9. Behavioral Therapies Flashcards
What is learning the association of things that take place together* in time?
Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning occurs when theres a repeated pairing of a neutral unconditioned stimulus (UCS) with one that evokes a response (unconditioned response UCR), so that the neutral stimulus eventually comes to evoke that same response which is known and the conditioned stimulus and?
conditioned response
Dog smells meat powder beings to salivate naturally, then dog presented with meat powder and bell ring at same time, then without meat powder but ringing the bell causes?
salivation - which is a conditioned response
What can occur after classical conditioning in which the learned response (salivation) discontinues by exposing the dog to food without hearing the bell, must be done MANY times?
What occurs when other similar stimuli/situations also become the conditioned stimuli for the conditioned response?
CS of white rat –> afraid of white bunny/ white coat/ santa clauss cause of white beard
Behavioral therapy is availible for phobias where a feared conditioned stimulus is paired with relaxation to decrease anxiety/ calm the patient when presented with the CS, relaxation activities include hypnosis, progressive muscle relaxation and?
What behavioral therapy name has the following steps…
- make a list of hierarchy of fears
- select feared object low on list and use relaxation
- select feared object medium and use relax condition
- Fear object higher and use relax conditioning
- Select fear at top of list and use relaxation classical coniditioning
Systematic Desensitization
exposure tx
What conditioning is learning the association of things that take place sequentially?
Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning occurs when responses that have a positive effect are likely to increase or responses that have an unpleasant effect are likely to?
Reinforcement- results in increased behavior
Punishment- results in decreased behavior
Positve- something is added
Negative- something is?
taken away
What occurs when behaviors increase and application of a good consequence occurs when the behavior is performed?
Positive Reinforcement
What occurs when something is added/ application of aversive consequence when behavior is performed (doesnt have to be painful)?
Positive Punishment
What occurs when behaviors decrease/ there is removal of good consequence when behavior is performed?
Negative Punishment
What occurs when something is taken away/ there is removal of aversive stimuli when the behavior is performed?
Negative Reinforcement
Name the following type of operant conditioning…
medicare adds extra money to payment for patients visit –> physician increases rate of referring patients for colonoscopy
Positive Reinforcement (something is added = money, behavior increases= refers for patients for colon)
Name the following type of operant conditioning…
Child stops whining when parent buys candy at the cash register –> parent learns to buy more candy (cause candy stops whining)
Negative Reinforcement (something is taken away= child stops whining, behavior increases = parent buys more candy)
Name the following type of operant conditioning…
Child is made to kneel on rice after parents discover lies –> decrease in child lying
Positive Punishment (something is added= child kneels on rice, behavior decreases = less lying)
Name the following type of operant conditioning…
Freedom is removed by going to jail after committing a crime –> decrease in crime
Negative Punishment (most familiar) (something is taken away= freedom, behavior decreases= less criminal behavior)
Note: the reinforcements and punishments occur AFTER (sequentially) the behavior, a fundamental distinction from classical conditioning which is when two stimuli?
occur together
Punishment is often not effective- spanking is not recommended… children who are spanked are more likely to become adults who are depressed, use alcohol, have more anger, hit their own children/spouses and engage in crime and violence