6. Clinical Approach to Trauma and Stress Related Disorders Flashcards
What disorder occurs when a person is exposed to a traumatic event in which both are present: person experienced/witnessed actual or threated death/injury integrity of self or others?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD also can occur when the person persistently re-experiences the traumatic event, persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, experiences increased arousal (hypervigilant) such as cant sleep, irritability, and?
Difficulty Concentrating
There are negative* cognitions associated with PTSD which include persistent and distorted sense of blame of self or others, estrangement from others, markedly diminished interest in activities and inability to remember?
key aspects of the event
PTSD is clinically significant distress and impairs function, duration of the disturbance and symptoms must be longer than?
1 month!
Treatment for PTSD includes cognitive processing therapy such as support groups*, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), increased risk of substance abuse such as alcohol and xanax, and what medication is used?
SSRIs to treat PTSD
Avoid addictive Rx such as benzos
Trauma faced which can lead to PTSD include domestic or family violence, shootings, sexual abuse, car accident, natural disaster, violent death, dog attack or even a major?
surgery or life-threatening illness
20% of veterans from most recent war have PTSD, 50% dont seek treatment, 19% of veterans may have a TBI, and there is higher rates of suicide per day which is around?
22-24 suicides per day
What disorder has similar symptoms to PTSD but the duration is different; it lasts for 3 days to 1 month post traumatic experience?
Acute Stress Disorder (less than 1 month of symptoms)
What disorder is the development of emotional/behavioral symptoms in response to identifiable stressors, occuring within *3months of the stressor- stressors like cancer or sickness?
Adjustment Disorder
Adjustment Disorder results in significant distress out of proportion to severity of stressor and or impairment of functioning… It is not normal grief or bereavement and usually does not persist beyond?
6 months
Adjustment Disorder with depressed mood presents as low mood, tearfulness, feelings of hopelessness. Adjustment Disorder with what presents as nervousness, worry, jitteriness, or separation anxiety?
Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety
Adjustment Disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood has a combo of depression and anxiety present. Adjustment Disorder with what has a predominance of disturbance of conduct?
Adjustment Disorder with disturbance of conduct
What is a somatoform disorder in which the pt has preoccupation with imagined defect in the body, usually of the face, frequent visits to dermatologist/plastic surgeon, associated with depression/OCD?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
What disorder is AKA functional neurological symptom disorder, and has diagnostic criteria of the following:
- 1+ sxs affecting voluntary motor/sensory function
- psychological factors 3. sx is not intentionally produced 4. sx cannot be explained after appropriate investigation 5. sx causes distress/ impairment socially/occupationally
Conversion Disorder
Conversion Disorder has symptoms that have no reason why, including: paresthesias, anesthesias, weakness, paralysis, involuntary movements (tremors), *blindness, mutism and?
Pseudoseizures/ psychogenic seizures in which the pt talks during it and EMG is normal
What disorder occurs when the pt has voluntary control of symptoms, makes self sick via self injected saliva/feces, with bizarre or unusual symptoms? **usually has a HUGE medical file
Factitious Disorder
What is a type of factitious disorder NOS (not otherwise specified) in which production of intentional symptoms in another individual (usually child) for the purpose of having the other person assume the sick role?
Munchausen by proxy
Tx for somatoform disorders include a well established therapeutic relationship, *team approach - pain management, neuro/psych, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis and antianxiety meds are last line, including?
What dissociative disorder is the inability to recall imporant personal information, usually information regarding traumatic experience?
Dissociated Amnesia
What dissociative disorder occurs due to sudden unexpected travel away from home, inability to recall one’s past/personal identity?
Dissociated Fugue
What dissociative disorder was formerly known as multiple personality disorder and are often surviviors of sexual abuse?
Dissociative Identity disorder
All of the following are what kind of disorders? intermittent explosive disorder kleptomania (urge to steal) pyromania (urge with fire) pathological gambling trichotillomania (pulling hair)
Impulse Control Disorders (Not otherwise classified)