The Sacrospinous Ligament
If a patient limps by leaning to the right side while their weight is on their right foot, what sign would we document?
Positive Trendelenburg’s Sign
What structures enter the Lesser Sciatic Foramen?
Pudendal Nerve
Internal Pudendal Artery
Nerve to the Obturator Internus and Superior Gemellus
What muscles are supplied by the Superior Gluteal Artery, and by what branch for each?
- Superficial Branch
- Gluteus Maximus
- Deep Branch
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus Minimus
- Tensor Fascia Lata
What Nerve Roots supply the Middle Cluneal Nerve?
S1-S3 Dorsal Rami
What vessel can be damaged in some people when the Ligament of the Head of the Femur is damaged?
A Branch of the Obturator Nerve
What muscles are flexed during the following event of the gait cycle?
Terminal Swing (Legs Adjacent & Tibia Vertical)
Hamstrings fire to slow the leg from flying forward.
What muscles are flexed during the following event of the gait cycle?
Load Response
(plantarflexes Foot)
Quadriceps Femoris
(keeps Knee from buckling)
Gluteus Medius and Minimus
(Stabilizes the Pelvis)
The Nerve that innervates the Superior Gemellus also innervates what other muscle?
The Obturator Internus
What Bursa lies at the common origin of most of the Hamstring Muscles?
Ischial Bursa
What vessel gives rise to both the Superior and Inferior Gluteal Artery?
Internal Iliac Artery
What are the Superior and Inferior Boundaries of the Gluteal Region?
Iliac Crests
Gluteal Sulcus
The nerve that innervates the Quadratus Femoris also innervates what other muscle?
The Inferior Gemellus
What is the most common direction for dislocation of the Femur?
Posterior dislocations are the most common.
What bursa lies under the IT Tract ?
Intertrochanteric Bursa
What muscles are supplied by the Inferior Gluteal Artery?
Gluteus Maximus
Small Lateral Rotators
Superior Hamstrings
What Nerve Roots supply the Inferior Cluneal Nerve?
S1-S3 Ventral Rami
What Nerve Roots supply the Superior Cluneal Nerve?
What nerve supplies the largest cutaneous segment in the body?
The Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
What Nerve Roots supply the Inferior Gluteal Nerve?
What nerve roots supply the Superior Gluteal Nerve?
How does the lower extremity present when the Femur is posteriorly dislocated?
Shortened and internally rotated.
How does the lower extremity present when the Neck of the Femur is fractured?
Shortened and laterally rotated
What does a positive Pivot Shift Test suggest?
Damage to or laxity of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament.
What two muscles are affected in a patient with Duchenne’s Limp?
Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus
What muscle exits the Lesser Sciatic Foramen?
The Obturator Internus
What muscles are flexed during the following event of the gait cycle?
Toe Off (Preswing)
Rectus Femoris and Iliopsoas swing the leg forward
Gluteus Medius and Minimus
(Stabilizes the Pelvis, beginning to relax as this phase ends)
What muscles are flexed during the following event of the gait cycle?
Heel off (Midstance)
Gastrocnemius and Soleus apply pressure to move forward
Gluteus Medius and Minimus
(Stabilizes the Pelvis)
What three muscles are supplied by the Superior Gluteal Nerve?
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Tensor Fascia Lata
What happens in a Gluteal Crush injury?
Arteries which supply the Sciatic Nerve become compressed, leading to Sciatic Nerve Damage.
What line in the gluteal region must you be sure to be superior to when performing a gluteal injection?
The line between the PSIS and the Superior Border of the Greater Trochanter of the Femur
What muscles are flexed during the following event of the gait cycle?
Heel Strike
Gluteus Maximus
(pulls Heel down)
Tibialis Anterior
(pulls Toe up)
(Gluteus Medius and Minimus begin to flex at the end of this phase)
Why might the gait of someone with paralyzed Quadriceps Femoris muscles appear normal?
Because the Gluteus Maximus and the Vastus Lateralus can pull on the IT Tract to extend the leg (as long as it’s not so far flexed that the IT Tract becomes a flexor).
What muscles are flexed during the following event of the gait cycle?
Next Heel Strike (Terminal Stance)
Gastrocnemius and Soleus continue to apply pressure to move forward
Gluteus Medius and Minimus
(Stabilizes the Pelvis)
What vessel gives rise to the Internal Pudendal Artery?
Internal Iliac Artery
What ligament do the PIN structures run underneath?
Sacrotuberous Ligament
What arteries participate in the Cruciate Anastomosis?
Transverse Branch of the Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery
Terminal Part of the Transverse Branch of the Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery
First Perforating Artery
Inferior Gluteal Artery