9 - Aphasia Treatments II Flashcards
What are Aphasia Models?
Framework (or representation or set of principles) explaining how something works
Offering uniform language for individuals from difference areas (disciplines, training programs, etc.) to communicate
What are Aphasia Treatment Approaches?
Philosophical way or manner that you approach treatment.
How you go about doing something to accomplish your goal (treatment)
What are Aphasia Treatment Techniques?
The specific thing that you do to accomplish your goal.
The techniques are strategies or tasks that you use to accomplish the goal.
What are Aphasia Targets?
The specific aspect of language that you are addressing (e.g. word finding, sentence comprehension, sentence level oral reading
What are three adult language models?
Resource Allocation
What are six adult language treatment models?
Stimulation – Facilitation
Minor Hemisphere Mediation
Functional Communication
What are two Motor Speech models?
Function (Van der Merwe model of motor speech planning/programming)
Treatment (Mayo Clinic Model)
What are three Language Development models?
Content-Form-Use (Bloom + Lahey)
Optimality Theory
Native Language Magnet Model
What are nine Treatment Approaches for Aphasia?
Response Elaboration Training
Promoting Aphasic Communicative Effectiveness
Life Participation Approach
Social Approach
Language Oriented Treatment
Constraint Induced Language Therapy
Communicative Speech Therapy
Computer Applications in Aphasia
Treatment Group Treatment
What are four Treatment Approaches for aphasia?
Response Elaboration Training
Promoting Aphasic Communication Effectiveness
Life Participation Approach
Constraint Induced Language Therapy
What are ten treatment targets?
Auditory comprehension
Single word comprehension
Sentence comprehension
Discourse comprehension
Reading comprehension
Expressive language/speech production
Word retrieval
Sentence production
Connect speech
What is the “Bottom-up” model for Auditory Comprehension?
Start with physical characteristics of the message
Work way through series of levels until the message is comprehended
What is the “Top-down” model for Auditory Comprehension?
Begin with general expectations about what a speaker is likely to say
Use general knowledge to prove or disprove their expectations
Resort to lower-level linguistic analyses only when higher-level processes leave speakers meaning in doubt
How is Single Word Comprehension usually treated?
Typically consists of pointing drills to an array of pictures or objects
Single word drills are appropriate for patients with severe comprehension impairments; cannot comprehend phrase length utterances
Not appropriate for patients with spared phrase length comprehension • Word level comprehension may be intermittent
What are three different ways of targeting Sentence Comprehension?
Answering questions (yes-no, open ended)
Following spoken direction (1-step, multistep)
Sentence verification (sentence-to-picture match, multiple choice)
Why is Discourse Comprehension important?
Difficulty determined by what the patient is asked to comprehend and remember from the discourse and not content and structure
Individuals with aphasia retain some discourse comprehension even in mild-moderate aphasia
Why is it important to target Reading Comprehension?
Most individuals with aphasia have reduced reading comprehension
What deficits may lead to difficulties in Reading Comprehension?
Reading processes
Word recognition
Syntactic analysis
Semantic mapping
What are four ways to target Reading Comprehension?
Functional Reading (Survival reading skills)
Single Word Reading
Sentence Reading
Paragraph + Text Reading
What are four ways to target Expressive Language/Speech Production?
Phrase and sentence completion
Word and phrase repetition
Confrontation naming, show picture
Responsive naming
What are five coping behaviors for Word Retrieval?
Semantic association
Phonetic association
What are four ways to target Sentence Production?
Repetition-elaboration drill
Story completion
Question-answer drill
Picture-story elaboration
What are three ways to target Connected Speech?
Picture description
Story telling
What are four days to target Writing?
Survival writing
Single words
How should we consider Resource Allocation when considering treatments?
Cognitive Processes (mental operations)
Processing Resources (mental energy)
What three things do we need consider when designing treatment sessions?
Frequency and Duration - standard (Compromised medical + physical condition)
Complexity of Treatment (Multiple objectives: language, speech, etc)
Logistics (Need to be flexible - ambulatory vs non-ambulatory, travel, reimbursement)
How should we give instructions during treatment sessions?
Tell patient what you are doing
Be clear and concise
Delivered instructions at a rate the patient can understand
Presented at patient level of understanding
How should we give feedback during treatment sessions?
Incentive Feedback
Information Feedback
General Encouragement