1 Intro to food safety Flashcards
3 pillers of food safety?
Practice of eliminating harmful agents from food
Preventing food contamination
Ensuring food is fit for consumption
food safety exposure comes from thoes who
1 Grow – 2 process
3 ship – 4prepare
5 cook – 6 serve
7 handle food
food saftey standards are ment to ensure? Customers __ / employees ___/ and business owners ____
- customers feel safe
- emplyees work in clean, -pride in job
- business owers reduce risk
Food safety- what are the risks to business owners?
risk of insurance claims
civil lawsuits
criminal prosecution -unsafe food handeling & low standards
An important part of having high food safety standards is developing good practices and keeping good records. This will ensure?
- confidence in serving quality food to customers
- customer loyalty
- the establishment to withstand any false accusations of poor food safety standards and negligence.
Importance of Food Safety to Customers will do what?- when there is a high amount of food safety in an establishment, customers will respond how?
-helps to keep customers comfortable in your establishment
-keep a clean house will help customers have confidence that the food is that they are eating has been handled in a sanitary and proper environment
-leads to customer loyalty increases profit.
why teach employees food safety? 6 pillars.
- better understand the need to handle food properly
- encourage to keep clean environment
- Maintance is easier -less effort
- spirits up -good moral
- qualtiy of food is in direct relation
- less turn over in staff - money savings for business
Importance of food safety to customers
-mainting high safety standards will?
- Comfort
- build confidence in quality of food
- buy products from trusted wholesalers- high standard
- customers notice cleanliness (dinning room, uniforms, hands, sick)
- happy customer loyal customers
Crucial actions by managment for emplyees to ensure customer’s confidence in food quality?
good planning
consistent mangment
good communicaiton
things customers notices about what employees do?
Keep kitchen and food prep clean
dining room and restroom spotless
empolyee clean hands and uniforms, healthy (not sick)
employees that understand good food handleing will
keep workspace neat, clean, sanatized
be less resistant in making efforts to keep clean
be more willing to maintain high food saftey standards
when employees feel valued (food safety) they
-have receive clear, consistant communication
-have a direct impact on qulaity
-feel invested - less turn over
The problems that arise from poor standards in food safety are: the establishement will be the recipiant of what?
loss of customers,
unsatisfactory inspections,
increased food waste,
loss of employees and business profits,
hospitalizations, costly insurance, lawsuits, business closures.
The role that management plays in high food safety standards cannot be downplayed. Members of management are responsible for ensuring
(plan, train, equipment, supplies)
- a plan is developed, implemented, followed
- employees are trained
- there is proper equpment for food handeling
- there are supplies for cleaning, sanitizing the equipment
Training employees will help you implement your food safety plan. items of training include?
Store,correct, wash, clean
- store food in coolers- less cross contamination
- correct temp and hold food - less waste
- wash hands- less spread of viruses to co workers/ customers
- clean uniform - confidence for customer - increase loyalty
result of employee training in food safelty will likely reduce, reduce, recude?
- reduce turnover- safe searching new employee
- reduce code violation and poor inspections
- reduce busines closure
Foodborn hazards- food can be subjected to hazards from? 3 types of contamination are?
- physical contamination
- biological contaminaton
- chemical contamination
actions to reduce foodborn hazards that mangment can do include:
(purchase, devlop, train, require)
- purchase from reliable sources - good rep
- develop effective cleaning, sanitizing, chemical control, pest control, trash garbage removal
- train on handling of raw foods / cooked foods
- require standards of personal hygine
foodborn illness are hard to diagnose, not reported. they present themselves as?
estomach cramps- diarrhea
true number is hard to establish
unsue who to blame
foodborne illness CDC statistics
1 in 6 or 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, 3,000 die.
list the most popular causese of foodborn illnesses?
Poor personal hygiene,
contaminated equipment,
improper holding,
inadequate cooking,
unsafe sources
Concerning critiqal knowledge for MGT with reguards to foodborne illness. MGT will impart what knowledge to employees? (understand, prevent, identify)
-understanding how personal hygiene and illness relate
-prevent infected employees from contaminating food
- identify symptoms of food borne illness
critical food safety knowledge for managment, conserning food, remember to do what?
-be mindful of time and temp control of hazardus foods
-identify critcal control points
-maintain a safe & sanitary establishment
MGT food safety - ensure that employes do these activities to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses
(practice, handle, understand)
-practice food personal hygine
-handle, transport, cook, store food properly
-understand food safety
MGT food safety- communicate to customers what?
-hazards of raw or partially cooked foods.
-use clean tableware when returning to self-service areas
-Specified illnesses and infection are reported to the proper authority
-Anything that poses an imminent health hazards (Food Code 8-404.11) are dealt with accordingly
In order to ensure regulatory compliance, it is the duty of the certified Food protection manager to: (concerning phyical kitchen, Comply, Ensure, Ensure, Maintain)
-comply with all health, safety, and food hygiene requirements
-ensure the kitchen meets all health and safety requirements as mandated by law
-Ensure that food is stored according to company and statutory health and safety standards
-Maintain up to date temperature records and food labels
In order to ensure regulatory compliance, it is the duty of the certified Food protection manager to: (concerning employees, Enforce, Ensure, Implement, Implement)
Enforce sanitary practices including general cleanliness, maintenance of kitchen and dining areas, and proper food handling
-Ensure employes are adhering to cleaning rotations and keeping logs documenting how frequent equipment is cleaned
-Implement a policy for appropriate personal hygiene at work that include protective weak, clothing, jewelry, perfume, et.
