9 Facility design Flashcards
considerations as realated to the location of the building include
-location of the site considered
-use of site (deli, sit down, store)
-volume of customer to be served
-hours of operation
-workflow or way work organized logically
consideration as realated to the build out of the kitchen
-what physical features in the kitchen should be added into the design of the kitchen?
-adequate storage for food, chemical, trash
-appropriate lighgting, venalation, fire suppression, sprinkler
-employee restroom
-supply of potable water
consideration as related to working in the kitchen
-suitable for washing food, preparing, cooking
-suitable for cleaning sanitizing utensils, dishes, equipment
-acces to all parts to make for easy sanitizing
-prevent pest infestation
-devices to control temp TCS along food flow
-prevent biological, chemical, hazards
Workflow: cross contimation should be made physically impossible by measures that focus on Keeping _ away from _ and separating work centers for _ like washing vegetables and _ centers like portiong cold and cooked meats
raw foods
other kinds
dirty processes
clean process
Inside building design should include
-easy navigate and clean
-labeled, easy exits not hindered
-hallways not cluttered
-restoom and locker area
-doors that are self closing / screens
-desingated food prep or storage
construction material for kitchen
-walls, floors, and ceiling must be able to
-also address safety concerns like ______ and ______ where appropriate
-withstand heat, steam, condensation, greese
-fire resistant materials,
-non-slip floors where appropriate
constructoin of the walls -material that will—
other things in walls include —-
-materal that will not bubble, peal, flake off
-water lines, ventilation ducting, electrical conduits
walk in coolers and freezers doors should
be protected with strip curtains
or air curtains to reduct temp variation/ reduce contamination
work surfaces characteristics
should be —- and if exposed to hot pans, then should be ______
kitchens should —— which causes a bio hazard
-smooth and nonporous
-if exposed to hot pans, then heat resistant
-no carpeting in kitchen (bio hazard)
water in a facility should be—-
for all equipment like —–
a —- reduces cross contamination
drinkingwater pipe should be —–
-connected without interruption
-dishwashers, prep sinks, handwashing stations, restrooms
-a siponage reduces cross-contamination
-drinkingwater pipe should be clearly identified
the purpose of a greese trap is to
-protect fryer oil and animal fats from entering the wastewater system
-if required, size and location determined by building code
backflow or back-siphonage preventaion device must meet standards of the
American Socieity of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) standards
-local codes for maintaining, inspecting, testing device
Power supply: (electric and gas)
-easy access to plug
-dont reach accross equipment in case of emergency
-should be waterproof, not exposed to water/ wet conditions
-flexibal gas connections easy to clean around supply without damage
Lighting concerns for kitchens should be
suitable for-
intensity shall be at least-
level applies to-
Dining rooms lighting can be-
-suitiable for working with out glare
-intensity shall be at least 108 lux at a distance of 30 inches above the floor
-level applies to walk in fridge/ freezers & dry storage
-dining rooms also required to have lights that can be adjusted to standards
lighbulbs in walk in freezers/ fridges
made of-
Covered with-
comply with-
-made of shatterproof glass
-covered with guard to keep broken bulbs from falling into food -physical contaminatin
-prep area - comply with local / state code
the purpose of the ventilation and air condition systems is
to keep-
to prevent -
to prevent collection of -
to reomve -
-to keep kitchen and customer cool
-prevent high temp and humidity
-prevent steam and condensation from collecting
-remove contaminated air, grease, and unpleasnt smells
care of ventilation system incudes
proper cleaning of — and —
changing of — to prevent —
properly cleaned, maintained, cleaning, changeing filters
-cleaning intake and exhaustion ducts
-changing filters to prevent dust/ dirt contamination
handwasing sinks
should be available in — and at least one in —-
material provided should include —–
a —- should be conveniently — for emergencies
-available in bathroom
-at least one in food prep area
-include washing & drying material
-first aid kit, conveniently located for emergencies
restroom musts haves
-hot water
-clean, good working order
-single service soap, towel or hot air
-good supply of TP
-self closing doors
-post legible hand wasing sink
personal hygine - mobile unit
can include a range of —
oversee protocol for —
Compliant for —- established guidelines
can include a range of units catering vehicles to push carts
-oversee protocol for food safety, maintenance, housekeeping of units
-FDA established guidelines compliant
storage areas
should be near —
not to be carried through —
concern is to eliminate —- and reduce —, —, and —- contamination
and should be kept —–, ——, and ——-
-should be near the delivery area
not be carried through food preperation areas
-concern elimiate cross contamination
-reduce bio phy chem contamination
-neat, clean, sanitized, organized
walk in cooler / freezer organiztion
keep meats stored on lowest shelves why?
thaw in container large enough to contain meat and any blood, water, or juice that may contain bio pathogens
walk in cooler/ freezer org
leave ——- space between things to allow ____
because ove packed cooler/ freezers cause — for — to grow.
