2 Biohazard Flashcards
What is a biohazard?
A biological hazard or “bio-hazard” is a toxic or infectious agent that poses a threat to human when it is eaten, inhaled, or comes in contact with skin.
examples of biohazards include
organisms like viruses, parasites, bacteria, yeast or mold spores.
biohazards require?
are living organism, they need oxygen, food, water, and a place to live. All of these are found in our food and in our bodies.
Main cause of foodborne disease is
biological hazard
viruses are complicated assemblies of what?
complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates,
Viruses infect and cause harm. When are they dangerous?
-Only when it enters into a living cell, then causes harm
-without which can not multiply
-therefore, not living things
common way a virus can entre the body ?
-infected person hands or body fluid like saliva/ blood
Hepatitis A is a ___ associated with ___
virus example
with human intestial tract
where can contract Hepatitis A & what effective way to reduce risk?
-contaminated food or water
-food water prepared by infected person
-need personal hygiene, washing hands most effective way to reduce risk
what are parasites
organising that derive nourishment and protection from other living org (hosts)
-single cell to worms visible to naked eye
Taxoplasma godii is what
food borne parisite
can cause hospitaliztion or death,
roundworms- thichina (trichinella spiralis) is what
and what is the carrier that would cause infection to humans?
consuming infected pork can cause trichinosis in humans
name common parasites that cause foodborne diseases
-roundworm- thichina (hogs) & Anisakis- (cod or herring)
-flatworms- tapeworm (beef, pork. fish) & flukes (liver fluke)
-Protoza -infected water
Parasites may be tranmitted from host to host through?
-consumption of contaminated food and water
-person to person
-putting anything into your mouth that has touched the
-stool of an infected person or animal.
All life need bacteria,
-most comon organism on earth
-w/o life cannot be maintained
How are bacteria differnt than virus?
Bacteria are
-living creatures
-capable of reproduction
-have a well-defined cell wall
-are able to move
Good Bacteria - (what jobs doese bacteria do?)
-help to digest food,
-could not live without “recyclers” (dead organism)
-produce yogurt and cheese
bad bacteria is what and does what?
is pathogenic with no benefit -cause harm to other organisms
Causes foodborne illness and cause food to spoil.
Is bacteria is detectable
not detectabe by sight, smell, or taste
-need proper cooking
spoilage bacteria is determined through
1 appearance- changed color and texture
2 smell bad, taste bad
spoilage bacteria- factors that can affect perishable food safety and quality
light heat
humidity oxygen
time and tempature
food spoilage
Molds and yeast are _
fungus that can (but not always) cuase problems with food handling
-will have pathogenic properties
good molds and yeast include?
blue cheese
bread yeast
Molds and yeasts will grow where?
on almost any type of food.
-Crops: grains, nuts, fruits, and bean in fields before harvesting and during storage
-Foods that are high in sugar are ideal places to find yeast.
Things to remember about molds:
-mold contain hyphae, or threadlike filaments
-grows on the surface of food and drinks and is easily seen
-mold needs an organic host and specific organic matter to grow
-mold is an aerobic (needs oxygen)
Things to remember about yeasts:
-yeast tends to grow within food and is not eastly seen
-yeast needs an organic host to grow and break down carbohydrates and sugars to cause fermentation
-yeast is an aerobic and anaerobic organism and grows with or without oxygen
How bacteria contamination occurs
While bacteria can move on their own, more often they are transported from one place to another.
raw food can be contaminated by bacteria by?
-being processed improperly
-being handled carelessly
-cross-contamination from other foods
-cross contamination from an improperly cleaned surface
Food borne disease are any type of illness that results from
ingestion of food contaminated by such things as pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and viruses.
Foodborne disease of foodborne illness- groups that are most volunerable include?
-elderly individuals
-pregnant women and unborn babies
-children six years and younger
-those who are already ill, recovering from an illness, or immune-compromised
Part of being infected with foodborne disease means dealing with unpleasant symptoms -including?
-Abdominal pain and cramps
-nausea and vomiting
-fever and headache
food spoilage can be caused by such things as?
rough handling,
exaggerated high/low keeping temperature,
bacteria, enzymes,
mold, and pest.
how can food spoilage be detected
smell, texture feel, taste
gut-feeling- not use at all