-Implement a policy for handling Food workers who become ill
In order to ensure regulatory compliance, it is the duty of the certified Food protection manager to: (concerning public to Implement, post, maintain)
-Implement policies for high-risk population facilities that require special restrictions
-Post consumer advisory information, enforce mandatory recalls and follow the food safety modernization act
-Maintain established sanitation and safety standards
Dangerous situations that need imediate reporting (where the public health could be affected by )
-public health include fires, flood, sewage back-ups, or chemical spills
-appropriate city or county agency and stop all business operations until you are told that your establishment is safe to reopen.
Food Safety Policies- managment responsibilities: (develop, inform, maintain)
-develop and implement operating procedures required by the Food Code
-inform employees about their responsibility to report certain health conditions that relate to the transmission of foodborne illness
-Maintain written procedures and plans (as required by the Food Code) for vomiting or diarrheal incidents. (see 2-103.11 of the Food Code for more comprehensive list.)
Food Safety Policies- receiveing food after hours
-Any food establishment that receives product after operating hours must ensure that it is delivered in a manner that does not create a food safety hazard
Food safety policies - employee training includes-
properly, properly trained, monitor the __
-properly cleaning and sanitizing multiuse equip & utensils before reused
-properly trained in food safety, including food allergy awareness, as it relates to the employee’s assigned duties
-monitoring the temperature of foods in hot and cold holding
Management is also responsible for providing a quality assurance system.
The system explains ____ & ____ with a follow up of _____
This system explains what needs to be done to maintain quality and how these thing should be done.
Records are kept of what has been done, and current records are compared to previous results and set standards.
Hazzard Analysis Critical Control Points
HACCP’s purpose?
-examines and manages the way in which food is handled
-establishes Critical Control Points (CCPs) that are the points of food handling with the food is most likely to be exposed to hazards.
Critical Control Points
the most common CCPs
exposure to pests,
time and temperature abuse,
cleaning and sanitization,
and personal hygiene.
How does the food flow thru the establishment ? recite the 7 flowchart steps.
- Receiving food from a vendor
- Storing food in your coolers or freezers
- Thawing food correctly
- Cooking food completely
- Hot holding of cooked foods
- Cooling of extra food that can be used again
- Reheating previously cooked foods.
HACCP- 7 steps include
Conduct hazard analysis
Identify the CCP
Establish limits for preventive measures
Set up procedures to monitor CCPS
Establish corrective actions
Verify the system is working
Record keeping of HACCP system
7 steps in how to use the HACCP system
1 select product - collect data
2 draw product flow chart
3 list all possible hazards
4 identify action, time limits, quality standards for that CCP
5 monitor working intention
6 establish corrective action if needed - records
7review system, make updates (technology, product, code changes)
HACCP system- in the select a product step, what is intended?
-select a product that is known to need special handling to ensure freshness an that needs to be protected from environmental hazards.
-Then collect as much information about the product as possible, such as known toxins that may be present, possible parasites, what the product should look like, and instructions on how to transport and cook the item correctly
HACCP System- in the draw flow chart step, what is intended?
draw a product flow chart showing how the product moves through your establishment. Be certain to consider how the item is shipped to your location, who transport the item, how the item is stored, and how the item is processed.
Food Safety standards come from?
3 levels
Federal, state, local
Federal regulaitons for food saftey comes from what agency- and what does that agency produce directives for?
FDA Food and Drug Administration
food processing, regulate shipping, and manufacturing, issues recalls of potentially dangerous foods, sets labeling standards, and publishes and update the Food Code.
State and Local regulations are based off
FDA Food Code sets the nationwide standard for food safety, and most state and local requirements are based on the recommendation of the publication.
other federal regulatory agencies
United States Department of Agriculture USDA
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
National Marine Fisheries Service NMFS
Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA
Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC
National Sanitation Foundation NSF
State and local regulatories responsibilities include:
conduct inspections, give advice, enforce food safety laws, and issue permits -other organization, such as professional and scientific bodies provide voluntary standards and controls as well
Health codes differ from place to place, but usually cover these subjects: (reguarding food itself)
-sale of unit food items
-food contamination and adulteration
-Temperature and time control
-Honest presentation of food (labeling)
Health codes differ from place to place, but usually cover these subjects: (reguading compliance)
-Importing and interstate commerce
-Operations inspection
-Controlling foodborne illness
-Issuing operating permits
-Complaint investigation
-Action against violations and non-compliance
Health codes differ from place to place, but usually cover these subjects: (reguarding employees & in the kitchen)
-Sanitization of premises and equipment
-Education of food industry workers
-Personal hygiene
-Worker’s health and safety
What is required before operation can begins (permit)
1 fees paid
2 inspection
3 comply with set standards
4 provide required info
5 often operate under a HACCP plan
permit holder and food establishment’s owner(s)
if owned by corp, must have designated rep
members of mgt are required to have food handler certification
number of food handlers depends on operation of establishment times
state and local level - do inspections for establishments. Areas of focus include?
1 storage 2 toxic materials 3 equipment and utensils
4 pests 5 personal hygiene
6 water and waste 7 time and temperature controls
8 HACCP conformity 9 preservations against contamination
10 food safety practices 11 food flow 12 sanitization
After inspection (food safety) actions?
1 sign inspectoin 2 make corrcetions
signing only means inspection happened
accompany inspector - don’t argue or make excuses
most have 10 days to make corrections
inspectors have authroty to
-close establishment
-hold orders that stop the use, sale, removal or disposal of foods they want to inspect
-documentation practices such as HACCP and written policies / proceedures may protect from legal actions