-3 to 6 inches allow cold air to circulate
-over packed cooler/ freezer causes warm spots that allow bio pathogens to grow
walk in cooler/ freezer org
food on the floor can become —- by —-, —–, and —–
it also may be a safety —-
-no food on floor
-contaminated by shoes & pants, bio pathogens, and soapy mop water
-safety trip hazzard
walk in cooler / freezer org
keep delicate items away from fans/ blowers, why?
Berries, salad greens, herbs can be ____
Blowers can affect —– and cause —–
-berries, salad greens, herbs, easily damaged
-blowers affect quaility and can cause freezer burn which can also affect quality
walk in cooler/ freezer org
-roate stock first itemt first out
-train employees to read use by date or best by date
-remined employees use open package first
walk in cooler/ freezer org
Label everything
Food labels should specify the – date and the — date
Keep good supply of — and —- where employees can locate them
managment should —- about unmarked foods and —- to standard
label shelf space = where to put things
-label products date made, received , need to use by date
-keep good supply of markers and labels that employees can locate
-management should make /enforce rule about unmarked foods & hold accountable to standard
general guidelines for dry storage include?
Ventilation controls — and helps to prevent — and —-
thermometer range is between — and is checked —-
dry storage should be kept away from ——- and be kept —– for better ——
-ventilation controls humidity, prevent mold & bacteria
-50F max life to 70F adequate
-place thermometer in storage check temp daily
-away from heat and light
-off the floor for air circulation
general guideline for chemical storage
chemicals should be kept in —– in —- storage areas
never store with —–, never dump — into toilet, and never use —– to store food.
-original containers
-designated storage area
-never store with food
-never dump mop water or dirty liquids into toilet
-never use old chemical container to store food
Food contact material
work spaces should be easy to —- and —-
—- is suitable
—- can be resurfaced if need
the goal is not to create a —– such as chips
use, easy to clean, non absorbant
stainless steel is suitable
hardwoods that can be resurfaced if needed
not cause physical contamination (chips)
certain hard woods can be used for what situations and what are the requiements?
made from —-
must be able to be —–, —-, and —-
for cutting boards, blocks, pizza paddles
-close grain hardwoods
-board must be able to be resurfaced, cleaned and sanitized
what species of wood can be used
closed grain hardwoods like
maple, oak, walnut, cherry
what items are considered tableware?
— which area all non porous
keep free from cracks/ chips that might cause a — or —– contamination
dishes, cups, glasses, sandwhich plates, soup cups, crock
-all must be non porous
-keep free from cracks/ chips or might have physical or biologial contamination
The goal of __ and __ in a food service env is removing the visible —, —-, or —-
and also removing any unseen —- and —- that may cuase foodborn illness.
The effectivness of one depends —
cleaning and sanitizing
dirt, dust, and debris
biological pathogens and chemical residues
the other
organic matter from food residues such as –, —, or — can harbor bacteria than can actually prevent — from coming into physical contact with the surface to be sanizied.
food residues such as oils, grease, and proteins
prevent sanitizers
common types of cleaning agent include?
– which reduce tentions between food and surfaces
— which is an agent that willdisolve greese
– which are used on mineral deposits
– like fine steel wool, cooper or nylon
Detergents- reduce tension beteen food and surface
Solvent cleaners- greese dissolving agent
Acid cleaners- used on mineral deposits
Abrasive cleaners- fine steel wool, cooper or nylon
common types of sanitizing agent include?
— which is against sepsis- the body’s immune system has an exreme response to infection
– which is a germicide used to destroy vegetative cells
— which is used to kill micro organisims
– which helps prevent a specific group of micro orgs growth
Antiseptic- agsint sepsis (the body’s immune system has an extreme response to an infection)
Disinfection / germicide destroy vegetative cells
Bactericide- kills specifi group of micro org
Bacteriostate- prevents grow of specific group of microorganism (not necssarily kill them)
4 steps to clean and sanitize?
-clean the surface
-rinse the surface
-sanitize the surface
-allow the surface to air dry
when to clean and sanitize food contact surfaces?
after using —
before food handlers start —-
anytime food handlers are —
after — hours if area is in constant use
-after using a surface
-before food handlers start working with a differnt food type
-anytime food handlers are interrupted during a task and then items being used may have been contaminated
-after 4 hours if items are in constant use
when water has been intrrupted for _ or more hours, concern for contamination of – and – surface arises
2 hours
contamination of food and food serice contact surfaces
When water intrruption has occrued
note the —
evaluate –
inform the –
preform emergency —-
contact the —- if not possable and then —-
- note the date/ time
- evaluate ops affected
- inform regulatory authority
- emergency procedures if allowed
- if contact to regulatory not possiable, then close
measures for hand washing during a water interruption
use a — for hands
drinkable water from a
use — food code compliant hand sanitizer
chemicallytreated wet nap (prepackaged in restroom) for hands
-drinkable water from a sanitary container with a spigot. must also supply hand cleaner and disposable towels and trach container
-use FDA food code compliant hand sanitizer
when water intruptions leave with inopperable restroom then?
provide a — or — ops.
provide portable or
discontinue ops