9-Family Planning Flashcards
What is the rhythm method?
Periodic abstinence to avoid pregnancy using different methods such as calendar or cervical mucus method
Require significant will power
Failure rate is as low as 9% with perfect use
Typical use is 20.5% in a year
What is post coital method?
Use of high dose steroids to prevent pregnancy and delay ovulation
What is the effectiveness of post coital contraception
Combined oral contraceptives decrease possibility of pregnancy by 75% and levonorgesterol by 85%
What are the types of IUD available in the USA?
Progesterone releasing IUD- inhibits sperm capacitation, atrophy of endometrial glands
Copper IUD- non hormonal, sterile inflammatory response caused by the release of free copper ions
What are the characteristics of the IUD?
Not abortifacient, inhibits fertilization
Not recommended for those with fibroids that distort uterine cavity
Best for those in monogamous relationship
Pregnancy rate is 0.2%-0.5% in the first year after placement of progesterone and copper IUD respectively
What are the adverse reactions of IUD?
Pain, cramping, bleeding irregularities
Increased amount of bleeding with copper IUD
Irregular bleeding initially with progesterone IUD
What are the contraindications of IUD?
Active or recent pelvic infection
Wilsons disease
Abnormal endometrial cavity
History of an ectopic pregnancy
What are the effectiveness of the condom?
Male - 2% pregnancy rate /year
Typical use is 17.4% pregnancy /year
Female-5% pregnancy rate/year
Typical use- 21% pregnancy rate/year
What are the injectable progestins?
Progestin subdermal implant-3 years
Depo-Provera injection every 3 months
Both have high rate of menstrual abnormalities
May take up to 9 months to achieve pregnancy after discontinuation
Recommend oral calcium for bones
What are the expected effectiveness?
Implant expected effectiveness 0.05% Pregnancy rate/year, typical use: 1% pregnancy rate /year
Depo- Provera expected effectiveness is 0.3% pregnancy rate/year
What are the major side effects?
Breakthrough bleeding
Weight gain
Affective side effects
What are the types of sterilization?
Intended to be permanent, not reversible
Tubal ligation
cornual ablation with silicon plugs- not effective until after 3 months after placement
Failure rate is dependent of what technique used
What are the general aspects of oral contraceptives?
Composed of synthetic estrogen and progestin
Estrogen suppresses FSH, Progesterone suppresses LH and thickens cervical mucus
What are the risk and benefits of oral contraceptives?
No contraception has greater mortality rate than pregnancy itself among patients younger than 35
Cardiovascular disease
Estrogen has a tendency to form clots
Most vascular disease morbidity occurs in high risk patients such as smokers, diabetics, lupus
What are the non contraceptive benefits of OCP?
Decreased incidence of benign diseases of the breast and ovary
Less iron deficiency anemia
Lower incidence of uterine and ovarian cancers
Decreased risk of pelvic infections
What is the risk of cancer associated will OCP?
Breast cancer-may have some risk
Ovarian cancer- reduces the risk of epithelial. Relative risk of 0.2 after 10 years of OCP use
Cervical cancer-use greater than 5 years may increase risk, HPV effect
Endometrial cancer- reduce risk by 50%
What are other informations associated with OCPs?
OCPS do not cause infertility
Decreased risk of PID and moderate symptomatic endometriosis
Start with low dose
Progesterone only pills are less effective but great for breastfeeding moms
What are the absolute contraindications of OCPs?
History of thromboembolic disorder Coronary artery disease Breast cancer or estrogen dependent neoplasia Liver tumor or impairment Congenital hyperlipidemia Smoker over the age of 35 Migraine with aura Any migraine over the age of 35
What are the relative contraindications of OCPs?
Migraine without aura HTN diabetes Active gallbladder disease Older than 30 and smoker
What are the early pill danger signs?
A- abdominal pain (severe)
C-chest pain ( severe, cough, shortness of breath)
H- headache (severe)
E- eye problems (blurring, speech problems)
S- severe leg pain ( calf or thigh)
What are the side effects of OCPs?
Breakthrough bleeding- 30% of women during the first month after OCP start
Affective symptoms